
564 lines
21 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* RDMHttpModule.h
* This module acts as the http -> olad gateway for RDM commands.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Simon Newton
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ola/OlaCallbackClient.h"
#include "ola/rdm/RDMAPI.h"
#include "ola/rdm/UID.h"
#include "ola/web/JsonSections.h"
#include "olad/HttpModule.h"
#include "olad/HttpServer.h"
namespace ola {
using std::string;
using ola::rdm::UID;
* The module that deals with RDM requests.
class RDMHttpModule: public HttpModule {
RDMHttpModule(HttpServer *http_server,
class OlaCallbackClient *client);
int RunRDMDiscovery(const HttpRequest *request, HttpResponse *response);
int JsonUIDs(const HttpRequest *request, HttpResponse *response);
int JsonSupportedPIDs(const HttpRequest *request, HttpResponse *response);
int JsonSupportedSections(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response);
int JsonSectionInfo(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response);
int JsonSaveSectionInfo(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response);
void PruneUniverseList(const vector<OlaUniverse> &universes);
typedef struct {
string manufacturer;
string device;
bool active;
} resolved_uid;
typedef enum {
} uid_resolve_action;
typedef struct {
map<UID, resolved_uid> resolved_uids;
std::queue<std::pair<UID, uid_resolve_action> > pending_uids;
bool uid_resolution_running;
bool active;
} uid_resolution_state;
HttpServer *m_server;
class OlaCallbackClient *m_client;
ola::rdm::RDMAPI m_rdm_api;
map<unsigned int, uid_resolution_state*> m_universe_uids;
typedef struct {
string id;
string name;
string hint;
} section_info;
struct lt_section_info {
bool operator()(const section_info &left, const section_info &right) {
return <;
typedef struct {
unsigned int universe_id;
const UID uid;
string hint;
string device_model;
string software_version;
} device_info;
typedef struct {
unsigned int universe_id;
const UID *uid;
bool include_descriptions;
unsigned int active;
unsigned int next;
unsigned int total;
vector<std::pair<uint32_t, string> > personalities;
} personality_info;
RDMHttpModule(const RDMHttpModule&);
RDMHttpModule& operator=(const RDMHttpModule&);
// uid resolution methods
void HandleUIDList(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const ola::rdm::UIDSet &uids,
const string &error);
void ResolveNextUID(unsigned int universe_id);
void UpdateUIDManufacturerLabel(unsigned int universe,
UID uid,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &device_label);
void UpdateUIDDeviceLabel(unsigned int universe,
UID uid,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &device_label);
uid_resolution_state *GetUniverseUids(unsigned int universe);
uid_resolution_state *GetUniverseUidsOrCreate(unsigned int universe);
// supported params / sections
void SupportedParamsHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const vector<uint16_t> &pids);
void SupportedSectionsHandler(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe,
UID uid,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const vector<uint16_t> &pids);
void SupportedSectionsDeviceInfoHandler(
HttpResponse *response,
const vector<uint16_t> pids,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const ola::rdm::DeviceDescriptor &device);
// section methods
string GetDeviceInfo(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetSoftwareVersionHandler(HttpResponse *response,
device_info dev_info,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &software_version);
void GetDeviceModelHandler(HttpResponse *response,
device_info dev_info,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &device_model);
void GetDeviceInfoHandler(HttpResponse *response,
device_info dev_info,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const ola::rdm::DeviceDescriptor &device);
string GetProductIds(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetProductIdsHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const vector<uint16_t> &ids);
string GetManufacturerLabel(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetManufacturerLabelHandler(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID uid,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &label);
string GetDeviceLabel(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetDeviceLabelHandler(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID uid,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &label);
string SetDeviceLabel(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetFactoryDefaults(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void FactoryDefaultsHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
bool defaults);
string SetFactoryDefault(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetLanguage(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetSupportedLanguagesHandler(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID uid,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const vector<string> &languages);
void GetLanguageHandler(HttpResponse *response,
vector<string> languages,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &language);
string SetLanguage(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetBootSoftware(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetBootSoftwareLabelHandler(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID uid,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const string &label);
void GetBootSoftwareVersionHandler(
HttpResponse *response,
string label,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint32_t version);
string GetPersonalities(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetPersonalityHandler(
HttpResponse *response,
personality_info *info,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t current,
uint8_t total);
void GetNextPersonalityDescription(HttpResponse *response,
personality_info *info);
void GetPersonalityLabelHandler(
HttpResponse *response,
personality_info *info,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t personality,
uint16_t slot_count,
const string &label);
void SendPersonalityResponse(HttpResponse *response,
personality_info *info);
string SetPersonality(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetStartAddress(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void GetStartAddressHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint16_t address);
string SetStartAddress(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetSensor(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void SensorDefinitionHandler(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID uid,
uint8_t sensor_id,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const ola::rdm::SensorDescriptor &definition);
void SensorValueHandler(HttpResponse *response,
ola::rdm::SensorDescriptor *definition,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const ola::rdm::SensorValueDescriptor &value);
string RecordSensor(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetDeviceHours(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetDeviceHours(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetLampHours(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetLampHours(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetLampStrikes(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetLampStrikes(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetLampState(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void LampStateHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t state);
string SetLampState(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetLampMode(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void LampModeHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t mode);
string SetLampMode(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetPowerCycles(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetPowerCycles(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetDisplayInvert(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void DisplayInvertHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t value);
string SetDisplayInvert(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetDisplayLevel(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void DisplayLevelHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t value);
string SetDisplayLevel(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetPanInvert(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetPanInvert(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetTiltInvert(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetTiltInvert(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetPanTiltSwap(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetPanTiltSwap(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetClock(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void ClockHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
const ola::rdm::ClockValue &clock);
string GetIdentifyMode(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string SetIdentifyMode(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
string GetPowerState(HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
void PowerStateHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t value);
string SetPowerState(const HttpRequest *request,
HttpResponse *response,
unsigned int universe_id,
const UID &uid);
// util methods
bool CheckForInvalidId(const HttpRequest *request,
unsigned int *universe_id);
bool CheckForInvalidUid(const HttpRequest *request, UID **uid);
void SetHandler(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status);
void GenericUIntHandler(HttpResponse *response,
string description,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint32_t value);
void GenericUInt8BoolHandler(HttpResponse *response,
string description,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
uint8_t value);
void GenericBoolHandler(HttpResponse *response,
string description,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
bool value);
bool CheckForRDMError(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status);
int RespondWithError(HttpResponse *response, const string &error);
void RespondWithSection(HttpResponse *response,
const ola::web::JsonSection &section);
bool CheckForRDMSuccess(const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status);
bool CheckForRDMSuccessWithError(const ola::rdm::ResponseStatus &status,
string *error);
void HandleBoolResponse(HttpResponse *response, const string &error);
void AddSection(vector<section_info> *sections,
const string &section_id,
const string &section_name,
const string &hint="");
static const uint32_t INVALID_PERSONALITY = 0xffff;
static const char HINT_KEY[];
static const char ID_KEY[];
static const char SECTION_KEY[];
static const char UID_KEY[];
static const char ADDRESS_FIELD[];
static const char DISPLAY_INVERT_FIELD[];
static const char GENERIC_BOOL_FIELD[];
static const char GENERIC_STRING_FIELD[];
static const char GENERIC_UINT_FIELD[];
static const char IDENTIFY_FIELD[];
static const char LABEL_FIELD[];
static const char LANGUAGE_FIELD[];
static const char RECORD_SENSOR_FIELD[];
static const char BOOT_SOFTWARE_SECTION[];
static const char CLOCK_SECTION[];
static const char DEVICE_HOURS_SECTION[];
static const char DEVICE_INFO_SECTION[];
static const char DEVICE_LABEL_SECTION[];
static const char DISPLAY_INVERT_SECTION[];
static const char DISPLAY_LEVEL_SECTION[];
static const char DMX_ADDRESS_SECTION[];
static const char FACTORY_DEFAULTS_SECTION[];
static const char IDENTIFY_SECTION[];
static const char LAMP_HOURS_SECTION[];
static const char LAMP_MODE_SECTION[];
static const char LAMP_STATE_SECTION[];
static const char LAMP_STRIKES_SECITON[];
static const char LANGUAGE_SECTION[];
static const char PAN_INVERT_SECTION[];
static const char PAN_TILT_SWAP_SECTION[];
static const char PERSONALITY_SECTION[];
static const char POWER_CYCLES_SECTION[];
static const char POWER_STATE_SECTION[];
static const char PRODUCT_DETAIL_SECTION[];
static const char SENSOR_SECTION[];
static const char TILT_INVERT_SECTION[];
} // ola