
420 lines
9.5 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Copyright 2004-2005 Simon Newton
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <artnet/artnet.h>
#define DEFAULT_DEVICE "/dev/dmx0"
#define DEFAULT_DEVICE2 "/dev/dmx1"
#define DEFAULT_DEVICE3 "/dev/dmx2"
#define DEFAULT_DEVICE4 "/dev/dmx3"
#define UNCONNECTED -1
#define LONG_NAME "Netgear Wireless Artnet Node"
typedef struct {
int verbose ;
char *dev[ARTNET_MAX_PORTS];
char *ip_addr ;
int subnet_addr ;
int port_addr ;
int persist ;
int num_ports;
char *short_name ;
char *long_name ;
char *config_file ;
} opts_t;
typedef struct {
opts_t *ops ;
int port_id ;
} thread_args_t ;
pthread_mutex_t mem_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER ;
int do_write(opts_t *ops, int pid, uint8_t *buf, int length) {
int res ;
res = write(ops->fd[pid], buf, length);
if (res < 0){
/* if you unplug devices from the dongle
perror("Error writing to device");
res = close(ops->fd[pid]) ;
if(res < 0)
perror("close ") ;
ops->fd[pid] = UNCONNECTED ;
return -1 ;
if(res > 0 && ops->verbose)
printf("p%d: 0x%02hhx, 0x%02hhx, 0x%02hhx, 0x%02hhx length %d\n", pid, buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4] , length) ;
return 0;
void *thread_run(void *arg) {
thread_args_t *args = (thread_args_t*) arg ;
uint8_t buf[ARTNET_DMX_LENGTH+1] ;
int *pid = &args->port_id ;
// int len ;
args->ops->fd[*pid] = open(args->ops->dev[*pid],O_WRONLY) ;
while(1) {
if(args->ops->fd[*pid] == UNCONNECTED) {
sleep(1) ;
args->ops->fd[*pid] = open(args->ops->dev[*pid],O_WRONLY) ;
if(args->ops->fd[*pid] == -1 && args->ops->verbose)
printf("open %s: %s\n",args->ops->dev[*pid], strerror(errno) ) ;
} else {
pthread_mutex_lock(&mem_mutex) ;
memcpy(buf, args->ops->dmx[*pid], ARTNET_DMX_LENGTH+1) ;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mem_mutex) ;
do_write(args->ops, *pid, buf, ARTNET_DMX_LENGTH+1) ;
// sleep(1) ;
/* for(i = 513; i >=0; i--) {
if(buff[i] != buf[i])
break ;
if(i>0) {
return NULL ;
* Called when we have dmx data pending
int dmx_handler(artnet_node n, int port, void *d) {
uint8_t *data ;
opts_t *ops = (opts_t *) d ;
int len ;
if(port < ops->num_ports) {
data = artnet_read_dmx(n, port, &len) ;
pthread_mutex_lock(&mem_mutex) ;
memcpy(&ops->dmx[port][1], data, len) ;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mem_mutex) ;
return 0;
* saves the settings to the config file
int save_config(opts_t *ops) {
FILE *fh ;
printf("in save config\n") ;
if ((fh = fopen(ops->config_file, "w")) == NULL ) {
perror("fopen") ;
return -1 ;
fprintf(fh, "# artnet_usb config file\n") ;
fprintf(fh, "Shortname=%s\n", ops->short_name) ;
fprintf(fh, "Longname=%s\n", ops->long_name) ;
fprintf(fh, "Subnet=%i\n", ops->subnet_addr) ;
fprintf(fh, "Port=%i\n", ops->port_addr);
fclose(fh) ;
return 0 ;
* Load the settings from config file
int load_config(opts_t *ops) {
#define BUF_SIZE 1024
FILE *fh ;
char buf[1024], *c ;
char *key, *data ;
if(ops->config_file == NULL)
return -1;
if ((fh = fopen(ops->config_file, "r")) == NULL ) {
perror("fopen") ;
return -1 ;
while ( fgets(buf, 1024, fh) != NULL) {
if(*buf == '#')
continue ;
// strip \n
for(c = buf ; *c != '\n' ; c++) ;
*c = '\0' ;
key = strtok(buf, "=") ;
data = strtok(NULL, "=") ;
if(key == NULL || data == NULL)
continue ;
if(strcmp(key, "Shortname") == 0) {
free(ops->short_name) ;
ops->short_name = strdup(data) ;
} else if(strcmp(key, "Longname") == 0) {
free(ops->long_name) ;
ops->long_name = strdup(data) ;
} else if(strcmp(key, "Subnet") == 0) {
ops->subnet_addr = atoi(data) ;
} else if(strcmp(key, "Port") == 0 ) {
ops->port_addr = atoi(data) ;
fclose(fh) ;
return 0 ;
* called when to node configuration changes,
* we need to save the configuration to a file
int program_handler(artnet_node n, void *d) {
opts_t *ops = (opts_t*) d ;
artnet_node_config_t config ;
artnet_get_config(n, &config) ;
free(ops->short_name) ;
free(ops->long_name) ;
ops->short_name = strdup(config.short_name) ;
ops->long_name = strdup(config.long_name) ;
ops->subnet_addr = config.subnet ;
ops->port_addr = config.out_ports[0] ;
save_config(ops) ;
return 0 ;
* Main function
int run(opts_t *ops) {
artnet_node node ;
pthread_t tid[ARTNET_MAX_PORTS] ;
thread_args_t targ[ARTNET_MAX_PORTS] ;
int i ;
load_config(ops) ;
// create new artnet node, and set config values
node = artnet_new(ops->ip_addr, ops->verbose) ; ;
artnet_set_short_name(node, ops->short_name) ;
artnet_set_long_name(node, ops->long_name) ;
artnet_set_node_type(node, ARTNET_NODE) ;
artnet_set_subnet_addr(node, ops->subnet_addr) ;
// we want to be notified when the node config changes
artnet_set_program_handler(node, program_handler, (void*) ops) ;
artnet_set_dmx_handler(node, dmx_handler, (void*) ops) ;
for(i=0; i < ops->num_ports ; i++) {
// set the first port to output dmx data
artnet_set_port_type(node, i, ARTNET_ENABLE_OUTPUT, ARTNET_PORT_DMX) ;
// set the universe address of the first port
artnet_set_port_addr(node, i, ARTNET_OUTPUT_PORT, ops->port_addr+i) ;
targ[i].ops = ops ;
targ[i].port_id = i ;
if( pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, &thread_run, (void*) &targ[i]) ) {
printf("pthread failed\n") ;
artnet_start(node) ;
while(1) {
// set a 1 second timeout on the read
// this way we send a DMX frame every second
// even if we don't get any ArtNet packets
artnet_read(node, 1) ;
return 0 ;
* Set our default options, command line args will overide this
void init_ops(opts_t *ops) {
int i ;
ops->verbose = 0;
ops->ip_addr = NULL ;
ops->subnet_addr = 0 ;
ops->port_addr = 0 ;
ops->persist = 0;
ops->num_ports = 1;
for(i=0; i < ARTNET_MAX_PORTS; i++) {
ops->fd[i] = UNCONNECTED ;
memset(ops->dmx[i], 0x00, ARTNET_DMX_LENGTH+1) ;
// dodgy but saves using vasprintf
ops->dev[0] = strdup(DEFAULT_DEVICE) ;
ops->dev[1] = strdup(DEFAULT_DEVICE2) ;
ops->dev[2] = strdup(DEFAULT_DEVICE3) ;
ops->dev[3] = strdup(DEFAULT_DEVICE4) ;
ops->short_name = strdup(SHORT_NAME) ;
ops->long_name = strdup(LONG_NAME) ;
ops->config_file = NULL ;
* Parse command lines options and save in opts_s struct
void parse_args(opts_t *ops, int argc, char *argv[]) {
// parse args
int optc, port_addr, subnet_addr, num_ports ;
// parse options
while ((optc = getopt (argc, argv, "c:s:p:d:a:vn:z")) != EOF) {
switch (optc) {
case 'a':
free(ops->ip_addr) ;
ops->ip_addr = (char *) strdup(optarg) ;
case 'c':
free(ops->config_file) ;
ops->config_file = (char *) strdup(optarg) ;
case 'v':
ops->verbose = 1 ;
case 'd':
free(ops->dev) ;
ops->dev[0] = (char *) strdup(optarg) ;
case 's':
subnet_addr = atoi(optarg) ;
if(subnet_addr < 0 && subnet_addr > 15)
printf("Subnet address must be between 0 and 15\n") ;
ops->subnet_addr = subnet_addr ;
break ;
case 'n':
num_ports = atoi(optarg) ;
if(num_ports < 1 || num_ports > ARTNET_MAX_PORTS) {
printf("number of ports must be between 1 and %d\n", ARTNET_MAX_PORTS) ;
} else
ops->num_ports = num_ports ;
break ;
case 'p':
port_addr = atoi(optarg) ;
if(port_addr < 0 && port_addr > 15)
printf("Port address must be between 0 and 15\n") ;
ops->port_addr = port_addr ;
break ;
case 'z':
ops->persist = 1 ;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int statloc, pid ;
opts_t ops ;
init_ops(&ops) ;
parse_args(&ops, argc, argv) ;
// we don't load ops here
// else if we restart and the options have been remote
// programed we'll have to old ones
if(ops.persist) {
while(1) {
if( (pid = fork() ) == 0) {
// child ;
run(&ops) ;
exit(1) ;
} else {
// parent
pid = wait(&statloc) ;
printf("Child %i terminated, restarting\n", pid) ;
} else
run(&ops) ;
return 0;