
1.1 KiB


Redis and ARDB overview

  • Redis on TCP port 6379
    • DB 0 - Cache hostname/dns
    • DB 1 - Paste meta-data
  • Redis on TCP port 6380 - Redis Log only
  • Redis on TCP port 6381
    • DB 0 - PubSub + Queue and Paste content LRU cache
    • DB 1 - Mixer Cache
  • ARDB on TCP port 6382
    • DB 1 - Curve
    • DB 2 - Trending
    • DB 3 - Terms
    • DB 4 - Sentiments
  • ARDB on TCP port
    • DB 0 - Lines duplicate
    • DB 1 - Hashes

ARDB overview

  • DB 7 - Metadata: ----------------------------------------- BASE64 ----------------------------------------

    HSET - 'metadata_hash:'+hash 'saved_path' saved_path 'size' size 'first_seen' first_seen 'last_seen' last_seen 'estimated_type' estimated_type 'vt_link' vt_link 'vt_report' vt_report 'nb_seen_in_all_pastes' nb_seen_in_all_pastes

    SET - 'base64_paste:'+paste hash *

    ZADD - 'base64_date:'+20180622 hash * nb_seen_this_day

    ZADD - 'base64_hash'+hash paste * nb_seen_in_paste

    SET - 'hash_all_type' hash_type

    ZADD - 'base64_type:'+type date nb_seen