4 ReleaseCheckList
Alexandre Dulaunoy edited this page 2019-04-27 09:15:00 +02:00


  • Update version in the VERSION.json file (don't forget to commit it)
{"major":2, "minor":4, "hotfix":x}
public $pyMispVersion = '2.4.x';
  • Change the javascript query string whenever the misp.js file gets altered to force a re-download.
private $__jsVersion = '2.4.x';
  • Tagging the HEAD with the appropriate version

    • Format is v2.4.x where x is your release version
    • It's highly recommended to sign (-s) with PGP while tagging a release
  • Push the update including the tag to the GitHub repository


  • Update the version of PyMISP in pymisp/__init__.py
__version__ = '2.4.x'
  • pypi update


  • Tag misp-modules with the same version as MISP core


  • Generate the Changelog.txt using gitchangelog - assuming you have a directory with MISP core repository and the misp-website git repository at the same level
gitchangelog >../misp-website/Changelog.txt
cd ..
gitchangelog >../misp-website/PyMISP-Changelog.txt
  • Update the misp-website repo and update the websites (misp-project.org on github and misp.software)
bundle exec jekyll build
rsync -v -rz --checksum  _site/ adulau@kb.quuxlabs.com:/home/adulau/website/misp
rake2.0 -f Rakefile publish
  • Create a blog post with the major changes in MISP project for the release
  • Create a GitHub release and include the blog post in the GitHub release (attached to the matching tag)