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Message passing

The MISP instance is producing data that is send through ZMQ.

The script zmq_subscriber.py tries to subscribe to it. Depending on the received message, it forwards the message to function that will handle it. Usually, these messages are parsed and useful functions in *_helper might be called.

Real time data are sent to their respective server's Redis pubsub channel

Message passing

Redis database

Module Feature Key name Key type Key content
Geolocalisation Coordinate per day GEO_COORD:date zset {lat: xx, lon: yy}
Geolocalisation Country per day GEO_COUNTRY:date zset ISO_CODE
Geolocalisation Coordinate and value per radius GEO_RAD:date geo { categ: xx, value: yy }
Contribution Contribution per day (monthly points) CONTRIB_DAY:date zset org
Contribution Category contributed per day CONTRIB_CATEG:date:categ zset org
Contribution Last org that contributed CONTRIB_LAST:date zset org
Contribution All org collected from the ZMQ CONTRIB_ALL_ORG set org
Contribution Acquired contribution requirement CONTRIB_ORG:org:req
string integer
req is one of: points
Contribution Acquired trophy points CONTRIB_TROPHY:categ zset org
Contribution Last org to get a trophy or badge CONTRIB_LAST_AWARDS:date zset org