A dashboard for a real-time overview of threat intelligence from MISP instances
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Sami Mokaddem a5b3931342 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:MISP/misp-dashboard 2017-10-30 08:41:24 +01:00
config Merge branch 'master' of github.com:MISP/misp-dashboard 2017-10-30 08:41:24 +01:00
static STILL MESSING WITH DEPS 2017-10-27 22:44:46 +02:00
templates Added MISP logo 2017-10-27 22:19:51 +02:00
LICENSE add: LICENSE added 2017-10-28 10:33:24 +02:00
README.md Create README.md 2017-10-27 23:03:23 +02:00
install_dependencies.sh fix: make GeoLite City downloaded by default 2017-10-28 10:27:31 +02:00
retreive_map_pic.py Started support of MISP ZMQ 2017-10-13 15:03:09 +02:00
server.py switching to globalRedis + harmonization ui live-dashboard 2017-10-27 16:36:27 +02:00
start.sh Display the number of log message in a dynamic chart + started support of multiple feeds 2017-08-24 16:02:28 +02:00
zmq_subscriber.py switching to globalRedis + harmonization ui live-dashboard 2017-10-27 16:36:27 +02:00



A Dashboard showing live data and statistics from the MISP ZMQ


  • Launch ./install_dependencies.sh from the MISP-Dashboard directory
  • Update the configuration file config.cfg so that it matches your system
    • Fields that you may change:
      • RedisGlobal -> host
      • RedisGlobal -> port
      • RedisLog -> zmq_url
      • RedisMap -> pathMaxMindDB

Starting the System

  • Activate your virtualenv . ./DASHENV/bin/activate
  • Listen to the MISP feed by starting the zmq_subscriber ./zmq_subscriber.py
  • Start the Flask server ./server.py

zmq_subscriber options

A zmq subscriber. It subscribe to a ZMQ then redispatch it to the MISP-dashboard

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n ZMQNAME, --name ZMQNAME
                        The ZMQ feed name
  -u ZMQURL, --url ZMQURL
                        The URL to connect to