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# MISP Docker images
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A production ready Docker MISP image (formerly hosted at https://github.com/ostefano/docker-misp, now deprecated) loosely based on CoolAcid and DSCO builds, with nearly all logic rewritten and verified for correctness and portability.
Notable features:
- MISP and MISP modules are split into two different Docker images, `misp-core` and `misp-modules`
- Docker images are pushed regularly, no build required
- Lightweigth Docker images by using multiple build stages and a slim parent image
- Rely on off the shelf Docker images for Exim4, Redis, and MariaDB
- Cron jobs run updates, pushes, and pulls
- Fix supervisord process control (processes are correctly terminated upon reload)
- Fix schema update by making it completely offline (no user interaction required)
- Fix enforcement of permissions
- Fix MISP modules loading of faup library
- Fix MISP modules loading of gl library
- Add support for new background job [system](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/docs/background-jobs-migration-guide.md)
- Add support for building specific MISP and MISP-modules commits
- Add automatic configuration of syncservers (see `configure_misp.sh`)
- Add automatic configuration of authentication keys (see `configure_misp.sh`)
- Add direct push of docker images to GitHub Packages
- Consolidated `docker-compose.yml` file
- Workardound VirtioFS bug when running Docker Desktop for Mac
- ... and many others
The underlying spirit of this project is to allow "repeatable deployments", and all pull requests in this direction will be merged post-haste.
## Getting Started
- Copy the `template.env` to `.env`
- Customize `.env` based on your needs (optional step)
### Run
- `docker compose pull` if you want to use pre-built images or `docker compose build` if you want to build your own (see the `Troubleshooting` section in case of errors)
- `docker compose up`
- Login to `https://localhost`
- User: `admin@admin.test`
- Password: `admin`
Keeping the image up-to-date with upstream should be as simple as running `docker compose pull`.
### Configuration
The `docker-compose.yml` file allows further configuration settings:
"MYSQL_PASSWORD=example" # NOTE: This should be AlphaNum with no Special Chars. Otherwise, edit config files after first run.
"MISP_MODULES_FQDN=http://misp-modules" # Set the MISP Modules FQDN, used for Enrichment_services_url/Import_services_url/Export_services_url
"WORKERS=1" # Legacy variable controlling the number of parallel workers (use variables below instead)
"NUM_WORKERS_DEFAULT=5" # To set the number of default workers
"NUM_WORKERS_PRIO=5" # To set the number of prio workers
"NUM_WORKERS_EMAIL=5" # To set the number of email workers
"NUM_WORKERS_UPDATE=1" # To set the number of update workers
"NUM_WORKERS_CACHE=5" # To set the number of cache workers
New options are added on a regular basis.
#### Environment variable behaviour
Set environment variables in .env to configure settings instead of in docker-compose.yml where possible. Setting the variables in .env will allow you to pull updates from Github without issues caused by a modified docker-compose.yml file, should there be an update for it.
Environment variable driven settings are enforced every time the misp-core container starts. This means that if you change the config.php file or database for a setting that has a set environment variable, it will be changed to the environment variable value upon next container start. Empty environment variables may have a safe default which is enforced instead.
If you push a change to add or remove an environment variable, please look in "core/files/etc/misp-docker/" for json files with "envars" in the name and adjust there.
#### Unset safe default settings behaviour
The misp-core container has definitions for minimum safe default settings which are set if needed each time the container starts. They will only be set if there is no existing entry in the config.php file or database for these settings. If you specify a custom value for any of these settings it will be respected. See the definitions of these in "core/files/etc/misp-docker" where the filenames contain the word "defaults".
#### Storing system settings in the DB
This container includes the "ENABLE_DB_SETTINGS" environment variable, which can be used to set "MISP.system_setting_db" to true or false. This changes the behaviour of where MISP chooses to store operator made settings changes; in config.php or in the system_settings database table. By default this is set to false.
If a setting is not defined in the DB, but is defined in config.php, it will be read out of config.php and used. This can sometimes lead to operator confusion, so please check both locations for values when troubleshooting.
If you change this setting from false to true, settings are not migrated from config.php to the database, but rather the above behaviour is relied upon.
While storing system settings in the DB works as expected most of the time, you may come across some instances where a particular setting MUST be set in the config.php file. We have tried to side-step this issue by prepopulating the config.php file with all of these settings, but there could be more. If you encounter any issues like this, please raise an issue, and try configuring the setting in the config.php file instead.
#### Overriding environment variable and unset safe default settings behaviours
If you are trying to accomplish something and the above behaviours get in the way, please let us know as this is not intended.
To override these behaviours edit the docker-compose.yml file's misp-core volume definitions to enable the "customize_misp.sh" behaviour (see the bottom of the Production section for details). The "customize_misp.sh" script triggers after the above behaviours complete and is an appropriate place to override a setting. It is suggested that you use the "/var/www/MISP/app/cake Admin setSetting" command to override a setting, as this tool is config.php file and database setting aware.
#### Adding a new setting and unsure what files to edit?
If it is just a default setting that is meant to be set if not already set by the user, add it in one of the `*.default.json` files.
If it is a setting controlled by an environment variable which is meant to override whatever is set, add it in one of the `*.envars.json` files (note that you can still specify a default value).
### Production
- It is recommended to specify the build you want run by editing `docker-compose.yml` (see here for the list of available tags https://github.com/orgs/MISP/packages)
- Directory volume mount SSL Certs `./ssl`: `/etc/ssl/certs`
- Certificate File: `cert.pem`
- Certificate Key File: `key.pem`
- CA File for Cert Authentication (optional) `ca.pem`
- Additional directory volume mounts:
- `./configs`: `/var/www/MISP/app/Config/`
- `./logs`: `/var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/`
- `./files`: `/var/www/MISP/app/files/`
- `./gnupg`: `/var/www/MISP/.gnupg/`
- If you need to automatically run additional steps each time the container starts, create a new file `files/customize_misp.sh`, and replace the variable `${CUSTOM_PATH}` inside `docker-compose.yml` with its parent path.
## Installing custom root CA certificates
Custom root CA certificates can be mounted under `/usr/local/share/ca-certificates` and will be installed during the `misp-core` container start.
**Note:** It is important to have the .crt extension on the file, otherwise it will not be processed.
# ...
- "./configs/:/var/www/MISP/app/Config/"
- "./logs/:/var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/"
- "./files/:/var/www/MISP/app/files/"
- "./ssl/:/etc/nginx/certs/"
- "./gnupg/:/var/www/MISP/.gnupg/"
# customize by replacing ${CUSTOM_PATH} with a path containing 'files/customize_misp.sh'
# - "${CUSTOM_PATH}/:/custom/"
# mount custom ca root certificates
- "./rootca.pem:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rootca.crt"
## Troubleshooting
- Make sure you run a fairly recent version of Docker and Docker Compose (if in doubt, update following the steps outlined in https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/)
- Make sure you are not running an old image or container; when in doubt run `docker system prune --volumes` and clone this repository into an empty directory
## Versioning
A GitHub Action builds both `misp-core` and `misp-modules` images automatically and pushes them to the [GitHub Package registry](https://github.com/orgs/MISP/packages). We do not use tags inside the repository; instead we tag images as they are pushed to the registry. For each build, `misp-core` and `misp-modules` images are tagged as follows:
- `misp-core:${commit-sha1}[0:7]` and `misp-modules:${commit-sha1}[0:7]` where `${commit-sha1}` is the commit hash triggering the build
- `misp-core:latest` and `misp-modules:latest` in order to track the latest builds available
- `misp-core:${CORE_TAG}` and `misp-modules:${MODULES_TAG}` reflecting the underlying version of MISP and MISP modules (as specified inside the `template.env` file at build time)
## Podman (experimental)
It is possible to run the image using `podman-systemd` rather than `docker` to:
- Run containers in **rootless** mode
- Manage containers with **systemd**
- Write container descriptions in an **ignition** file and deploy them (not covered in this documentation)
Note that this is **experimental** and it is **NOT SUPPORTED** (issues will be automatically closed).
### Configuration
Copy the following directories and files:
- Content of `experimental/podman-systemd` to `$USER/.config/containers/systemd/`
- `template.vars` to `$USER/.config/containers/systemd/vars.env`
Edit `vars.env`, and initialize the following MySQL settings:
Set the Redis password:
Set the base URL:
### Run
Reload systemd user daemon:
systemctl --user daemon-reload
Start services:
systemctl --user start mail.service
systemctl --user start db.service
systemctl --user start redis.service
systemctl --user start misp-core.service
systemctl --user start misp-modules.service
Wait a bit and check your service at `https://<IP>:10443`.
If everything checks out, you can make services persistent across reboots and logouts:
sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER
You can even set podman to check for new container versions by activating the specific timer `podman-auto-update.timer`:
systemctl --user enable podman-auto-update.timer --now