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MISP Docker
The files in this repository are used to create a Docker container running a [MISP](http://www.misp-project.org) ("Malware Information Sharing Platform") instance.
I rewrote the Docker file to split the components in multiple containers (which is more in the philosophy of Docker). Therefore there is no longer a Dockerfile in the root directory.
The MISP container needs at least a MySQL container to store the data. By default it listen to port 80. I highly recommend to serve it behind a NGinx or Apache reverse proxy.
The build is based on Ubuntu and will install all the required components. The following configuration steps are performed automatically:
* Reconfiguration of the base URL in `config.php`
* Generation of a new salt in `config.php`
* Generation of a self-signed certificate
* Optimization of the PHP environment (php.ini) to match the MISP recommended values
* Creation of the MySQL database
* Generation of the admin PGP key
## Config
* add your "*.crt" and "*.key" files to the ./proxy/ssl folder
If not implementing SSL (not recommended) then simply comment out the appropriate lines in the "./proxy/default.conf" file.
* Update "server_name" in default.conf file (will implement ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE in the future)
# Optional NGINX config
Included is an optional Docker Compose file 'docker-compose-nginx.yml' to spin up a reverse proxy to sit in front of MISP.
# Building your image
## Fetch files
$ git clone https://github.com/MISP/misp-docker
$ cd misp-docker
## Fix your environment
Edit the docker-compose.yml and change the following environment variables:
* Changed the volumes to match your local filesystem
## Build the containers
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-nginx.yml build
## Run containers
$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-nginx.yml up