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MISP modules are autonomous modules that can be used to extend MISP for new services such as expansion, import, export and workflow action.

MISP modules can be also installed and used without MISP as a standalone tool accessible via a convenient web interface.

The modules are written in Python 3 following a simple API interface. The objective is to ease the extensions of MISP functionalities without modifying core components. The API is available via a simple REST API which is independent from MISP installation or configuration and can be used with other tools.

For more information: Extending MISP with Python modules slides from MISP training.

Existing MISP modules

Expansion Modules

  • Abuse IPDB - AbuseIPDB MISP expansion module
  • OSINT DigitalSide - On demand query API for OSINT.digitalside.it project.
  • APIVoid - Module to query APIVoid with some domain attributes.
  • AssemblyLine Query - A module tu query the AssemblyLine API with a submission ID to get the submission report and parse it.
  • AssemblyLine Submit - A module to submit samples and URLs to AssemblyLine for advanced analysis, and return the link of the submission.
  • Backscatter.io - Backscatter.io module to bring mass-scanning observations into MISP.
  • BGP Ranking - Query BGP Ranking to get the ranking of an Autonomous System number.
  • BTC Scam Check - An expansion hover module to query a special dns blacklist to check if a bitcoin address has been abused.
  • BTC Steroids - An expansion hover module to get a blockchain balance from a BTC address in MISP.
  • Censys Enrich - An expansion module to enrich attributes in MISP by quering the censys.io API
  • CIRCL Passive DNS - Module to access CIRCL Passive DNS.
  • CIRCL Passive SSL - Modules to access CIRCL Passive SSL.
  • ClaamAV - Submit file to ClamAV
  • Cluster25 Expand - Module to query Cluster25 CTI.
  • Country Code - Module to expand country codes.
  • CPE Lookup - An expansion module to query the CVE search API with a cpe code to get its related vulnerabilities.
  • CrowdSec CTI - Hover module to lookup an IP in CrowdSec's CTI
  • CrowdStrike Falcon - Module to query CrowdStrike Falcon.
  • Cuckoo Submit - Submit files and URLs to Cuckoo Sandbox
  • CVE Lookup - An expansion hover module to expand information about CVE id.
  • CVE Advanced Lookup - An expansion module to query the CIRCL CVE search API for more information about a vulnerability (CVE).
  • Cytomic Orion Lookup - An expansion module to enrich attributes in MISP by quering the Cytomic Orion API
  • DBL Spamhaus Lookup - Checks Spamhaus DBL for a domain name.
  • DNS Resolver - jj
  • DOCX Enrich - Module to extract freetext from a .docx document.
  • DomainTools Lookup - DomainTools MISP expansion module.
  • EQL Query Generator - EQL query generation for a MISP attribute.
  • EUPI Lookup - A module to query the Phishing Initiative service (https://phishing-initiative.lu).
  • URL Components Extractor - Extract URL components
  • Farsight DNSDB Lookup - Module to access Farsight DNSDB Passive DNS.
  • GeoIP ASN Lookup - Query a local copy of the Maxmind Geolite ASN database (MMDB format)
  • GeoIP City Lookup - An expansion module to query a local copy of Maxmind's Geolite database with an IP address, in order to get information about the city where it is located.
  • GeoIP Country Lookup - Query a local copy of Maxminds Geolite database, updated for MMDB format
  • Google Safe Browsing Lookup - Google safe browsing expansion module
  • Google Search - An expansion hover module to expand google search information about an URL
  • Google Threat Intelligence Lookup - An expansion module to have the observable's threat score assessed by Google Threat Intelligence.
  • GreyNoise Lookup - Module to query IP and CVE information from GreyNoise
  • Hashdd Lookup - A hover module to check hashes against hashdd.com including NSLR dataset.
  • CIRCL Hashlookup Lookup - An expansion module to query the CIRCL hashlookup services to find it if a hash is part of a known set such as NSRL.
  • Have I Been Pwned Lookup - Module to access haveibeenpwned.com API.
  • HTML to Markdown - Expansion module to fetch the html content from an url and convert it into markdown.
  • HYAS Insight Lookup - HYAS Insight integration to MISP provides direct, high volume access to HYAS Insight data. It enables investigators and analysts to understand and defend against cyber adversaries and their infrastructure.
  • Intel471 Lookup - Module to access Intel 471
  • IP2Location.io Lookup - An expansion module to query IP2Location.io to gather more information on a given IP address.
  • IPASN-History Lookup - Module to query an IP ASN history service (https://github.com/D4-project/IPASN-History).
  • IPInfo.io Lookup - An expansion module to query ipinfo.io to gather more information on a given IP address.
  • IPQualityScore Lookup - IPQualityScore MISP Expansion Module for IP reputation, Email Validation, Phone Number Validation, Malicious Domain and Malicious URL Scanner.
  • IPRep Lookup - Module to query IPRep data for IP addresses.
  • Ninja Template Rendering - Render the template with the data passed
  • Joe Sandbox Import - Query Joe Sandbox API with a submission url to get the json report and extract its data that is parsed and converted into MISP attributes and objects.
  • Joe Sandbox Submit - A module to submit files or URLs to Joe Sandbox for an advanced analysis, and return the link of the submission.
  • Lastline Lookup - Deprecation notice: this module will be deprecated by December 2021, please use vmware_nsx module.

Query Lastline with an analysis link and parse the report into MISP attributes and objects.

  • Lastline Submit - Deprecation notice: this module will be deprecated by December 2021, please use vmware_nsx module.

Module to submit a file or URL to Lastline.

Export Modules

Import Modules

  • PDNS COF Importer - Passive DNS Common Output Format (COF) MISP importer
  • CSV Import - Module to import MISP attributes from a csv file.
  • Cuckoo Sandbox Import - Module to import Cuckoo JSON.
  • Email Import - Email import module for MISP
  • GoAML Import - Module to import MISP objects about financial transactions from GoAML files.
  • Import Blueprint - Generic blueprint to be copy-pasted to quickly boostrap creation of import module.
  • Joe Sandbox Import - A module to import data from a Joe Sandbox analysis json report.
  • Lastline Import - Deprecation notice: this module will be deprecated by December 2021, please use vmware_nsx module.

Module to import and parse reports from Lastline analysis links.

Action Modules

  • Mattermost - Simplistic module to send message to a Mattermost channel.
  • Slack - Simplistic module to send messages to a Slack channel.
  • Test action - This module is merely a test, always returning true. Triggers on event publishing.

How to contribute your own module?

Fork the project, add your module, test it and make a pull-request. Modules can be also private as you can add a module in your own MISP installation. For further information please see Contribute.


For further Information see also the license file.