mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-packer
- Added deploy script. Need to be run in a while loop with a sleep
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Latest version of misp
VER=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/MISP/MISP/tags |jq -r '.[0] | .name')
# Latest commit hash of misp
LATEST_COMMIT=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/MISP/MISP/commits |jq -r '.[0] | .sha')
# Update time-stamp and make sure file exists
touch /tmp/misp-latest.sha
# SHAsums to be computed
SHA_SUMS="1 256 384 512"
# Configure your user and remote server
# Place holder, this fn() should be used to anything signing related
function signify()
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "This function needs an arguments"
exit 1
# Check if latest build is still up to date, if not, roll and deploy new
if [ "${LATEST_COMMIT}" != "$(cat /tmp/misp-latest.sha)" ]; then
echo "Current MISP version is: ${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}"
# Search and replace for vm_name and make sure we can easily identify the generated VMs
cat misp.json| sed "s|\"vm_name\": \"MISP_demo\",|\"vm_name\": \"MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}\",|" > misp-deploy.json
# Build vmware VM set
/usr/local/bin/packer build -only=vmware-iso misp-deploy.json
# Build virtualbox VM set
/usr/local/bin/packer build -only=virtualbox-iso misp-deploy.json
# ZIPup all the vmware stuff
zip -r MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}-vmware.zip packer_vmware-iso_vmware-iso_sha1.checksum packer_vmware-iso_vmware-iso_sha512.checksum output-vmware-iso
# Create a hashfile for the zip
for SUMsize in `echo ${SHA_SUMS}`; do
shasum -a ${SUMsize} *.zip > MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}-vmware.zip.sha${SUMsize}
# Current file list of everything to gpg sign and transfer
FILE_LIST="MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}-vmware.zip output-virtualbox-iso/MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}.ova packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha1.checksum packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha256.checksum packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha384.checksum packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha512.checksum MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}-vmware.zip.sha1 MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}-vmware.zip.sha256 MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}-vmware.zip.sha384 MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}-vmware.zip.sha512"
# Create the latest MISP export directory
ssh ${REL_USER}@${REL_SERVER} mkdir -p export/MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}
# Sign and transfer files
for FILE in ${FILE_LIST}; do
gpg --armor --output ${FILE}.asc --detach-sig ${FILE}
rsync -azv --progress ${FILE} ${REL_USER}@${REL_SERVER}:export/MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}
rsync -azv --progress ${FILE}.asc ${REL_USER}@${REL_SERVER}:export/MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT}
ssh ${REL_USER}@${REL_SERVER} rm export/latest
ssh ${REL_USER}@${REL_SERVER} ln -s MISP_${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT} export/latest
# Remove files for next run
rm -r output-virtualbox-iso
rm -r output-vmware-iso
rm *.checksum *.zip *.sha*
rm misp-deploy.json
rm packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha1.checksum.asc
rm packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha256.checksum.asc
rm packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha384.checksum.asc
rm packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha512.checksum.asc
echo ${LATEST_COMMIT} > /tmp/misp-latest.sha
echo "Current MISP version ${VER}@${LATEST_COMMIT} is up to date."
Reference in New Issue