Added the attribute object (still missing included objects)

Iglocska 2016-10-05 17:03:02 +02:00
parent f7009e1570
commit b047a6aedc
1 changed files with 155 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -212,6 +212,161 @@ uuid, name and id are represented as a JSON string. uuid, name and id MUST be pr
{backmatter} {backmatter}
## Attribute
Attributes are used to describe the indicators and contextual data of an event. The main information contained in an attribute is made up of a category-type-value triplet,
where the category and type give meaning and context to the value. Through the various category-type combinations a wide range of information can be conveyed.
#### Sample Attribute Object
"Attribute": {
"id": "346056",
"type": "comment",
"category": "Other",
"to_ids": false,
"uuid": "57f4f6d9-cd20-458b-84fd-109ec0a83869",
"event_id": "3357",
"distribution": "5",
"timestamp": "1475679332",
"comment": "",
"sharing_group_id": "0",
"deleted": false,
"value": "Hello world",
"SharingGroup": [],
"ShadowAttribute": []
### Attribute Attributes
#### uuid
uuid represents the Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) [@!RFC4122] of the event. The uuid MUST be preserved
for any updates or transfer of the same event. UUID version 4 is RECOMMENDED when assigning it to a new event.
uuid is represented as a JSON string. uuid MUST be present.
#### id
id represents the human-readable identifier associated to the event for a specific MISP instance.
id is represented as a JSON string. id SHALL be present.
#### type
type represents the means through which an attribute tries to describe the intent of the attribute creator, using a list of pre-defined attribute types.
type is represented as a JSON string. type MUST be present and it MUST be a valid selection for the chosen category. The list of valid category-type combinations is as follows:
Internal reference
: text, link, comment, other
Targeting data
: target-user, target-email, target-machine, target-org, target-location, target-external, comment
Antivirus detection
: link, comment, text, attachment, other
Payload delivery
: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha512/224, sha512/256, ssdeep, imphash, authentihash, pehash, tlsh, filename, filename|md5, filename|sha1, filename|sha224, filename|sha256, filename|sha384, filename|sha512, filename|sha512/224, filename|sha512/256, filename|authentihash, filename|ssdeep, filename|tlsh, filename|imphash, filename|pehash, ip-src, ip-dst, hostname, domain, email-src, email-dst, email-subject, email-attachment, url, user-agent, AS, pattern-in-file, pattern-in-traffic, yara, attachment, malware-sample, link, malware-type, comment, text, vulnerability, x509-fingerprint-sha1, other
Artifacts dropped
: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha512/224, sha512/256, ssdeep, imphash, authentihash, filename, filename|md5, filename|sha1, filename|sha224, filename|sha256, filename|sha384, filename|sha512, filename|sha512/224, filename|sha512/256, filename|authentihash, filename|ssdeep, filename|tlsh, filename|imphash, filename|pehash, regkey, regkey|value, pattern-in-file, pattern-in-memory, pdb, yara, attachment, malware-sample, named pipe, mutex, windows-scheduled-task, windows-service-name, windows-service-displayname, comment, text, x509-fingerprint-sha1, other
Payload installation
: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha512/224, sha512/256, ssdeep, imphash, authentihash, pehash, tlsh, filename, filename|md5, filename|sha1, filename|sha224, filename|sha256, filename|sha384, filename|sha512, filename|sha512/224, filename|sha512/256, filename|authentihash, filename|ssdeep, filename|tlsh, filename|imphash, filename|pehash, pattern-in-file, pattern-in-traffic, pattern-in-memory, yara, vulnerability, attachment, malware-sample, malware-type, comment, text, x509-fingerprint-sha1, other
Persistence mechanism
: filename, regkey, regkey|value, comment, text, other
Network activity
: ip-src, ip-dst, hostname, domain, domain|ip, email-dst, url, uri, user-agent, http-method, AS, snort, pattern-in-file, pattern-in-traffic, attachment, comment, text, x509-fingerprint-sha1, other
Payload type
: comment, text, other
: threat-actor, campaign-name, campaign-id, whois-registrant-phone, whois-registrant-email, whois-registrant-name, whois-registrar, whois-creation-date, comment, text, x509-fingerprint-sha1, other
External analysis
: md5, sha1, sha256, filename, filename|md5, filename|sha1, filename|sha256, ip-src, ip-dst, hostname, domain, domain|ip, url, user-agent, regkey, regkey|value, AS, snort, pattern-in-file, pattern-in-traffic, pattern-in-memory, vulnerability, attachment, malware-sample, link, comment, text, x509-fingerprint-sha1, other
Financial fraud
: btc, iban, bic, bank-account-nr, aba-rtn, bin, cc-number, prtn, comment, text, other
: comment, text, other
#### category
category represents the intent of what the attribute is describing as selected by the attribute creator, using a list of pre-defined attribute categories.
category is represented as a JSON string. category MUST be present and it MUST be a valid selection for the chosen type. The list of valid category-type combinations is mentioned above.
#### to\_ids
to\_ids represents whether the attribute is meant to be actionable.
to\_ids is represented as a JSON boolean. to\_ids MUST be present.
#### event\_id
event\_id represents a human-readable identifier referencing the Event object that the attribute belongs to.
The event\_id SHOULD be updated when the event is imported to reflect the newly created event's id on the instance.
event\_id is represented as a JSON string. event\_id MUST be present.
#### distribution
distribution represents the basic distribution rules of the attribute. The system must adhere to the distribution setting for access control and for dissemination of the attribute.
distribution is represented by a JSON string. distribution MUST be present and be one of the following options:
: Your Organisation Only
: This Community Only
: Connected Communities
: All Communities
: Sharing Group
: Inherit Event
#### timestamp
timestamp represents a reference time when the attribute was created or last modified. timestamp is expressed in seconds (decimal) since 1st of January 1970 (Unix timestamp). The time zone MUST be UTC.
timestamp is represented as a JSON string. timestamp MUST be present.
#### comment
comment is a contextual comment field.
comment is represented by a JSON string. comment MAY be present.
#### sharing_group_id
sharing\_group\_id represents a human-readable identifier referencing a Sharing Group object that defines the distribution of the attribute, if distribution level "4" is set.
sharing\_group\_id is represented by a JSON string and MUST be present. If a distribution level other than "4" is chosen the sharing\_group\_id MUST be set to "0"
#### deleted
deleted represents a setting that allows attributes to be revoked. Revoked attributes are not actionable and exist merely to inform other instances of a revocation.
deleted is represented by a JSON boolean. deleted MUST be present.
#### value
value represents the payload of an attribute. The format of the value is dependent on the type of the attribute.
value is represented by a JSON string. value MUST be present.
# Acknowledgements # Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank all the MISP community to support the creation The authors wish to thank all the MISP community to support the creation