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% This is included by the other .tex files.
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2024-05-16 16:01:58 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Who is Who}
\begin { itemize}
\item Alexandre Dulaunoy\footnote { \url { https://github.com/adulau} } (CIRCL, MISP, etc.)
\item Christophe Vandeplas\footnote { \url { https://github.com/cvandeplas} } (Consultant \& Reservist, MISP, Sysdiagnose (EU), etc.)
\end { itemize}
\end { frame}
2024-05-16 13:10:26 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { What is a MISP Galaxy?}
\begin { itemize}
\item MISP Galaxy is a feature in MISP and a MISP standard\footnote { \url { https://www.misp-standard.org/} } format to create { \bf contextualization libraries} .
\begin { itemize}
\item There are two main types: \textbf { combined list} or \textbf { matrix-like list} .
\end { itemize}
\item The first historical matrix-like galaxy was MITRE ATT\& CK\footnote { Presented at the first EU ATT\& CK community meeting in Luxembourg} .
\item Galaxies contain intelligence that can be \textbf { structured} in a matrix-like format. Relationships between models can be created, and implementation such as in MISP allows for the \textbf { forking and sharing of information} . This is typically attached to intelligence in threat intelligence platforms to add context.
\end { itemize}
\end { frame}
2024-05-16 13:59:03 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Origins and Evolution}
\begin { itemize}
\item Seeing the success of the ATT\& CK framework in MISP gave rise to a host of matrix-based models:
\begin { itemize}
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\item Inflation? We don’ t think so.
\item There are { \bf different models} because there are many { \bf different use cases to be represented} .
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\item We found this to be good as long as those models are maintained.
\end { itemize}
\end { itemize}
\end { frame}
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\begin { frame}
\frametitle { MISP galaxies over time}
\begin { center}
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\includegraphics [scale=0.16] { ./screenshots/timeline.png}
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\end { center}
\end { frame}
2024-05-16 13:59:03 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { What Leads to Starting New Frameworks?}
\begin { itemize}
\item New frameworks try to { \bf fill gaps} .
\item New ideas in different areas/domains.
\item Small vs. large initiatives.
\item { \bf Collaboration is not always easy} .
\begin { itemize}
\item Small contributors vs. large organizations.
\item Absence of guidance to contribute.
\item Closed models.
\end { itemize}
\item Research \& publication vs. practical use.
\item Need for timely new data in a continuously evolving threat landscape.
\end { itemize}
\end { frame}
2024-05-16 14:13:13 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Conversion (or the Dirty Part)}
\begin { itemize}
\item Understand the topic.
\item Understand the users and their use cases.
\item Map to Matrix / Kill Chain.
\item Handle \textbf { various formats} :
\begin { itemize}
\item JSON, XLS, PDF, DOCX, Markdown, CSV, web scraping, Python, etc.
\end { itemize}
\item Reverse engineer the data model.
\item Manage UUIDs: existing vs. generating new.
\item Handle duplicate values\footnote { In other words, many organizations didn’ t machine-validate their own model.} :
\begin { itemize}
\item Interaction with the framework owner.
\end { itemize}
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\item Create the conversion script, or do by hand.
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\end { itemize}
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\begin { center}
\includegraphics [scale=0.3] { ./screenshots/uuid-extraction.png}
\includegraphics [scale=0.3] { ./screenshots/uuid-generation.png}
\end { center}
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\end { frame}
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2024-05-16 15:26:01 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Relations (Where Are the Overlaps?)}
\begin { itemize}
\item Example relations: \texttt { similar} , \texttt { contains} , or lifecycle: \texttt { revoked-by} .
\item Frameworks might contain internal relations.
\item Relations between different frameworks:
\begin { itemize}
\item \textbf { Native relationships}
\item \textbf { 3rd party contributions}
\end { itemize}
\item Create specific tooling to help or partially automate the creation of relations.
\end { itemize}
\begin { center}
2024-05-16 20:56:48 +02:00
\includegraphics [scale=0.35] { ./screenshots/rel-gen-example.png}
% \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{./screenshots/rel-technique-re-search.png}
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\end { center}
\end { frame}
2024-05-16 15:39:30 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Maintenance (Anyone on the Line?)}
\begin { itemize}
\item { \bf Frameworks have a lifecycle} - evolution of the model.
\item Know when there is an update.
\item { \bf Deprecate, revoke, delete entries} .
\item Change of UUID (UUIDv4 or UUIDv5) / value - may impact UUID.
\begin { itemize}
\item Breaks relationships with UUIDs.
\end { itemize}
\item Conversion script breaks.
\item Keeping contributed relationships.
\end { itemize}
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\begin { center}
\includegraphics [scale=0.3] { ./screenshots/new-uuids-everywhere.png}
\end { center}
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\end { frame}
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2024-05-16 15:47:29 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Opportunities (How Can It Help Me?)}
\begin { itemize}
\item Structure new models: { \bf Understand existing ones to identify gaps} and raise feature requests or pull requests on \texttt { misp-galaxy} .
\item MISP Galaxy:
\begin { itemize}
\item Open standard.
\item Data is CC0 - { \bf reusable in any software} .
\end { itemize}
\item Extend frameworks: Use one framework as a core library and build additional layers on top.
\item Marketing and promotion: The more tools that use it, the { \bf more widely the framework is adopted} .
\end { itemize}
\end { frame}
2024-05-16 16:01:58 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Way Ahead for MISP Galaxy}
\begin { itemize}
\item Add { \bf more} frameworks and taxonomies.
\item { \bf Better mark revoked and deprecated} clusters in the galaxy.
\item Automate the ingestion of updated third-party threat matrices.
\item Improve the library for managing conversions to MISP Galaxy.
\end { itemize}
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\begin { center}
\includegraphics [scale=0.2] { ./screenshots/misp-galaxy-website.png}
\end { center}
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\end { frame}
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { 10 Golden Rules for Framework Creators (Technical)}
\begin { itemize}
\item 1. Use a machine-readable format (JSON is preferred).
\item 2. Ensure fixed and unique UUIDs.
\item 3. Revoke entries, do not delete them.
\item 4. Relate to UUIDs with relationship types.
\item 5. Allow outbound relationships.
\end { itemize}
\end { frame}
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { 10 Golden Rules for Framework Creators (Community)}
\begin { itemize}
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\item 6. Publish and communicate.
\item 7. Update regularly.
\item 8. Encourage third-party contributions.
\item 9. Expand existing frameworks.
\item 10. Collaborate with other framework creators.
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\end { itemize}
\end { frame}
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2024-05-16 11:31:19 +02:00
\begin { frame}
\frametitle { Get in touch if you have any questions}
\begin { itemize}
\item MISP galaxy website \url { https://www.misp-galaxy.org/}
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\item Contact MISPProject
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\begin { itemize}
\item \url { https://github.com/MISP}
\item \url { https://gitter.im/MISP/MISP}
\item \url { https://twitter.com/MISPProject}
\end { itemize}
\end { itemize}
\end { frame}