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2020-01-29 22:43:17 +01:00
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\frametitle{MISP and CIRCL}
\item CIRCL is mandated by the Ministry of Economy and acting as the Luxembourg National CERT for private sector.
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\item We lead the development of the Open Source MISP TISP which is used by many military or intelligence communities, private companies, financial sector, National CERTs and LEAs globally.
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\item {\bf CIRCL runs multiple large MISP communities performing active daily threat-intelligence sharing}.
\frametitle{The aim of this presentation}
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\item Why is contextualisation important?
\item What options do we have in MISP?
\item How can we leverage this in the end?
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\frametitle{The initial scope of MISP}
\item {\bf Extract information} during the analysis process
\item Store and {\bf correlate} these datapoints
\item {\bf Share} the data with partners
\item Focus on technical indicators: IP, domain, hostname, hashes, filename, pattern in file/memory/traffic
\item Generate protective signatures out of the data: snort, suricata, OpenIOC
\frametitle{Why was it so simplistic?}
\item This was both a reflection of our maturity as a community
\item Capabilities for {\bf extracting} information
\item Capabilities for {\bf utilising} the information
\item Lack of {\bf willingness} to share context
\item Lack of {\bf co-operation} between teams doing technical analysis/monitoring and threat-intel
\item The more growth we saw in maturity, the more we tried to match it with our data-model, often against pushback
\frametitle{The growing need to contextualise data}
\item There were separate factors that made our data-sets less and less useful for detection/defense in general
\item {\bf Growth of our communities}
\item Distinguish between information of interest and raw data
\item {\bf False-positive} management
\item TTPs and aggregate information may be prevalent compared to raw data (risk assessment)
\item {\bf Increased data volumes} leads to be able to prioritise
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\frametitle{Different layers of context}
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\item Context added by analysts / tools
\item Data that tells a story
\item Encoding analyst knowledge to automatically leverage the above
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\section{Context added by analysts / tools}
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\frametitle{Expressing why data-points matter}
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\item An IP address by itself is barely ever interesting
\item We need to tell the recipient / machine why this is relevant
\item All data in MISP has a bare minimum required context
\item We differentiate between indicators and supporting data
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\frametitle{Broadening the scope of what sort of context we are interested in}
\item {\bf Who} can receive our data? {\bf What} can they do with it?
\item {\bf Data accuracy, source reliability}
\item {\bf Why} is this data relevant to us?
\item {\bf Who} do we think is behind it, {\bf what tools} were used?
\item What sort of {\bf motivations} are we dealing with? Who are the {\bf targets}?
\item How can we {\bf block/detect/remediate} the attack?
\item What sort of {\bf impact} are we dealing with?
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\frametitle{Tagging and taxonomies}
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\item Simple labels
\item Standardising on vocabularies
\item Different organisational/community cultures require different nomenclatures
\item Triple tag system - taxonomies
\item JSON libraries that can easily be defined without our intervention
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\item Taxonomy tags often {\bf non self-explanatory}
\item Example: universal understanding of tlp:green vs APT 28
\item For the latter, a single string was ill-suited
\item So we needed something new in addition to taxonomies - \textbf{Galaxies}
\item Community driven \textbf{knowledge-base libraries used as tags}
\item Including descriptions, links, synonyms, meta information, etc.
\item Goal was to keep it \textbf{simple and make it reusable}
\item Internally it works the exact same way as taxonomies (stick to \textbf{JSON})
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\frametitle{The emergence of ATT\&CK and similar galaxies}
\item Standardising on high-level {\bf TTPs} was a solution to a long list of issues
\item Adoption was rapid, tools producing ATT\&CK data, familiar interface for users
\item A much better take on kill-chain phases in general
\item Feeds into our {\bf filtering} and {\bf situational awareness} needs extremely well
\item Gave rise to other, ATT\&CK-like systems tackling other concerns
\item {\bf attck4fraud} \footnote{\url{https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html\#_attck4fraud}} by Francesco Bigarella from ING
\item {\bf Election guidelines} \footnote{\url{https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html\#_election_guidelines}} by NIS Cooperation Group
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\section{Data that tells a story}
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\frametitle{More complex data-structures for a modern age}
\item Atomic attributes were a great starting point, but lacking in many aspects
\item {\bf MISP objects}\footnote{\url{https://github.com/MISP/misp-objects}} system
\item Simple {\bf templating} approach
\item Use templating to build more complex structures
\item Decouple it from the core, allow users to {\bf define their own} structures
\item MISP should understand the data without knowing the templates
\item Massive caveat: {\bf Building blocks have to be MISP attribute types}
\item Allow {\bf relationships} to be built between objects
\frametitle{Supporting specific datamodel}
\frametitle{Continuous feedback loop}
\item Data ingested by MISP was in a sense frozen in time
\item We had a creation data, but lacked a way to use the output of our detection
\item Lead to the introduction of the {\bf Sighting system}
\item The community could sight indicators and convey the time of sighting
\item Potentially powerful tool for IoC lifecycle management, clumsy query implementation default
\frametitle{Supporting specific datamodel}
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\section{Encoding analyst knowledge to automatically leverage the above}
\frametitle{False positive handling}
\item Low quality / false positive prone information being shared
\item Lead to {\bf alert-fatigue}
\item Exclude organisation xy out of the community?
\item False positives are often obvious - {\bf can be encoded}
\item {\bf Warninglist system}\footnote{\url{https://github.com/MISP/misp-warninglists}} aims to do that
\item Lists of well-known indicators which are often false-positives like RFC1918 networks, ...
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\frametitle{Making use of all this context}
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\item Providing advanced ways of querying data
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\item Unified export APIs
\item Incorporating all contextualisation options into {\bf API filters}
\item Allowing for an {\bf on-demand} way of {\bf excluding potential false positives}
\item Allowing users to easily {\bf build their own} export modules feed their various tools
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\frametitle{Example query}
"returnFormat": "netfilter",
"enforceWarninglist": 1,
"tags": {
"NOT": [
"OR": [
\frametitle{Synchronisation filters}
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\item Making decisions on whom to share data with based on context
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\item MISP by default decides based on the information creator's decision who data gets shared with
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\item Community hosts can {\bf act as a safety net} for sharing
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\item {\bf Push filters} - what can I push?
\item {\bf Pull filters} - what am I interested in?
\item {\bf Local tags} allow for information flow control
\frametitle{Example query to generate ATT\&CK heatmaps}
"returnFormat": "attack",
"tags": [
"timestamp": "365d"
\frametitle{A sample result for the above query}
\frametitle{Monitor trends outside of MISP (example: dashboard)}
\frametitle{Decaying of indicators}
\item We were still missing a way to use all of these systems in combination to decay indicators
\item Move the decision making \textbf{from complex filter options to} complex \textbf{decay models}
\item Decay models would take into account various \textbf{taxonomies}, \textbf{sightings}, the \textbf{type} of each indicator \textbf{Sightings} and \textbf{Creation date}
\item The first iteration of what we have in MISP now took:
\item 2 years of research
\item 3 published research papers
\item A lot of prototyping
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: \texttt{Event/view}}
\item \texttt{Decay score} toggle button
\item Shows Score for each \textit{Models} associated to the \textit{Attribute} type
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: API result}
"Attribute": [
"category": "Network activity",
"type": "ip-src",
"to_ids": true,
"timestamp": "1565703507",
"value": "",
"decay_score": [
"score": 54.475223849544456,
"decayed": false,
"DecayingModel": {
"id": "85",
"name": "NIDS Simple Decaying Model"
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: Index}
View, update, add, create, delete, enable, export, import
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: Fine tuning tool}
Create, modify, visualise, perform mapping
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: \texttt{base\_score} tool}
Adjust Taxonomies relative weights
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: simulation tool}
Simulate \textit{Attributes} with different \textit{Models}
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: API query body}
"includeDecayScore": 1,
"includeFullModel": 0,
"excludeDecayed": 0,
"decayingModel": [85],
"modelOverrides": {
"threshold": 30
"score": 30,
\frametitle{To sum it all up...}
\item Massive rise in {\bf user capabilities}
\item Growing need for truly {\bf actionable threat intel}
\item Lessons learned:
\item {\bf Context is king} - Enables better decision making
\item {\bf Intelligence and situational awareness} are natural by-products of context
\item Don't lock users into your {\bf workflows}, build tools that enable theirs
\frametitle{Get in touch if you have any questions}
\item Contact us
\item \url{https://twitter.com/mokaddem_sami}
\item \url{https://twitter.com/iglocska}
\item Contact CIRCL
\item info@circl.lu
\item \url{https://twitter.com/circl_lu}
\item \url{https://www.circl.lu/}
\item Contact MISPProject
\item \url{https://github.com/MISP}
\item \url{https://gitter.im/MISP/MISP}
\item \url{https://twitter.com/MISPProject}