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2021-06-07 09:06:57 +02:00
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\frametitle{COVID-19 MISP intro}
\item COVID-19 MISP is a MISP instance retrofitted for COVID-19 info sharing
\item We are focusing on two areas of sharing:
\item {\bf Medical} information
\item {\bf Cyber threats} related to / abusing COVID-19
\item Low barrier of entry, aiming for wide spread
\item Already a {\bf massive community} - 1560 users
\item We are obviously interested on a personal level, as is everyone
\item {\bf Information sharing is what we do anyway}
\item The tools that we are building are expanding our capabilities for the future
\item Bridging different domains affected in different ways can reveal correlations
\frametitle{Who is this meant for?}
\item Anyone wanting to gain {\bf situational awareness} for the current situation
\item Security practicioners trying to fend off covid related attacks
\item Those wanting to share, collaborate, visualise, automate data
\item All data is contextualised as {\bf either medical or security} related information for easy filtering
\frametitle{What is MISP?}
\item MISP\footnote{\url{https://github.com/MISP/MISP}} is a threat information sharing free \& open source software.
\item MISP has {\bf a host of functionalities} that assist users in creating, collaborating \& sharing threat information - e.g. flexible sharing groups, {\bf automatic correlation}, free-text import helper, event distribution \& proposals.
\item Many export formats which support IDSes / IPSes (e.g. Suricata, Bro, Snort), SIEMs (eg CEF), Host scanners (e.g. OpenIOC, STIX, CSV, yara), analysis tools (e.g. Maltego), DNS policies (e.g. RPZ).
\item A rich set of MISP modules\footnote{\url{https://www.github.com/MISP/misp-modules}} to add expansion, import and export functionalities.
\frametitle{Getting some naming conventions out of the way...}
\item Data layer
\item {\bf Events} are encapsulations for contextually linked information
\item {\bf Attributes} are individual data points, which can be indicators or supporting data.
\item {\bf Objects} are custom templated Attribute compositions
\item {\bf Object references} are the relationships between other building blocks
\item Context layer
\item {\bf Tags} are labels attached to events/attributes and can come from {\bf Taxonomies}
\item {\bf Galaxy-clusters} are knowledge base items used to label events/attributes and come from {\bf Galaxies}.
\frametitle{A rich data-model: telling stories via relationships}
\frametitle{MISP core distributed sharing functionality}
\item MISP is a {\bf peer to peer} sharing software
\item As such, everyone can be a {\bf consumer} and/or a {\bf producer} of information.
\item Immediate benefit without the obligation to contribute.
\item Low barrier of entry to get acquainted with the system.
\frametitle{Information quality management}
\item Correlating data
\item Feedback loop from detections via {\bf Sightings}
\item {\bf False positive management} via the warninglist system
\item {\bf Enrichment system} via MISP-modules
\item {\bf Integrations} with a plethora of tools and formats
\item Flexible {\bf API} and support {\bf libraries} such as PyMISP to ease integration
\item {\bf Timelines} and giving information a temporal context
\item Full chain for {\bf indicator life-cycle management}
\frametitle{Modelling new data structures for COVID-19}
We are rapidly building new models for the different COVID-19 related information sources
\frametitle{Evolution of the community}
\item From health and cyber security, the community started to gather and share more information about {\bf disinformation}
\item Contextualisation improved (e.g. dedicated "pandemic" taxonomy)
\item Specific data models such as {\bf misinformation patterns} started to be used
\item Particular features used in digital forensic were used to create timeline of the disinformation events
\item Take control of the open source tools to extend the system for their own needs
\frametitle{Disinformation \#wewontstayhome}
\frametitle{Disinformation "Operation Gridlock"}
\frametitle{Disinformation and correlation}
\frametitle{What did we learn?}
\item Creating ad-hoc collaboration is an incredible laboratory for experimenting
\item {\bf Removing control provides freedom} to collaborate and share information is possible
\item Building community up without any prior planning / any existing structure can be succesful
\item Self-organisation and filtering came very early due to early abusers of the freedom
\item New information and topics shared moved the community towards different fields
\frametitle{How can you get involved?}
\item Join the COVID-19 community
\item Either just use the data, or contribute data back, examples:
\item Ongoing Covid-19 phishing campaigns
\item Sharing warninglists of known valid covid-19 related websites
\item Local articles about the situation in your area
\item Best practice recommendations
\item Informations on travel restrictions
\item Analysis and further {\bf research of a live information sharing community}
\item Create {\bf pull requests} on data models, dashboards, taxonomies...
\item Share your ideas
\frametitle{Contact us}
\item \url{https://www.misp-project.org/}
\item \url{https://www.misp-standard.org/}
\item \url{https://github.com/MISP}
\item \url{info@misp-project.org}
\item \url{https://twitter.com/MISPProject}