
59 lines
2.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

% arg1 = current distri level
% arg2 = text
\ifthenelse{#1 > #2}{
% arg1 = current distri level
\def \scale {0.2}
\def \scaletext {0.1}
emptynode/.style={circle, draw=black, scale=\scale},
fullnode/.style={circle, draw=black, fill=black, scale=\scale},
textnode/.style={scale=0.7, inner sep=3pt,xshift=-2pt},
\node[currentstyle] (d0) {};
\node[currentstyle] (d1a) [above right= 1pt and 30pt of d0] {};
\node[currentstyle] (d1b) [below right= 1pt and 30pt of d0] {};
\node[currentstyle] (d2) [right=of d1b] {};
\node[currentstyle] (d3) [right=of d2] {};
\node[textnode] (d0-notice) [above= 10pt of d0] {$n=0$};
\node[textnode] (d1a-notice) [above= 5pt of d1a] {$n=1$};
\node[textnode] (d2-notice) [above= 15pt of d2] {$n=2$};
\node[textnode] (d3-notice) [above= 15pt of d3] {$n=3$};
\draw[-] (d0) to[out=30, in=180] (d1a);
\draw[-] (d0) to[out=-30, in=180] (d1b);
\draw[-] (d1b) -- (d2);
\draw[-] (d2) -- (d3);
% \draw[-] (d0-notice.east) -- +(15pt,0pt) -- (d0.135);
% \draw[-] ($(d0-notice.east) + (-1pt,-2pt)$) -- ($(d0) + (-3pt,2pt)$);
\def \scale {0.2}
emptynode/.style={circle, draw=black, scale=\scale},
fullnode/.style={circle, draw=black, fill=black, scale=\scale},
textnode/.style={scale=0.7, inner sep=3pt,xshift=-2pt},
\node[emptynode] (empty) {};
\node[fullnode] (full) [below=5pt of empty] {};
\node[textnode] () [right=3pt of empty] {Does not have the Event};
\node[textnode] () [right=3pt of full] {Has the Event};