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\frametitle{Content of the presentation}
\item Data sharing in MISP
\item Data models for the Data layer
\item Data models for the Context layer
\frametitle{Layers of data model}
\item Data layer
\item The raw data itself as well as element to link them together
\item Indicators, Observables and means to contextually link them
\item MISP terminology: Event, Attributes, misp-objects, ...
\item Context layer
\item As important as the data layer, allow triage, false-positive management, risk-assessment and prioritisation
\item Latches on the data layer, usually referencing threat intelligence, concepts, knowledge base and vocabularies
\item Tags, Taxonomies, Galaxies, ...
\section{Data sharing in MISP}
\frametitle{Sharing in MISP: Distribution}
MISP offers granulars distribution settings:
\item \texttt{Organisation only}
\item \texttt{This community}
\item \texttt{Connected communities}
\item \texttt{All communities}
\item Distribution lists - aka \texttt{\bf Sharing groups}
At multiple levels: {\bf Events}, {\bf Attributes}, {\bf Objects} (and their {\bf Attributes}) and {\bf Galaxy-clusters}
\frametitle{Sharing in MISP: Distribution}
\section{Data layer}
\frametitle{Data layer: Naming conventions}
\item Data layer
\item {\bf Events} are encapsulations for contextually linked information
\item {\bf Attributes} are individual data points, which can be indicators or supporting data.
\item {\bf Objects} are custom templated Attribute compositions
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\item {\bf Object references} are the relationships between individual building blocks
\item {\bf Shadow Attributes}/{\bf Proposal} are suggestions made by users to modify an existing {\it attribute}
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\item {\bf Sightings} are a means to convey that a data point has been seen
\item {\bf Event reports} are supporting materials for analysts to describe {\it events}, {\it processes}, etc
\frametitle{Data layer: Events}
{\bf Events} are encapsulations for contextually linked information
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Group datapoints and context together. Acting as an envelop, it allows setting distribution and sharing rules for itself and its children.
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: Encode incidents / events / reports / ...
\frametitle{Data layer: Event building blocks - Base}
\frametitle{Data layer: Events}
"date": "2019-02-20",
"info": "IoT malware - Gafgyt.Gen28 (active)",
"uuid": "5c6d21e5-bb60-47b7-b892-42e6950d2111",
"analysis": "2",
"timestamp": "1602315388",
"distribution": "3",
"sharing_group_id": "0",
"threat_level_id": "3",
"extends_uuid": "",
"Attribute": [...],
"Object": [...],
"EventReport": [...],
"Tag": [...],
"Galaxy": [...]
\frametitle{Data layer: Attributes}
{\bf Attributes} are individual data points, indicators or supporting data
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Individual data point. Can be an indicator or supporting data.
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: Domain, IP, link, sha1, attachment, ...
\frametitle{Data layer: Event building blocks - Raw data}
\frametitle{Data layer: Attributes}
"type": "url",
"category": "Network activity",
"to_ids": true,
"uuid": "5c6d24bd-d094-4dd6-a1b6-4fa3950d2111",
"event_id": "178",
"distribution": "5",
"sharing_group_id": "0",
"timestamp": "1550656701",
"comment": "Delivery point for the malware",
"object_id": "0",
"object_relation": null,
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value": "",
"Tag": [...]
"Galaxy": [...]
\frametitle{Data layer: MISP Objects}
{\bf Objects} are custom templated Attribute compositions
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Groups Attributes that are intrinsically linked together
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: File, person, credit-card, x509, device, ...
\frametitle{Data layer: Event building blocks - Data composition}
\frametitle{Data layer: MISP Objects}
"name": "elf-section",
"meta-category": "file",
"description": "Object describing a sect...",
"template_uuid": "ca271f32-1234-4e87-b240-6b6e882de5de",
"template_version": "4",
"uuid": "ab5f0c85-5623-424c-bc03-d79841700d74",
"timestamp": "1550655984",
"distribution": "5",
"sharing_group_id": "0",
"comment": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"ObjectReference": [],
"Attribute": [...]
\frametitle{Data layer: Object references}
2020-12-16 12:15:38 +01:00
{\bf Object references} are the relationships between individual building blocks
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Allows to create relationships between entities, thus creating a graph where they are the edges and entities are the nodes.
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: Represent behaviours, similarities, affiliation, ...
\frametitle{Data layer: Object references}
"uuid": "5c6d21f9-0384-4bd2-b256-40de950d2111",
"timestamp": "1602318569",
"object_id": "1024",
"source_uuid": "23275e05-c202-460e-aadf-819c417fb326",
"referenced_uuid": "ab5f0c85-5623-424c-bc03-d79841700d74",
"referenced_type": "1",
"relationship_type": "included-in",
"comment": "Section 0 of ELF"
\frametitle{Data layer: Event building blocks - Context}
\frametitle{Data layer: Sightings}
2020-12-16 12:15:38 +01:00
{\bf Sightings} are a means to convey that a data point has been seen
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Allows to add temporality to the data.
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: Record activity or occurence, perform IoC expiration, ...
"org_id": "1",
"date_sighting": "1573722432",
"uuid": "5dcd1940-5de8-4462-93dd-12a2a5e38e14",
"source": "",
"type": "0",
"attribute_uuid": "5da97b59-9650-4be2-9443-2194a5e38e14"
\frametitle{Data layer: Event reports}
{\bf Event reports} are supporting data for analysis to describe {\bf events}, {\bf processes}, ect
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Supporting data point to describe events or processes
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: Encode reports, provide more information about the Event, ...
\frametitle{Data layer: Event building blocks - Collaboration \& intelligence}
\frametitle{Data layer: Event reports}
"uuid": "076e240b-5a76-4a8b-9eab-cfff551993dd",
"event_id": "2127",
"name": "Event report (1607362986)",
"content": "...",
"distribution": "5",
"sharing_group_id": "0",
"timestamp": "1607362986"
\frametitle{Data layer: Event building blocks - Full}
\section{Context layer}
\frametitle{Context layer: Naming conventions}
\item Context layer
\item {\bf Tags} are free-text labels attached to events/attributes and can come from {\bf Taxonomies}
\item \texttt{Android Malware}, \texttt{C2}, ...
\item {\bf Taxonomies} are a set of common classification allowing to express the same vocabulary among a distributed set of users and organisations
\item \texttt{tlp:green}, \texttt{false-positive:risk="high"}, \texttt{admiralty-scale:information-credibility="2"}
\frametitle{Context layer: Naming conventions}
\item Context layer
\item {\bf Galaxies} are container copmosed of {\bf Galaxy-clusters} that belongs to the same family
\item Similar to what {\bf Events} are to {\bf Attributes}
\item \texttt{Country}, \texttt{Threat actors}, \texttt{Botnet}, ...
\item {\bf Galaxy-clusters} are knowledge base items coming from {\bf Galaxies}.
\item Basically a taxonomy with additional meta-information
\item \texttt{misp-galaxy:threat-actor="APT 29"}, \texttt{misp-galaxy:country="luxembourg"}
\frametitle{Context layer: Tags}
Simple free-text labels
"name": "Android malware",
"colour": "#22681c",
"exportable": true,
"numerical_value": null,
\frametitle{Context layer: Taxonomies}
Simple label standardised on common set of vocabularies
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Enable efficent classification globally understood, easing consumption and automation.
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: Provide classification such as: TLP, Confidence, Source, Workflows, Event type, ...
\frametitle{Context layer: Taxonomies}
"Taxonomy": {
"namespace": "admiralty-scale",
"description": "The Admiralty Scale or Ranking (also called the NATO System)...",
"version": "6",
"exclusive": false,
"entries": [
"tag": "admiralty-scale:information-credibility=\"1\"",
"expanded": "Information Credibility: Confirmed by other sources",
"numerical_value": 100,
"exclusive_predicate": true,
\frametitle{Context layer: Galaxies}
Collections of {\bf galaxy clusters}
\frametitle{Context layer: Galaxy clusters}
2020-12-16 12:15:38 +01:00
Kownledge base items including a description, links, synonyms, meta-information and relationships
\item[] \textbf{Purpose}: Enable description of complex high-level information for classification
\item[] \textbf{Usecase}: Extensively describe elements such as threat actors, countries, technique used, ...
\frametitle{Context layer: Galaxy clusters}
{\bf Galaxy cluster elements}: Tabular view
{\bf Galaxy cluster elements}: JSON view
\frametitle{Context layer: Galaxy clusters}
"uuid": "5eda0a53-1d98-4d01-ae06-40da0a00020f",
"type": "fellowship-characters",
"value": "Aragorn wielding Anduril",
"tag_name": "misp-galaxy:fellowship-characters=\"c3fe907a-6a36-4cd1-9456-dcdf35c3f907\"",
"description": "The Aragorn character wielding Anduril",
"source": "Middle-earth universe by J. R. R. Tolkien",
"authors": null,
"version": "1591347795",
"distribution": "0",
"sharing_group_id": null,
"default": false,
"extends_uuid": "5eda0117-1e14-4b0a-9e26-34aff331dc3b",
"extends_version": "1591345431",
"GalaxyElement": [...],
"GalaxyClusterRelation": [...]
\frametitle{Context layer: Galaxies \& Galaxy clusters}
\item MISP integrates MITRE's Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT\&CK) and similar {\bf Galaxy Matrix}
\item MISP terminology of these matrixes: {\bf Galaxy Matrix}
\frametitle{Galaxy JSON matrix-like}
"description": "Universal Development and Security Guidelines as Applicable to Election Technology.",
"icon": "map",
@\textbf{\color{red}"kill\_chain\_order": \{}@ @\textbf{\color{black}\textbackslash\textbackslash Tab in the matrix}@
@\textbf{\color{red}"example-of-threats": [}@ @\textbf{\color{black}\textbackslash\textbackslash Column in the matrix}@
@\textbf{\color{red}"setup | party/candidate-registration",}@
@\textbf{\color{red}"setup | electoral-rolls",}@
@\textbf{\color{red}"campaign | campaign-IT",}@
@\textbf{\color{red}"all-phases | governement-IT",}@
@\textbf{\color{red}"voting | election-technology",}@
@\textbf{\color{red}"campaign/public-communication | media/press"}@
"name": "Election guidelines",
"namespace": "misp",
"type": "guidelines",
"uuid": "c1dc03b2-89b3-42a5-9d41-782ef726435a",
"version": 1
\frametitle{Cluster JSON matrix-like}
"description": "DoS or overload of party/campaign registration, causing them to miss the deadline",
"meta": {
"date": "March 2018.",
@\textbf{\color{red}"kill\_chain": [}@ @\textbf{\color{black}\textbackslash\textbackslash Define in which column the cluster should be placed}@
@\textbf{\color{red} "example-of-threats:setup | party/candidate-registration"}@
"refs": [
"uuid": "154c6186-a007-4460-a029-ea23163448fe",
"value": "DoS or overload of party/campaign registration, causing them to miss the deadline"
\frametitle{Expressing relation between clusters}
\item Cluster can be related to one or more clusters using default relationships from MISP objects and a list of tags to classify the relation.
"related": [
"dest-uuid": "5ce5392a-3a6c-4e07-9df3-9b6a9159ac45",
"tags": [
"type": "similar"
"uuid": "0ca45163-e223-4167-b1af-f088ed14a93d",
"value": "Putter Panda"
\item Supported by the grant \texttt{2018-LU-IA-0148}