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\frametitle{Bringing workflows into threat intelligence platform}
After multiple years, MISP users have reach a significant maturity level:
\item Events with {\bf complex TTPs, objects and attributes};
\item Exhaustive context such as {\bf MITRE ATT\&CK}, tags and relationships;
\item Availability of {\bf external modules and services} (e.g. from expansion services to third-party CTI);
\item Comprehensive {\bf processing pipelines} for threat intelligence are available;
\frametitle{Where is the glue?}
\item Initial idea came from GeekWeek7.5
\item Experienced users wanted to have a way to {\bf trigger actions and to modify to behavior of MISP} and especially leveraging what they have in their MISP platform.
\item {\bf Creating workflows for any of the steps} in MISP (creating attributes/objects, publishing and sharing information, ...).
\frametitle{Simplistic overview}
\item User/API Interraction
\item MISP handles the request
\item MISP executes workflows listening to the trigger
\item \textbf{workflow}: Sequence of actions to be executed
\item \textbf{execution path}: A path composed of actions to be executed sequentially
\item \textbf{trigger}: Starting point of an \texttt{execution path}. Triggers are called when specific action are done by MISP
\frametitle{Workflow execution}
\item A trigger is called
\item Collect workflows listening to called trigger
\item Execute workflows in the saved order
\frametitle{Execution Paths}
Currently 2 types of execution path:
\item {\bf Blocking}: Execution is stoped in case of error
\item Current workflow's blocking execution path is {\bf stopped}
\item Any other blocking path of next workflows {\bf will not be executed}
\item {\bf Non-blocking}/Deferred: Stop execution for current path only
\item Current execution path is {\bf stopped}
\item {\bf Resume} execution of remaining paths
\item Paths from other workflow will be {\bf executed}
\frametitle{Execution Order and Execution Types}
\item \textbf{Blocking} paths from all workflows are executed first in the saved order
\item If any blocking executions failed, the action that called the trigger will \textbf{be stopped}
\item \textbf{Parallel/Deferred} paths from all workflows are executed. The order is irrelevant
\frametitle{Publishing example}
\item An Event is published
\item MISP starts the publishing process
\item MISP executes a workflow listening to the trigger
\item {\bf execution success}: Proceed publishing
\item {\bf execution failure}: Stop publishing, log the reason and report the failure to the user
\frametitle{Execution context}
\item Workflow can be triggered by any users
\item However, the user for which the workflow executes is the workflow creator
\item This is to make sure users with a higher privilege will have their workflow correctly executed
\frametitle{Workflow modules}
\item 3 types of modules
\item \texttt{trigger}: Entry point of the execution
\item Event publish, email about to be sent, feed data about to be saved, ...
\item \texttt{logic}: Allow to redirect the execution flow.
\item IF condition, fork the blocking execution into a non-blocking one, ...
\item \texttt{action}: Modules that can modify data, prevent execution or perform additional actions
\item Publish to ZMQ, perform enrichments, block the execution, ...
\frametitle{Workflow modules}
\item \texttt{action} modules can be from 2 sources
\item \texttt{\scriptsize app/Model/WorkflowModules/action/[module\_name].php}
\item Written in PHP
\item They can use MISP's built-in functionalities (restsearch, enrichment, push to zmq, ...)
\item Faster and easier to interact with for those having internal knowledge of MISP
\item \texttt{From the misp-module service}
\item Written in Python
\item They can use any python libraries
\item Easier to write
\item New module type \texttt{action}
\item Both systems are \textbf{plug-and-play}
\frametitle{Creating a workflow with the editor}
\item Drag a \texttt{trigger} module from the side panel to the canvas
\item Drag an \texttt{action} module from the side panel to the canvas
\item From the \texttt{trigger} output, drag an arrow into the \texttt{action} input (left side)
\item You can choose between a \texttt{blocking} and \texttt{non-blocking} execution path by using the associated trigger output
\frametitle{Working with the editor}
Operations not allowed
\item Create an execution loop
\item Use the same trigger twice
\section{Learning by examples}
\frametitle{Workflow example 1}
\item Will the next blocking path (from another workflow) be executed?
\frametitle{Workflow example 1: Answers}
\item Will the next blocking path (from another workflow) be executed?
\item \textbf{No}. We are in a blocking path. As the execution has been stopped, no other blocking paths will be executed.
\frametitle{Workflow example 2}
\item Will the next blocking path (from another workflow) be executed?
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\frametitle{Workflow example 2: Answers}
\item Will the next blocking path (from another workflow) be executed?
\item \textbf{No}. Same reason that before
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item \textbf{Yes}. The module is in the non-blocking path. Regardless of the result of the blocking path, it will be executed.
\frametitle{Workflow example 3}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item Will the next blocking path (from another workflow) be executed?
\frametitle{Workflow example 3: Answers}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item \textbf{Yes}
\item The blocking path is executed before the non-blocking one
\item The result of the non-blocking path has no influence on the blocking one
\item Will the next blocking path (from another workflow) be executed?
\item \textbf{Yes}
\item The blocking path is executed before the non-blocking one
\item The result of the non-blocking path has no influence the execution of other workflows
\frametitle{Workflow example 4}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\frametitle{Workflow example 4: Answers}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item \textbf{Yes} and \textbf{No}. The execution order for the same output is not guaranteed
\item If \texttt{Stop execution} is executed first, it's a no.
\frametitle{Workflow example 5}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\frametitle{Workflow example 5: Answers}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item \textbf{Yes}. The execution order for the same output is not guaranteed
\item However, as we are in a non-blocking path, the outcome of the execution of another path has no impact
\frametitle{Workflow example 6}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\frametitle{Workflow example 6: Answers}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item \textbf{No}. Even if we are in a non-blocking path, if the current execution path is blocked, the execution will be stopped
\frametitle{Workflow example 7}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item Will \texttt{} have a tag attached to it?
\frametitle{Workflow example 7: Answers}
\item Will \texttt{Enrich Event} module be executed?
\item \textbf{Yes}. The event contains an attribute satisfying the matching condition
\item Will \texttt{} have a tag attached to it?
\item \textbf{No}. The event contains an attribute satisfying the matching condition. The \texttt{else} part will not be executed.
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\title{Discovering MISP workflows}
\subtitle{Improving automation in threat intelligence with ATT\&CK}
\institute{MISP Project \\ \url{}}
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\title{An Introduction to Workflows in MISP}
\subtitle{MISP - Threat Sharing}
\institute{MISP Project \\ \url{}}