new: [cheatsheet] Added concept cheat sheet

mokaddem 2021-05-12 09:40:17 +02:00
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% Template inspired by Drew Ulick
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath,endnotes}
\title{MISP Concepts Cheat Sheet}
\author{MISP Project}
\newcommand{\events}{\texttt{Events }}
\newcommand{\event}{\texttt{Event }}
\newcommand{\attributes}{\texttt{Attributes }}
\newcommand{\attribute}{\texttt{Attribute }}
\newcommand{\objects}{\texttt{MISP Objects }}
\newcommand{\object}{\texttt{MISP Object }}
\newcommand{\proposals}{\texttt{Proposals }}
\newcommand{\proposal}{\texttt{Proposal }}
\newcommand{\eventreports}{\texttt{Event Reports }}
\newcommand{\eventreport}{\texttt{Event Report }}
\newcommand{\sightings}{\texttt{Sightings }}
\newcommand{\sighting}{\texttt{Sighting }}
\newcommand{\taxonomies}{\texttt{Taxonomies }}
\newcommand{\taxonomy}{\texttt{Taxonomy }}
\newcommand{\galaxy}{\texttt{Galaxy }}
\newcommand{\galaxies}{\texttt{Galaxies }}
\newcommand{\clusters}{\texttt{Galaxy Clusters }}
\newcommand{\cluster}{\texttt{Galaxy Cluster }}
\newcommand{\sharinggroups}{\texttt{Sharing Groups }}
\newcommand{\sharinggroup}{\texttt{Sharing Group }}
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% \cheatboxlarge{Legend}{
% \boxentry{\faicon{tags}}{Context can be attached to the element}
% \boxentry{\faicon{lowVision}}{Can have a distribution level}
% \boxentry{\faicon{exchange}}{Can be synchronised to other instances}
% \boxentry{$\blacklozenge \owns \blacktriangle$}{The element $\blacklozenge$ can act as a container and contains $\blacktriangle$}
% }
\boxentry{Correlations}{Are created automatically when an \attribute is created or modified. It links two \events having values that matches according to the correlation engine}
\boxentry{Correlation Engine}{Is the system used by MISP to create correlation between \attribute's value. It currently support strict string comparison, SSDEEP and CDIR blocks matches.}
\boxentry{Caching}{Is the process of \textit{pulling} data from another MISP instance or a feed but only storing hashes of the collected values to be used for correlations.}
\boxentry{Delegation}{Is the act of delegating the publication and the ownership of an \event to another organisation, thus hiding the original creator of the \event.}
\boxentry{Deletion (soft)}{Is the act flagging an element as deleted and thus propagating the revocation among the network of connected MISP instances.}
\boxentry{Deletion (hard)}{Is the act of removing the element from the database. It will thus do not perform revocation on other MISP instances.}
\boxentry{Extended \event}{Is an \event that extends an existing \event, providing a combined view of the data contained in both \events. The owner of the extending \event is the organisation that created the extension, this allowing anyone to extend any \events and altering those.}
\boxentry{\galaxy Matrix}{Is a matrix derived from \clusters belonging to the same \galaxy. The layout (pages and columns) is defined at the \galaxy level while its content comes from the \clusters themselves.}
\boxentry{IoC}{And Indicator Of Compromise is an \attribute having the \texttt{to\_ids} flag set}
\boxentry{Publishing}{For an \event or a \cluster to be synchronised, they must be \textit{published}. \textit{publishing} an \event will also send e-mail notifications and expose it to certain format requiring the \event to be in this state.}
\boxentry{Pulling}{Is the process of using the configured sync user on a remote instance to fetch the accessible data and store it.}
\boxentry{Pushing}{Is the process of using the configured uplink connection to send data to a remote instance.}
\boxentry{Synchronisation}{Is the exchange of data between two (or more) MISP instances throught the \textit{pull} and \textit{push} mechanism.}
\boxentry{Sync. filtering rule}{Rules that can be applied on a synchronisation link for both the \textit{pull} and \textit{push} mechanism allowing to block the data matching or not said rule.}
\boxentry{Sync. User}{Special role of a user granting addional sync permissions. The recommanded way to setup \textit{pull} and \textit{push} synchronisation is to use \textit{sync users}.}
\boxentry{Proposals}{Are a mechanism to propose modications to the creating organisations. If a path of connected MISP instances exists, it will be synchronized so that the creator may accept or discard it.}
\cheatboxlarge[Controls who can see the data and how it should be synchronised.]{Distribution}{
\boxentry{Organisation only}{Only members of your organisation}
\boxentry{This community}{Organisations on this MISP instance}
\boxentry{Connected Communities}{Organisations on this MISP instance and those on MISP instances synchronising with this one. Upon receiving data, the distribution level will be downgraded to \texttt{This community} to avoid further propagation.}
\boxentry{All Communities}{Anyone having access: Will be freely propagated in the network of connected MISP instances.}
\boxentry{Sharing Groups}{Organisations being part of the distribution list that exhaustively keeps track of who can access the data and how it should be synchronised.}
\begin{tabular}{| l | l |}
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\sharinggroup configuration} \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Organisations} & Org. $\alpha$\\
& Org. $\omega$\\
& Org. $\gamma$\\
\multirow{3}{*}{Instances*} & MISP 1\\
& MISP 2\\
& MISP 3\\
\hspace*{-2em}*Or enable roaming mode
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\cheatboxlarge[The act of \textbf{sharing} where everyone can be a consumer and/or a producer.]{Synchronisation}{
A one way synchronisation link between two MISP instances. Organisation $\alpha$ created a \textit{sync user} \faicon{user-plus} on MISP 2 and noted down the generated API Key. A synchronisation link can be created on MISP 1 using the API Key and the organisation of the \textit{sync user}. At that point, MISP 1 can \textit{pull} data from MISP 2 and \textit{push} data to MISP 2.
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\node[user] (misp2users2) [right= 3em of misp2users] {\faicon{user} \faicon{user} \faicon{user}};
\node[user,inner xsep=3pt] (syncuser) [left= 0.0em of misp2users] {\faicon{user-plus}};
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\draw[-,very thick] (m1.south) -- ++(0,-15pt) -| ($(syncuser.south) + (0,-2pt)$) node [
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