new: [galaxy2.0] Added draft of the feature

mokaddem 2020-09-29 18:35:51 +02:00
parent 09a60bedc2
commit fb2c3e6c0d
7 changed files with 306 additions and 0 deletions

a.10-galaxy-2.0/content.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
% This is included by the other .tex files.
\frametitle{Outline of the presentation}
\item Present the features available for Sharing \textit{galaxy clusters}
\item Look at the internals of what changed in the datamodel and MISP's behaviors
\frametitle{MISP Galaxy 2.0}
Galaxy 2.0 introduces various new features for \textit{Galaxies} and their \textit{Clusters} allowing:
\item Creation of \textbf{custom} \textit{Clusters}
\item ACL on \textit{Clusters}
\item \textbf{Connection} of \textit{Clusters} via \textit{Relations}
\item \textbf{Synchronization} to connected instances.
\item \textbf{Visualization} of forks and relationships
\frametitle{MISP Galaxy 2.0 - New \textit{Cluster} fields}
\textit{Clusters} and \textit{Relations} can be edited.
\item New \textit{Clusters} fields
\item \texttt{distribution}, \texttt{sharing\_group\_id}
\item \texttt{org\_id}, \texttt{orgc\_id}
\item \texttt{locked}, \texttt{published}, \texttt{deleted}
\item \texttt{default}
\item \textit{Clusters} coming from the \texttt{misp-galaxies} repository are marked as default
\item Not synchronized
\item Same purpose as \textit{Events}s \texttt{locked}
\item \texttt{extends\_uuid}
\item Point to the \textit{Cluster} that has been forked
\item \texttt{extends\_version}
\item Keep track of the \textit{Cluster} version that has been forked
\frametitle{MISP Galaxy 2.0 - Others changes}
\item \textit{Role} \texttt{perm\_galaxy\_editor}
\item Relations also have a \texttt{distribution} and can have \textit{Tags}
\item Servers have 2 new flags
\item \texttt{pull\_galaxy\_clusters}
\item \texttt{push\_galaxy\_clusters}
\item Clusters \texttt{blocklist}
\frametitle{Features in depth: CRUD}
\item Standard CRUD
\item Soft and Hard deletion
\item Publishing
\item Update forked cluster to keep it synchronized with its parent
\item ACL on the \textit{Cluster} itself, not on its tag
\item \texttt{misp-galaxy:{\color{blue} galaxy-type}="{\color{red} cluster UUID}"}
\item \texttt{\tiny misp-galaxy:{\color{blue} mitre-attack-pattern}="{\color{red} e4932f21-4867-4de6-849a-1b11e48e2682}"}
\frametitle{Features in depth: Visualization}
Tree view of forked Clusters \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{pics/cluster-forks}
\frametitle{Features in depth: Visualization}
Tree and network views for Relations between Clusters
\frametitle{Features in depth: Visualization}
Tree and network views for Relations between Clusters
\frametitle{Features in depth: Synchronization}
Own synchronization mechanism which can be enabled with the \texttt{pull\_galaxy\_cluster} and \texttt{push\_galaxy\_cluster} flags
\item \textbf{Pull All}: Pull all remote Clusters (similar to event's pull all)
\item \textbf{Pull Update}: Update local Clusters (similar to event's pull update)
\item \textbf{Pull Relevant}: Pull missing Clusters based on local Tags
\item \textbf{Push}: Triggered whenever a Cluster is published or via standard push
\frametitle{New views factories \& elements}
\item \texttt{checked}, \texttt{multiple}, \texttt{selected}, \texttt{legend}, \texttt{disabled},
\item Displays icons or N/A
\item Display basic galaxy cluster info in a compact way (\texttt{galaxy\_type :: cluster\_value} + Hover)
\item Display \# of outbound and \# of inbound (This \textit{Cluster} has \# relations)
\item Generate a tree like hierarchy (Root cluster and its forks)
\frametitle{Synchronization edge cases}
\item Missing galaxy on the remote end
\item[$\rightarrow$] Capture it
\frametitle{Impossible due to design}
\item Share \textit{Galaxy Matrix}
\item[$\rightarrow$] Can only be insterted in an existing \textit{galaxy} matrix as the layout is defined at the \textit{galaxy} level

a.10-galaxy-2.0/makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -halt-on-error -file-line-error circl-introduction.tex

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a.10-galaxy-2.0/slide.tex Normal file
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\author{\small{Team CIRCL}}
\title{MISP - Galaxy 2.0}
\subtitle{Method for sharing threat intelligence}