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\frametitle{What is MISP?}
\item MISP is a {\bf threat information sharing} platform that is free \& open source software
\item A tool that {\bf collects} information from partners, your analysts, your tools, feeds
\item Normalises, {\bf correlates}, {\bf enriches} and {\bf connects} the data
\item Allows teams and communities to {\bf collaborate} and {\bf share}
\item {\bf Feeds} automated protective tools and analyst tools with the output
\item MISP is a {\bf complete threat intelligence platform} with strong sharing capabilities and extendability
{\Huge Two years from now, threat intelligence will be easy.\\}
{\it Bill Gates if he did work in threat intelligence}
\frametitle{The aim of this presentation}
\item {\Large Showing the {\bf evolution of threat intelligence}\footnote{based on our empirical view from users using/integrating MISP} and
\item {\bf data-driven threat hunting} over the past years}
\item {\Large What can we expect in {\bf the future}?}
\frametitle{From standalone indicator to advanced object data models}
\item In early 2010, MISP supported basic indicators sharing with a limited set of types
\item In 2022, MISP integrates a dynamic object model with advanced custom relationships
\item Why such evolution?
\item {\bf Increase of intelligence usage in different sectors}. From threat-hunting\footnote{With different types of threat hunts including TTP-driven, intelligence-driven, asset-driven...} to risk assessment or strategic decisions
\item {\bf Increased diversity among analysts}
\frametitle{Multitude of intelligence models}
\item Chains, triangles, circles, diamonds, arrows, a mix or even a multi-layer matrix
\item There is {\bf no perfect intelligence models}
\item Organisations invent their model, reuse existing ones or are even more creative
\item Showing {\bf how diverse\footnote{Embrace the diversity of models, taxonomies} our societies are}
\frametitle{Main focus was securing our data and tooling}
\item Current {\bf geo-political situation} lead to new challenges
\item It has been an interesting time period with quite some activity
\item Our goal was to {\bf shore up the security} aspects of MISP and Cerebrate
\item Build new functionalities and tools to allow users to {\bf protect their data}
\frametitle{Sharing group blueprints}
\item Solving the issue of {\bf sharing group lifecycle management}
\item Build SG blueprints for reusable, maintainable sharing groups
\item Abstract sharing groups, organisation metadata as building blocks
\item Solve newly arising sharing challenges
\frametitle{Sharing group blueprints}
\frametitle{Cryptographic signing and tamper protection}
\item Need to be able to share and ensure the {\bf veracity of critical events}
\item Tampering by {\bf malicious intermediaries}, even in closed networks became a new fear
\item We came up with a solution that allows us to {\bf lock down critical events}
\item Limits the distribution, but {\bf increases the resilience} of MISP immensely
\frametitle{Cryptographic signing and tamper protection}
\frametitle{Cryptographic signing and tamper protection}
\frametitle{Cryptographic signing and tamper protection}
\frametitle{Other major improvements}
\item Various other new functionalities that improve our day to day use of the tool
\frametitle{Long list of security fixes}
\item Partially from user reports
\item Partially by an exhaustive pentest series
\item Massive thank you to {\bf Zigrin Security} for conducting the tests...
\item ...and to the {\bf Luxembourgish Army} for financing it
\item Multiple {\bf CVEs} resolved, including a {\bf critical one that required a silent release}
\item Make sure you stay up to date!
\frametitle{Long list of security fixes}
\frametitle{Event warning system}
\item Build a rule based tool that analyses an event and {\bf recommends improvements}
\item Typical issues easily caught (missing TLP, lack of context, etc)
\item Simple to extend, flexible
\frametitle{Event warning system}
\frametitle{Massive rework of the STIX integrations}
\item Our resident STIX guru (Christian Studer) has become {\bf co-chair of the STIX commitee} at OASIS
\item Massive rework of how we handle {\bf STIX ingestion / generation}
\item Continuous work with {\bf MITRE/CISA} to improve the integration
\item STIX subsystem spun off as a standalone system {\bf misp-stix}\footnote{\url{https://github.com/MISP/misp-stix}}
\item Can be used a standalone to convert in both directions MISP standard format to all the STIX variantes
\frametitle{Further synchronisation filtering methods}
\item The ability to {\bf exclude} certain attribute {\bf types from the synchronisation}
\item Comes with some risks, but solves some issues
\item An example: {\bf Exclusion of malware samples when sharing towards classified networks}
\frametitle{Advanced timelining}
\item Rework of the timelining in MISP
\item Inclusion of images, sightings
\item Various other improvements
\frametitle{New background processor}
\item Since late November last year we have had a {\bf new background processing engine}
\item Fully optional for now
\item Lean, closer to an OS native implementation via {\bf Supervisor}
\item Gets rid of a lot of the baggage of our previous system (scheduling)
\item Implemetation by @righel (Luciano Righetti)
\frametitle{Long list of other fixes}
\item Usability fixes
\item Performance improvements
\item Bug fixes
\item Too many improvements to the galaxies, taxonomies, object templates to list!
\item Huge thank you to {\bf Jakub Onderka} for the {\bf constant stream of improvements}
\frametitle{Workflows in MISP}
\item Outcome of our initial work from GeekWeek 7.5\footnote{\href{https://cyber.gc.ca/en/events/geekweek-75}{Workshop organized by the Canadian Cyber Center}}
\item Goal: Modifying the execution of certain {\bf core functionalities}
\item Basically a {\bf hooking mechanism}
\item Modular approach using {\bf MISP-modules} or {\bf PHP modules}
\item Build and execute admin defined tasks on various actions
\item Modify data in place, block, fire-and-forget
\item All exposed via a {\bf completely new GUI}
\frametitle{Workflows in MISP}
\item {\bf Branching} codebase
\item Context sensitive, per-module filters
\item Implemented by our UI expert Sami "GraphMan" Mokaddem
\frametitle{Workflows in MISP}
\frametitle{Workflows in MISP}
\frametitle{External data guard}
\item Work in {\bf collaboration with BICES}
\item Proxy server\footnote{\url{https://github.com/MISP/misp-guard}} that {\bf inspects and blocks potential data leaks} during synchronisation
\item Standalone
\item Simplistic design and {\bf easy to audit}
\item Modular {\bf rule based} system
\frametitle{Various reworks to support STIX mappings}
\item {\bf Relationships for tags/galaxies}
\item {\bf Templating} for galaxy cluster creation
\item Dot notation {\bf deep cluster elements}
\item Built in {\bf TAXII 2.1 export support} with the help of MITRE/CISA
\frametitle{Quick Cerebrate update}
\frametitle{Quick Cerebrate update}
\item 5 new releases
\item Deployment for the {\bf CSIRT network} ongoing
\item A host of new functionalities to solve day to day issues we have in the CSIRT community
\frametitle{User management}
\item Reworked completely
\item Tight integration with {\bf KeyCloak}
\item Full user provisioning / maintaining via Cerebrate
\frametitle{Reworked meta information system}
\item Introduction of {\bf context specific custom fields}
\item Custom {\bf search algorithms} (for example CIDR block lookups for constituency information)
\item Customisable and {\bf blueprint-able data model}
\frametitle{API along with its documentation fleshed out}
\item {\bf OpenAPI integration} similarly to MISP
\item Integration tests and introduction of a {\bf CI pipeline}
\item Documentation and API examples available in Cerebrate directly
\frametitle{Security fixes}
\item Cerebrate, similarly to MISP received an in-depth pentest by {\bf Zigrin Security}
\item Likewise funded by the {\bf Luxembourgish Army}
\item Besides fixes to vulnerabilities, a host of usability findings and fixes
\item {\bf 5 CVEs} published
\item \url{https://www.cerebrate-project.org/security.html}
\frametitle{Get in touch if you have any questions}
\item Contact CIRCL
\item info@circl.lu
\item \url{https://twitter.com/circl_lu}
\item \url{https://www.circl.lu/}
\item Contact MISPProject
\item \url{https://github.com/MISP}
\item \url{https://gitter.im/MISP/MISP}
\item \url{https://twitter.com/MISPProject}
\item Cerebrate project
\item \url{https://github.com/cerebrate-project}
\item \url{https://github.com/cerebrate-project/cerebrate}