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\frametitle{\texttt{\$ whoami}}
\frametitle{Automation in MISP: What already exists?}
\includegraphics[valign=m,width=16px]{pictures/python-logo.png}\hspace*{0.5em} \textbf{MISP API / PyMISP}
\item Needs CRON Jobs in place
\item Not realtime
\includegraphics[valign=m,width=16px]{pictures/zeromq.png}\hspace*{0.5em} \textbf{PubSub channels}
\item After the actions happen: No feedback to MISP
\item Tougher to put in place \& to share
$\rightarrow$ No way to \textbf{prevent} behavior\\
$\rightarrow$ Difficult to setup \textbf{hooks} to execute callbacks
\frametitle{What type of use-cases are we trying to support?}
\item \textbf{Prevent} default MISP behaviors to happen
\item Prevent \textbf{publication of events} not passing sanity checks
\item Prevent \textbf{querying} thrid-party \textbf{services} with sensitive information
\item $\cdots$
\item \textbf{Hook} specific actions to run callbacks
\item \textbf{Automatically run} enrichment services
\item Modify data on-the-fly: False positives, enable CTI-Pipeline
\item Send notifications in a chat rooms
\item $\cdots$
\frametitle{Simple automation in MISP made easy}
\item How?
\item \textbf{Drag \& Drop} editor
\item Prevent actions \textbf{before they happen}
\item Flexible \textbf{Plug \& Play} system
\item \textbf{Share} workflows, \textbf{debug} and \textbf{replay}
% \section{Workflow - Fundamentals}
Workflow - Fundamentals
\textbf{Objective:} Start with the foundation to understand the basics
\frametitle{How does it work}
\item An \textbf{event} happens in MISP
\item Check if all \textbf{conditions} are satisfied
\item Execute all \textbf{actions}
\frametitle{What kind of events?}
\item New MISP Event
\item Attribute has been saved
\item New discussion post
\item New user created
\item Query against third-party services
\item ...
{\Large \faIcon{question-circle}} Supported events in MISP are called \textbf{Triggers}\\
{\Large \faIcon{question-circle}} A \textbf{Trigger} is associated with \textbf{1-and-only-1 Workflow}
\frametitle{Triggers currently available}
Currently 11 triggers can be hooked. 3 being \includegraphics[width=36px]{pictures/blocking-workflow.png}.
\frametitle{What kind of conditions?}
\item A MISP Event is tagged with \texttt{tlp:red}
\item The distribution of an Attribute is a sharing group
\item The creator organisation is \texttt{circl.lu}
\item Or any other \textbf{generic} conditions
{\Large \faIcon{question-circle}} These are also called \textbf{Logic modules}
\frametitle{Workflow - Logic modules}
\item \includegraphics[width=12px]{pictures/sc-condition-icon.png} \textbf{logic} modules: Allow to redirect the execution flow.
\item IF conditions
\item Delay execution
\frametitle{What kind of actions?}
\item Send an email notification
\item Perform enrichments
\item Send a chat message on MS Teams
\item Attach a local tag
\item ...
{\Large \faIcon{question-circle}} These are also called \textbf{Action modules}
\frametitle{Workflow - Action modules}
\item \includegraphics[width=12px]{pictures/sc-action-icon.png} \textbf{action} modules: Allow to executes operations
\item Tag operations
\item Send notifications
\item Webhooks \& Custom scripts
\frametitle{What is a MISP Workflow?}
\item Sequence of all nodes to be executed in a specific order
\frametitle{Workflow execution for Event publish}
\item[] \hspace*{-2em}\includegraphics[width=16px]{pictures/sc-event-icon.png} \hspace*{0.25em} An Event is about to be published
\item The workflow for the \texttt{event-publish} trigger starts
\item[] \hspace*{-2em}\includegraphics[width=16px]{pictures/sc-condition-icon.png} \hspace*{0.25em} Conditions are evaluated
\item They might change the path taken during the execution
\item[] \hspace*{-2em}\includegraphics[width=16px]{pictures/sc-action-icon.png} \hspace*{0.25em} Actions are executed
\item {\bf\color{green!50!black}success}: Continue the publishing action
\item {\bf\color{red}failure} | \texttt{\color{red}blocked}: Stop publishing and log the reason
\frametitle{Sources of Workflow modules (0)}
Currently 36 built-in modules.
\item \textbf{Trigger} module (11): built-in \textbf{only}
\item Get in touch if you want more
\item \textbf{Logic} module (10): built-in \& \textbf{custom}
\item \textbf{Action} module (15): built-in \& \textbf{custom}
\frametitle{Sources of Workflow modules (1)}
\item Built-in \textbf{default} modules
\item Part of the MISP codebase
\item Get in touch if you want us to increase the selection (or merge PR!)
\frametitle{Sources of Workflow modules (2)}
User-defined \textbf{custom} modules
\item Written in PHP
\item Extend existing modules
\item MISP code reuse
\frametitle{Sources of Workflow modules (3)}
Modules from the \includegraphics[width=0.20\linewidth]{pictures/misp-module-icon.png} \textbf{enrichment service}
\item Written in Python
\item Can use any python libraries
\item Plug \& Play
\frametitle{Getting started with workflows (5)}
{\LARGE Let's build a workflow!}
\frametitle{Creating a workflow with the editor}
\item Prevent event publication if \textbf{tlp:red} tag
\item Send a mail to \texttt{admin@admin.test} about potential data leak
\item Otherwise, send a notification on \textbf{Mattermost}, \textbf{MS Teams}, \textbf{Telegram}, ...
% \section{Considerations when working with workflows}
Considerations when working with workflows
\textbf{Objective:} Overview of some common pitfalls
\frametitle{Working with the editor - Operations not allowed}
Execution loop are not authorized
\frametitle{Recursive workflows}
\danger Recursion: If an action re-run the workflow
\frametitle{Workflow blueprints}
\item Blueprints allow to \textbf{re-use parts} of a workflow in another one
\item Blueprints can be saved, exported and \textbf{shared}
Blueprints sources:
\item Created or imported by users
\item From the \texttt{MISP/misp-workflow-blueprints} repository\footnote{\scriptsize https://github.com/MISP/misp-workflow-blueprints}
\frametitle{Workflow blueprints}
Currently, 4 blueprints available:
\item Attach the \texttt{tlp:clear} tag on elements having the \texttt{tlp:white} tag
\item Block actions if any attributes have the \texttt{PAP:RED} or \texttt{tlp:red} tag
\item Disable \texttt{to\_ids} flag for existing hash in \textit{hashlookup}
\item Set tag based on \textit{BGP Ranking} maliciousness level
\frametitle{Future works}
\item More \includegraphics[width=12px]{pictures/sc-action-icon.png} modules
\item More \includegraphics[width=12px]{pictures/sc-condition-icon.png} modules
\item More \includegraphics[width=12px]{pictures/sc-event-icon.png} triggers
\item More documentation
\item Recursion prevention system
\item On-the-fly data override?
\frametitle{Final words}
\item Designed to \textbf{quickly} and \textbf{cheaply} integrate MISP in CTI pipelines
\item \underline{\textbf{Beta}} Feature unlikely to change. But still..
\item Waiting for feedback!
\item New triggers?
\item New modules?
\item What's acheivable