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COVID-19 MISP Information Sharing Community

COVID-19 MISP is a MISP instance retrofitted for a COVID-19 information sharing community.

The information sharing community is focusing on two areas of sharing:

  • Medical information
  • Cyber threats related to / abusing COVID-19

The information sharing community has a low barrier of entry, everyone can contribute and use the data. By default, the information is classified as TLP:WHITE for a larger distribution and usefulness.

Who is the target audience for this community ?

  • Anyone wanting to gain situational awareness for the current COVID-19 situation
  • Security practitioners trying to fend off covid related attacks
  • Those wanting to share, collaborate, visualise, automate data
  • All data is contextualised as either medical or security related information for easy filtering

Why using MISP in such context?

  • We are obviously interested on a personal level, as is everyone
  • Information sharing is what we do anyway
  • The tools that we are building are expanding our capabilities for the future
  • Bridging different domains affected in different ways can reveal correlations

How to get access to the COVID-19 MISP

Access can be requested to CIRCL by sending an email to CIRCL. A self-registration link will be available very soon.


Public Feeds generated from COVID-19 MISP community

Two public feeds are automatically generated from COVID-19 MISP. One is filtered with known source from the MISP project and another full IOC feed.