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title: Download
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## Download and Install MISP
[MISP source code is available on GitHub](https://github.com/MISP/MISP) including documentation and scripts for installation.
[ChangeLog](/Changelog.txt) contains a detailed list of updates for each software release in the core of the MISP software.
MISP Install guides (stock install instructions for getting a base MISP system running) are available at [https://misp.github.io/MISP/](https://misp.github.io/MISP/).
### Requirements
MISP can be easily installed on any standard GNU/Linux distribution. Installation guides for various distributions are included in the [INSTALL directory](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/tree/2.4/INSTALL). If you did a git clone of MISP for the installation, an [UPDATE procedure is available](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/INSTALL/UPDATE.txt) to keep your MISP up-to-date.
### Recommended distribution
We recommend to use a recent and stable Ubuntu distribution (such as 22.04) for deploying MISP.
### Virtual images for testing
If you would like to test MISP and don't want to do an installation, CIRCL generates automatically VMware images and VirtualBox at each MISP core commit. Available at [https://vm.misp-project.org/](https://vm.misp-project.org/). The image is to be used for testing purposes only, production-use is considered to be dangerous as is, it contains much more than MISP alone but also misp-dashboard and viper which requires additional security review before being in production.
The default credentials for the automatically generated virtual machines are the following:
For the MISP web interface -> admin@admin.test:admin
For the system -> misp:Password1234
#### VirtualBox
Please add the following forwards on your VM Host:
VBoxManage controlvm MISP_VM_NAME natpf1 www,tcp,,8080,,80
VBoxManage controlvm MISP_VM_NAME natpf1 ssh,tcp,,2222,,22
VBoxManage controlvm MISP_VM_NAME natpf1 dashboard,tcp,,8001,,8001
#### VMware Users
Log in on the VM using the console, and change the baseurl to the IP address of your VM.
sudo -u www-data /var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake Baseurl https://a.b.c.d
sudo systemctl restart apache2
### Vagrant
[misp-vagrant](https://github.com/MISP/misp-vagrant) deploys MISP project software with Vagrant.
### Docker containers
- Production ready [docker images for MISP and MISP-modules](https://github.com/misp/misp-docker) are maintained by Stefano Ortolani from VMware. Images are regularly pushed to MISP GitHub Package [registry](https://github.com/orgs/MISP/packages) and a blog post with step by step instruction is available [here](https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2023/01/how-to-deploy-a-threat-intelligence-platform-in-your-data-center.html).
- [A (nearly) production ready Dockered MISP](https://github.com/coolacid/docker-misp) is maintained by Jason Kendall (Coolacid).
- [Docker image focused on high performance and security based on CentOS Stream 8](https://github.com/NUKIB/misp) is maintained by National Cyber and Information Security Agency of the Czech Republic.
We invite you to read the GitHub README page of each version to understand what better fits your needs.
### Puppet
- [puppet-misp](https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-misp) This module installs and configures MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) on CentOS 7.
### Ansible
- [MISP ansible](https://github.com/juju4/ansible-MISP) An ansible role to setup a MISP instance.
### AutoMISP
- [AutoMISP is shell script](https://github.com/da667/AutoMISP) to automatically install MISP and misp-modules together on Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.
### misp-cloud - Cloud-ready images of MISP
- [misp-cloud](https://github.com/MISP/misp-cloud) - The objective of this project is to deliver cloud-ready images of MISP for testing purposes. AWS is currently supported.
### RPM
- [MISP-RPM](https://github.com/amuehlem/MISP-RPM) - RPM Packages for MISP.
## License
The MISP software is an open source and free software released under the [AGPL](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/LICENSE) (Affero General Public License). We are committed to ensure that MISP will remain a free and open source project on the long-run.
The MISP [taxonomies](/taxonomies.html) and [galaxy](/galaxy.html) are licensed under [CC0 1.0 Universal](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) (CC0 1.0) - Public Domain Dedication or 2-clause BSD open source license. This allows interoperability with any product. (open source or proprietary)