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MISP Events

Want to join us at an event, discuss opportunities or projects around the MISP project, share your experience about threat intelligence or discuss how MISP could be improved to support security professionals?

MISP hackathon

MISP Training(s)

  • GoSec - MISP workshop, 13:30-16:15 29th August 2018, GoSec Montreal

  • Luxembourg - MISP Training - Threat Intelligence - Analyst and Administrators Thu, September 6, 2018 Registration

  • Luxembourg - MISP Training - Threat Intelligence - Extension and API hands-on, Fri, September 7, 2018 Registration

  • Seattle (US) - MISP Training - Threat Intelligence Analyst and Administrators (Seattle edition), Wednesday, 19 September 2018 Registration

  • Seattle (US) - MISP Training - Developers session with focus on DomainTools integration (Seattle edition), Thursday, 20 September 2018 Registration

Conferences featuring MISP core members talking about MISP and/or threat intelligence