5 Upgrade to ZF3 process.
ruslanbaydan edited this page 2019-11-13 15:04:38 +01:00
  1. Merge "zm-core", "zm-client", "zm-backoffice" branches 'feature/upgrade-to-zf3' to 'master'
  2. Update those dependencies (listed in the point 1) of "MonarcAppFO", "MonarcAppBO" and "zm-client", "zm-backoffice" to master branch (in composer.json).
  3. Merge "MonarcAppFO" and "MonarcAppBO" branches 'feature/upgrade-to-zf3' to 'master'
  4. Merge Ansible branch 'feature/upgrade-to-zf3' to master
  5. Upgrade formation.monarc.lu with the upgrade script.
  6. Upgrade my.monarc.lu first FO server with the upgrade script.
  7. Upgrade my.monarc.lu second FO server with the upgrade script.
  8. Upgrade my.monarc.lu backoffice with the upgrade script.
  9. Announce the release on the monarc.lu, twitter.

Go for the LDAP feature testing and releasing...