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Docker guide

You can quickly get a server running using Docker. You need to have docker and docker-compose installed.


Build your own Docker image

$ git clone /tmp/peertube
$ cd /tmp/peertube
$ docker build . -f ./support/docker/production/Dockerfile.stretch

Run a preconfigured setup with all dependencies

PeerTube needs a PostgreSQL and a Redis instance to work correctly. If you want to quickly set up a full environment, either for trying the service or in production, you can use a docker-compose setup.

$ git clone /tmp/peertube
$ cd /tmp/peertube/support/docker/production

Then tweak the docker-compose.yml file there according to your needs. Then you can use the regular up command to set it up, with possible overrides of the environment variables:

$ \ \
    docker-compose up

Other environment variables are used in support/docker/production/config/custom-environment-variables.yaml and can be intuited from usage.

For this example configuration, a reverse proxy is quite recommended. The example Docker Compose file provides example labels for a Traefik load balancer, although any HTTP reverse proxy will work fine. See the example Nginx configuration support/nginx/peertube file to get an idea of recommendations and requirements to run PeerTube the most efficiently.

When starting the containers for the first time, you will get permissions errors for the data volume, like this one:

Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/data/logs'

The peertube user inside the container has a UID and GID of 991 so you have to change the folder's owner, in the case you're using ./data:

chown -R 991:991 data/

Important: note that you'll get the initial root user password from the program output, so check out your logs to find them.


The Docker image that's preconfigured in support/docker/dev contains all the services embedded in one image, so as to work correctly on Janitor. It is much not advised to use it in production.