mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "لم تقدّم التصريح اللازم كي يُرسل %(brand)s التنبيهات. من فضلك أعِد المحاولة",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "تعذر تفعيل التنبيهات",
"This email address was not found": "لم يوجد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "لا يظهر بأن عنوان بريدك مرتبط بمعرّف «ماترِكس» على الخادوم المنزل هذا.",
"Sign In or Create Account": "لِج أو أنشِئ حسابًا",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "استعمل حسابك أو أنشِئ واحدًا جديدًا للمواصلة.",
"Create Account": "أنشِئ حسابًا",
@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"%(brand)s does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "%(brand)s-un sizə bildiriş göndərmək icazəsi yoxdur - brauzerinizin parametrlərini yoxlayın",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s bildiriş göndərmək üçün icazə verilmədi - lütfən yenidən cəhd edin",
"This email address was not found": "Bu e-poçt ünvanı tapılmadı",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "E-poçt adresiniz bu Ana serverdəki Matrix ID ilə əlaqəli görünmür.",
"Restricted": "Məhduddur",
"Failed to invite": "Dəvət alınmadı",
"Unable to create widget.": "Widjet yaratmaq olmur.",
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s не е получил разрешение да изпраща известия - моля опитайте отново",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Неупешно включване на известия",
"This email address was not found": "Този имейл адрес не беше открит",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Изглежда вашият имейл адрес не може да се асоциира с Matrix ID на този Home сървър.",
"Default": "По подразбиране",
"Restricted": "Ограничен",
"Moderator": "Модератор",
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s no ha rebut cap permís per enviar notificacions, torna-ho a provar",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "No s'han pogut activar les notificacions",
"This email address was not found": "Aquesta adreça de correu electrònic no s'ha trobat",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "La teva adreça de correu electrònic no sembla estar associada amb un ID de Matrix en aquest servidor.",
"Default": "Predeterminat",
"Restricted": "Restringit",
"Moderator": "Moderador",
@ -206,7 +206,6 @@
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Vaše e-mailová adresa zřejmě nepatří k žádnému Matrix ID na tomto domovském serveru.",
"Failed to invite": "Pozvání se nezdařilo",
"You need to be logged in.": "Musíte být přihlášeni.",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Nyní ignorujete %(userId)s",
@ -3653,7 +3652,6 @@
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Při použití této relace se nebudete moci účastnit místností, kde je povoleno šifrování.",
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Tato relace nepodporuje šifrování, a proto ji nelze ověřit.",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Pro co nejlepší zabezpečení a ochranu soukromí je doporučeno používat Matrix klienty, které podporují šifrování.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Tato relace nepodporuje šifrování, takže ji nelze ověřit.",
"%(senderName)s ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "%(senderName)s ukončil(a) <a>hlasové vysílání</a>",
"You ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "Ukončili jste <a>hlasové vysílání</a>",
"Threaded messages": "Zprávy ve vláknech",
@ -3745,5 +3743,7 @@
"Notifications debug": "Ladění oznámení",
"unknown": "neznámé",
"Red": "Červená",
"Grey": "Šedá"
"Grey": "Šedá",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Opravdu chcete ukončit živé vysílání? Tím se vysílání ukončí a v místnosti bude k dispozici celý záznam.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Zdá se, že vaše e-mailová adresa není přiřazena k Matrix ID na tomto domovském serveru."
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s fik ikke tilladelse til at sende notifikationer - Vær sød at prøve igen",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Kunne ikke slå Notifikationer til",
"This email address was not found": "Denne emailadresse blev ikke fundet",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Din emailadresse lader ikke til at være tilknyttet et Matrix ID på denne Homeserver.",
"Restricted": "Begrænset",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Operation failed": "Operation mislykkedes",
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Benachrichtigungen konnten nicht aktiviert werden",
"Upload Failed": "Hochladen fehlgeschlagen",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Du kannst keinen Anruf mit dir selbst starten.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Deine E-Mail-Adresse scheint nicht mit einer Matrix-ID auf diesem Heim-Server verbunden zu sein.",
"Sun": "So",
"Mon": "Mo",
"Tue": "Di",
@ -3653,7 +3652,6 @@
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Aus Sicherheits- und Datenschutzgründen, wird die Nutzung von verschlüsselungsfähigen Matrix-Anwendungen empfohlen.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Du wirst dich mit dieser Sitzung nicht an Unterhaltungen in Räumen mit aktivierter Verschlüsselung beteiligen können.",
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Diese Sitzung unterstützt keine Verschlüsselung und kann deshalb nicht verifiziert werden.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Diese Sitzung unterstützt keine Verschlüsselung und kann deshalb nicht verifiziert werden.",
"%(senderName)s ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "%(senderName)s beendete eine <a>Sprachübertragung</a>",
"You ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "Du hast eine <a>Sprachübertragung</a> beendet",
"Unable to decrypt message": "Nachrichten-Entschlüsselung nicht möglich",
@ -3746,5 +3744,6 @@
", count:": ", Anzahl:",
"Room unread status: ": "Ungelesenstatus des Raumes: ",
"Notifications debug": "Debug-Modus für Benachrichtigungen",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Möchtest du deine Übertragung wirklich beenden? Dies wird die Übertragung abschließen und die vollständige Aufnahme im Raum bereitstellen."
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Möchtest du deine Übertragung wirklich beenden? Dies wird die Übertragung abschließen und die vollständige Aufnahme im Raum bereitstellen.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Deine E-Mail-Adresse scheint nicht mit einer Matrix-ID auf diesem Heim-Server verknüpft zu sein."
@ -256,7 +256,6 @@
"Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Απόρριψη όλων των προσκλήσεων %(invitedRooms)s",
"Deops user with given id": "Deop χρήστη με το συγκεκριμένο αναγνωριστικό",
"Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Εμφάνιση χρονικών σημάνσεων σε 12ωρη μορφή ώρας (π.χ. 2:30 μ.μ.)",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Η διεύθυνση της ηλ. αλληλογραφίας σας δεν φαίνεται να συσχετίζεται με μια ταυτότητα Matrix σε αυτόν τον Διακομιστή Φιλοξενίας.",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Δεν θα μπορέσετε να αναιρέσετε αυτήν την αλλαγή καθώς προωθείτε τον χρήστη να έχει το ίδιο επίπεδο δύναμης με τον εαυτό σας.",
"Sent messages will be stored until your connection has returned.": "Τα απεσταλμένα μηνύματα θα αποθηκευτούν μέχρι να αακτηθεί η σύνδεσή σας.",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να καταργήσετε (διαγράψετε) αυτό το συμβάν; Σημειώστε ότι αν διαγράψετε το όνομα δωματίου ή αλλάξετε το θέμα, θα μπορούσε να αναιρέσει την αλλαγή.",
@ -191,7 +191,6 @@
"You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.": "You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "You need to be able to invite users to do that.",
"You need to be logged in.": "You need to be logged in.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.",
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s ne ricevis permeson sendi sciigojn – bonvolu reprovi",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Ne povas ŝalti sciigojn",
"This email address was not found": "Tiu ĉi retpoŝtadreso ne troviĝis",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Via retpoŝtareso ŝajne ne ligiĝas al Matrix-identigilo sur tiu ĉi hejmservilo.",
"Default": "Ordinara",
"Restricted": "Limigita",
"Moderator": "Ĉambrestro",
@ -230,7 +230,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "<a>Regístrate</a> para usar esta funcionalidad",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Debes tener permisos para invitar usuarios para hacer eso.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Necesitas haber iniciado sesión.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Tu dirección de correo electrónico no parece estar asociada a una ID de Matrix en este servidor base.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Parece estar en medio de una llamada, ¿esta seguro que desea salir?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Pareces estar subiendo archivos, ¿seguro que quieres salir?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "No podrás deshacer este cambio porque estás promoviendo al usuario para tener el mismo nivel de autoridad que tú.",
@ -933,7 +933,6 @@
"Setting up keys": "Võtame krüptovõtmed kasutusele",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Teavituste kasutusele võtmine ei õnnestunud",
"This email address was not found": "Seda e-posti aadressi ei leidunud",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Sinu e-posti aadress ei tundu olema selles koduserveris seotud Matrixi kasutajatunnusega.",
"Enter a server name": "Sisesta serveri nimi",
"Looks good": "Tundub õige",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "E-posti teel kutse saatmiseks kasuta isikutuvastusserverit. Võid kasutada <default>vaikimisi serverit (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> või määrata muud serverid <settings>seadistustes</settings>.",
@ -3653,7 +3652,6 @@
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Parima turvalisuse ja privaatsuse nimel palun kasuta selliseid Matrix'i kliente, mis toetavad krüptimist.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Selle sessiooniga ei saa sa osaleda krüptitud jututubades.",
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Seda sessiooni ei saa verifitseerida, sest seal puudub krüptimise tugi.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Seda sessiooni ei saa verifitseerida, sest seal puudub krüptimise tugi.",
"%(senderName)s ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "%(senderName)s lõpetas <a>ringhäälingukõne</a>",
"You ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "Sa lõpetasid <a>ringhäälingukõne</a>",
"Threaded messages": "Sõnumid jutulõngana",
@ -3745,5 +3743,7 @@
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Sõnumite kirjutamisel kasuta Markdown'i asemel täisfunktsionaalset küljendust.",
"unknown": "teadmata",
"Red": "Punane",
"Grey": "Hall"
"Grey": "Hall",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid otseeetri lõpetada? Sellega ringhäälingukõne salvestamine lõppeb ja salvestis on kättesaadav kõigile jututoas.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Sinu e-posti aadress ei tundu olema selles koduserveris seotud Matrixi kasutajatunnusega."
@ -206,7 +206,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "Funtzionaltasun hau erabiltzeko <a>erregistratu</a>",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Erabiltzaileak gonbidatzeko baimena behar duzu hori egiteko.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Saioa hasi duzu.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Zure e-mail helbidea ez dago antza hasiera zerbitzari honetako Matrix ID batekin lotuta.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Badirudi dei batean zaudela, ziur irten nahi duzula?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Badirudi fitxategiak iotzen zaudela, ziur irten nahi duzula?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Ezin izango duzu hau atzera bota erabiltzailea zure botere maila berera igotzen ari zarelako.",
@ -496,7 +496,6 @@
"Afghanistan": "افغانستان",
"United States": "ایالات متحده",
"United Kingdom": "انگلستان",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "به نظر نمیرسد آدرس ایمیل شما با هیچ کدام از شناسه ماتریکس در این سرور مرتبط باشد.",
"This email address was not found": "این آدرس ایمیل یافت نشد",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "فعال کردن اعلان ها امکان پذیر نیست",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "به %(brand)s اجازه ارسال اعلان داده نشده است - لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید",
@ -160,7 +160,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "Sinun pitää <a>rekisteröityä</a> käyttääksesi tätä toiminnallisuutta",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Sinun pitää pystyä kutsua käyttäjiä voidaksesi tehdä tuon.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Sinun pitää olla kirjautunut.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Sähköpostiosoitteesi ei vaikuta olevan liitetty mihinkään Matrix-tunnukseen tällä kotipalvelimella.",
"Sun": "su",
"Mon": "ma",
"Tue": "ti",
@ -157,7 +157,6 @@
"You do not have permission to post to this room": "Vous n’avez pas la permission de poster dans ce salon",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Vous devez avoir l’autorisation d’inviter des utilisateurs pour faire ceci.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Vous devez être identifié.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Votre adresse e-mail ne semble pas être associée à un identifiant Matrix sur ce serveur d’accueil.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Vous semblez avoir un appel en cours, voulez-vous vraiment partir ?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Vous semblez être en train d’envoyer des fichiers, voulez-vous vraiment partir ?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Vous ne pourrez pas annuler cette modification car vous promouvez l’utilisateur au même rang que le vôtre.",
@ -3649,7 +3648,6 @@
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Cette session ne prend pas en charge le chiffrement, elle ne peut donc pas être vérifiée.",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Pour de meilleures sécurité et confidentialité, il est recommandé d’utiliser des clients Matrix qui prennent en charge le chiffrement.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Vous ne pourrez pas participer aux salons qui ont activé le chiffrement en utilisant cette session.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Cette session ne prend pas en charge le chiffrement, elle ne peut donc pas être vérifiée.",
"Apply": "Appliquer",
"Search users in this room…": "Chercher des utilisateurs dans ce salon…",
"Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Donne plus de privilèges à un ou plusieurs utilisateurs de ce salon",
@ -3745,5 +3743,6 @@
"Notifications debug": "Débogage des notifications",
"unknown": "inconnu",
"Red": "Rouge",
"Grey": "Gris"
"Grey": "Gris",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir arrêter votre diffusion en direct ? Cela terminera la diffusion et l’enregistrement complet sera disponible dans le salon."
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s non ten permiso para enviar notificacións: inténteo de novo",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Non se puideron activar as notificacións",
"This email address was not found": "Non se atopou este enderezo de correo",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "O seu enderezo de correo semella non estar asociado a un ID Matrix neste servidor.",
"Default": "Por defecto",
"Restricted": "Restrinxido",
"Moderator": "Moderador",
@ -242,7 +242,6 @@
"Afghanistan": "אפגניסטן",
"United States": "ארצות הברית",
"United Kingdom": "אנגליה",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "המייל שלכם לא משוייך לחשבון בשרת הזה.",
"This email address was not found": "המייל הזה לא נמצא",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "לא ניתן להפעיל התראות",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s לא נתנו הרשאות לשלוח התרעות - אנא נסו שוב",
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "अधिसूचनाएं सक्षम करने में असमर्थ",
"This email address was not found": "यह ईमेल पता नहीं मिला था",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "आपका ईमेल पता इस होमसर्वर पर मैट्रिक्स आईडी से जुड़ा प्रतीत नहीं होता है।",
"Register": "पंजीकरण करें",
"Default": "डिफ़ॉल्ट",
"Restricted": "वर्जित",
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
"Afghanistan": "Afganistan",
"United States": "Sjedinjene Države",
"United Kingdom": "Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Čini se da Vaša email adresa nije povezana s Matrix ID-om na ovom kućnom poslužitelju.",
"This email address was not found": "Ova email adresa nije pronađena",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Omogućavanje notifikacija nije uspjelo",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s nema dopuštenje slati Vam notifikacije - molimo pokušajte ponovo",
@ -199,7 +199,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "<a>Regisztrálnod kell</a> hogy ezt használhasd",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Hogy ezt tegye, meg kell tudnia hívni felhasználókat.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Be kell jelentkeznie.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Ez az e-mail-cím úgy tűnik, hogy nincs összekötve Matrix-azonosítóval ezen a Matrix-kiszolgálón.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Úgy tűnik hívásban vagy, biztosan kilépsz?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Úgy tűnik fájlokat töltesz fel, biztosan kilépsz?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Nem leszel képes visszavonni ezt a változtatást mivel a felhasználót ugyanarra a szintre emeled amin te vagy.",
@ -3625,7 +3624,6 @@
"Error starting verification": "Ellenőrzés indításakor hiba lépett fel",
"Change layout": "Képernyőbeosztás megváltoztatása",
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Ez a munkamenet nem támogatja a titkosítást, így nem lehet ellenőrizni sem.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Ez a munkamenet nem támogatja a titkosítást, így nem lehet ellenőrizni sem.",
"Early previews": "Lehetőségek korai megjelenítése",
"What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Mi várható a(z) %(brand)s fejlesztésében? A labor a legjobb hely az új dolgok kipróbálásához, visszajelzés adásához és a funkciók éles indulás előtti kialakításában történő segítséghez.",
"Upcoming features": "Készülő funkciók",
@ -3717,5 +3715,35 @@
"Enable MSC3946 (to support late-arriving room archives)": "MSC3946 engedélyezése (a későn érkező szoba archívum támogatáshoz)",
"Dynamic room predecessors": "Dinamikus szoba előfutára",
"Indent decrease": "Behúzás csökkentés",
"Indent increase": "Behúzás növelés"
"Indent increase": "Behúzás növelés",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Szövegszerkesztő használata a Markdown formázás helyett az üzenet írásakor.",
"Thread Id: ": "Üzenetszál azon.: ",
"Threads timeline": "Üzenetszálak idővonala",
"Sender: ": "Küldő: ",
"Type: ": "Típus: ",
"ID: ": "Azon.: ",
"Last event:": "Utolsó esemény:",
"No receipt found": "Nincs visszajelzés",
"User read up to: ": "A felhasználó eddig olvasta el: ",
"Dot: ": "Pont: ",
"Highlight: ": "Kiemelt: ",
"Total: ": "Összesen: ",
"Main timeline": "Fő idővonal",
"not encrypted 🚨": "nem titkosított 🚨",
"encrypted ✅": "titkosított ✅",
"Room is ": "Szoba: ",
"Notification state is": "Értesítések állapota:",
", count:": ", számláló:",
"Room unread status: ": "Szoba olvasási állapota: ",
"Room status": "Szoba állapota",
"There are no polls in this room": "Ebben a szobában nincsenek szavazások",
"Notifications debug": "Értesítések hibakeresése",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Szavazások listájának a megjelenítése a szobában. (Fejlesztés alatt)",
"Polls history": "Szavazások",
"unknown": "ismeretlen",
"Red": "Piros",
"Grey": "Szürke",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Biztos, hogy befejezi az élő közvetítést? Ez megállítja a közvetítést és a felvétel az egész szoba számára elérhető lesz.",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "A hang közvetítést nem lehet visszafejteni",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Ez az e-mail cím, úgy néz ki, nincs összekötve a Matrix azonosítóval ezen a Matrix-kiszolgálón."
@ -539,7 +539,6 @@
"Afghanistan": "Afganistan",
"United States": "Amerika Serikat",
"United Kingdom": "Britania Raya",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Alamat email Anda tidak tertaut dengan ID Matrix di homeserver ini.",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Tidak dapat mengaktifkan Notifikasi",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s tidak memiliki izin untuk mengirim Anda notifikasi — silakan coba lagi",
"%(brand)s does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "%(brand)s tidak memiliki izin untuk mengirim Anda notifikasi — mohon periksa pengaturan browser Anda",
@ -3649,7 +3648,6 @@
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Sesi ini tidak mendukung enkripsi dan tidak dapat diverifikasi.",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Untuk keamanan dan privasi yang terbaik, kami merekomendasikan menggunakan klien Matrix yang mendukung enkripsi.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Anda tidak akan dapat berpartisipasi dalam ruangan di mana enkripsi diaktifkan ketika menggunakan sesi ini.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Sesi ini tidak mendukung enkripsi, jadi ini tidak dapat diverifikasi.",
"Apply": "Terapkan",
"Search users in this room…": "Cari pengguna di ruangan ini…",
"Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Berikan satu atau beberapa pengguna dalam ruangan ini lebih banyak izin",
@ -3745,5 +3743,7 @@
"Notifications debug": "Pengawakutuan notifikasi",
"unknown": "tidak diketahui",
"Red": "Merah",
"Grey": "Abu-Abu"
"Grey": "Abu-Abu",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Apakah Anda ingin menghentikan siaran langsung Anda? Ini akan mengakhiri siarannya, dan rekamanan lengkap akan tersedia dalam ruangan.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Alamat email Anda terlihat tidak diasosiasikan dengan sebuah ID Matrix di homeserver ini."
@ -1291,7 +1291,6 @@
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Sumar boðsbeiðnir var ekki hægt að senda",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Við sendum hin boðin, en fólkinu hér fyrir neðan var ekki hægt að bjóða í <RoomName/>",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Notaðu aðganginn þinn eða búðu til nýjan til að halda áfram.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Tölvupóstfangið þitt lítur ekki út fyrir að vera tengt við Matrix-auðkenni á þessum heimaþjóni.",
"We couldn't log you in": "Við gátum ekki skráð þig inn",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Ekki halda áfram nema þú treystir eiganda netþjónsins.",
"This action requires accessing the default identity server <server /> to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "Þessi aðgerð krefst þess að til að fá aðgang að sjálfgefna auðkennisþjóninum <server /> þurfi að sannreyna tölvupóstfang eða símanúmer, en netþjónninn er hins vegar ekki með neina þjónustuskilmála.",
@ -74,7 +74,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Non è stata data a %(brand)s l'autorizzazione ad inviare notifiche - riprova",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Impossibile attivare le notifiche",
"This email address was not found": "Indirizzo email non trovato",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Il tuo indirizzo email sembra non essere associato ad un ID Matrix su questo Homeserver.",
"Default": "Predefinito",
"Restricted": "Limitato",
"Moderator": "Moderatore",
@ -3648,7 +3647,6 @@
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Questa sessione non supporta la crittografia, perciò non può essere verificata.",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Per maggiore sicurezza e privacy, è consigliabile usare i client di Matrix che supportano la crittografia.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Non potrai partecipare in stanze dove la crittografia è attiva mentre usi questa sessione.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Questa sessione non supporta la crittografia, perciò non può essere verificata.",
"Apply": "Applica",
"Search users in this room…": "Cerca utenti in questa stanza…",
"Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Dai più privilegi a uno o più utenti in questa stanza",
@ -3745,5 +3743,7 @@
"Notifications debug": "Debug notifiche",
"unknown": "sconosciuto",
"Red": "Rosso",
"Grey": "Grigio"
"Grey": "Grigio",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Vuoi davvero fermare la tua trasmissione in diretta? Verrà terminata la trasmissione e la registrazione completa sarà disponibile nella stanza.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Il tuo indirizzo email non sembra associato a nessun ID utente registrato su questo homeserver."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
"Unnamed Room": "na da cmene",
"Unable to enable Notifications": ".i na kakne lo nu co'a kakne lo nu benji lo sajgau",
"This email address was not found": ".i na da zo'u facki le du'u samymri judri da",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": ".i za'a le samymri judri na ckini pa judri be fi la .meitriks. be'o pe le samtcise'u",
"Register": "nu co'a na'o jaspu",
"Default": "zmiselcu'a",
"Restricted": "vlipa so'u da",
@ -312,7 +312,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s ur d-yefk ara tisirag i tuzna n yilɣa - ttxil-k/m εreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Sens irmad n yilɣa",
"This email address was not found": "Tansa-a n yimayl ulac-it",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Tansa-ik/im n yimayl ur d-tban ara akken ad tettwacudd d usulay Matrix deg usebter-a agejdan.",
"Sign In or Create Account": "Kcem ɣer neɣ rnu amiḍan",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Seqdec amiḍan-ik/im neɣ snulfu-d yiwen akken ad tkemmleḍ.",
"Custom (%(level)s)": "Sagen (%(level)s)",
@ -202,7 +202,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "이 기능을 쓰려면 <a>등록</a>해야 합니다",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "그러려면 사용자를 초대할 수 있어야 합니다.",
"You need to be logged in.": "로그인을 해야 합니다.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "이메일 주소가 이 홈서버의 Matrix ID와 관련이 없는 것 같습니다.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "전화 중인데, 끊겠습니까?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "파일을 업로드 중인데, 그만두겠습니까?",
"Sun": "일",
@ -187,7 +187,6 @@
"Afghanistan": "ອັຟການິສຖານ",
"United States": "ສະຫະລັດອາເມລິກາ",
"United Kingdom": "ປະເທດອັງກິດ",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "ທີ່ຢູ່ອີເມວຂອງທ່ານບໍ່ປະກົດວ່າກ່ຽວຂ້ອງກັບ Matrix ID ໃນ Homeserver ນີ້.",
"This email address was not found": "ບໍ່ພົບທີ່ຢູ່ອີເມວນີ້",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "ບໍ່ສາມາດເປີດໃຊ້ການແຈ້ງເຕືອນໄດ້",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s ບໍ່ໄດ້ຮັບອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ສົ່ງການແຈ້ງເຕືອນ - ກະລຸນາລອງໃໝ່ອີກຄັ້ງ",
@ -245,7 +245,6 @@
"File to import": "Failas, kurį importuoti",
"Import": "Importuoti",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Jūs neturite leidimo šiame kambaryje pradėti konferencinį pokalbį",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Neatrodo, kad jūsų el. pašto adresas šiame serveryje būtų susietas su Matrix ID.",
"Missing room_id in request": "Užklausoje trūksta room_id",
"Missing user_id in request": "Užklausoje trūksta user_id",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s pašalino kambario pavadinimą.",
@ -207,7 +207,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "Lai izmantotu šo funkcionalitāti, Tev ir <a>jāreģistrējas</a>",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Lai to darītu, Tev ir jāspēj uzaicināt lietotājus.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Tev ir jāpierakstās.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Jūsu epasta adrese nav piesaistīta nevienam Matrix ID šajā bāzes serverī.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Izskatās, ka atrodies zvana režīmā. Vai tiešām vēlies iziet?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Izskatās, ka šobrīd notiek failu augšupielāde. Vai tiešām vēlaties iziet?",
"Sun": "Sv.",
@ -84,7 +84,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s fikk ikke tillatelse til å sende deg varsler - vennligst prøv igjen",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Klarte ikke slå på Varslinger",
"This email address was not found": "Denne e-postadressen ble ikke funnet",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "E-postadressen din ser ikke ut til å være koplet til en Matrix-ID på denne hjemmetjeneren.",
"Register": "Registrer",
"Default": "Standard",
"Restricted": "Begrenset",
@ -222,7 +222,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "Je dient je te <a>registreren</a> om deze functie te gebruiken",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Dit vereist de bevoegdheid om personen uit te nodigen.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Hiervoor dien je ingelogd te zijn.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Zo te zien is jouw e-mailadres op deze homeserver niet aan een Matrix-ID gekoppeld.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Het ziet er naar uit dat je in gesprek bent, weet je zeker dat je wil afsluiten?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Het ziet er naar uit dat je bestanden aan het uploaden bent, weet je zeker dat je wil afsluiten?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Je zal deze veranderingen niet terug kunnen draaien, omdat je de persoon tot je eigen machtsniveau promoveert.",
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s fekk ikkje tillating til å senda varsel - ver venleg og prøv igjen",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Klarte ikkje å skru på Varsel",
"This email address was not found": "Denne epostadressa var ikkje funnen",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Epostadressa di ser ikkje ut til å vera tilknytta ein Matrix-ID på denne heimtenaren.",
"Default": "Opphavleg innstilling",
"Restricted": "Avgrensa",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
@ -235,7 +235,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "Musisz się <a>zarejestrować</a> aby móc używać tej funkcji",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Aby to zrobić musisz mieć możliwość zapraszania użytkowników.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Musisz być zalogowany.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Twój adres e-mail zdaje się nie być powiązany z żadnym Matrix ID na tym serwerze.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Wygląda na to, że prowadzisz z kimś rozmowę; jesteś pewien że chcesz wyjść?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Wygląda na to, że jesteś w trakcie przesyłania plików; jesteś pewien, że chcesz wyjść?",
"This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Ten serwer nie wspiera autentykacji za pomocą numeru telefonu.",
@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Você não pode iniciar uma chamada.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Para fazer isso, você tem que ter permissão para convidar outras pessoas.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Você tem que estar logado.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "O seu endereço de email não parece estar associado a uma conta de usuária/o Matrix neste servidor.",
"This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Este servidor não permite a autenticação através de números de telefone.",
"Connectivity to the server has been lost.": "A conexão com o servidor foi perdida. Verifique sua conexão de internet.",
"Sent messages will be stored until your connection has returned.": "Imagens enviadas ficarão armazenadas até que sua conexão seja reestabelecida.",
@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Você não pode iniciar uma chamada consigo mesmo.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Para fazer isso, precisa ter permissão para convidar outras pessoas.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Você precisa estar logado.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "O seu endereço de e-mail não parece estar associado a uma conta de usuária/o Matrix neste servidor.",
"This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Este servidor não permite a autenticação através de números de telefone.",
"Connectivity to the server has been lost.": "A conexão com o servidor foi perdida. Verifique sua conexão de internet.",
"Sent messages will be stored until your connection has returned.": "Imagens enviadas ficarão armazenadas até que sua conexão seja reestabelecida.",
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@
"Thu": "Чт",
"Fri": "Пт",
"Sat": "Сб",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Ваш email не связан ни с одним пользователем на этом сервере.",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Не удалось включить уведомления",
"Upload Failed": "Сбой отправки файла",
"Usage": "Использование",
@ -3517,7 +3516,6 @@
"Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.": "Удаление неактивных сеансов улучшает безопасность и производительность, делая своевременным обнаружение любого сомнительного сеанса.",
"Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.": "Неактивные сеансы — это сеансы, которые вы не использовали какое-то время, но продолжающие получать ключи шифрования.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Через этот сеанс вы не можете участвовать в комнатах с шифрованием.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Этот сеанс не поддерживает шифрование, поэтому он не может быть подтверждён.",
"You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.": "Вам следует особенно отметить их наличие, поскольку они могут представлять неавторизованное применение вашей учётной записи.",
"Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but have not been cross-verified.": "Неподтверждённые сеансы — это сеансы, вошедшие с вашими учётными данными, но до сих пор не подтверждённые.",
"This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.": "Это означает наличие у вас всех ключей, необходимых для расшифровки сообщений, и способ другим пользователям понять, что вы доверяете этому сеансу.",
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Aplikácii %(brand)s nebolo udelené povolenie potrebné pre posielanie oznámení - prosím, skúste to znovu",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Nie je možné povoliť oznámenia",
"This email address was not found": "Túto emailovú adresu sa nepodarilo nájsť",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Zdá sa, že vaša emailová adresa nie je priradená k žiadnemu Matrix ID na tomto domovskom serveri.",
"Default": "Predvolené",
"Moderator": "Moderátor",
"Admin": "Správca",
@ -3652,7 +3651,6 @@
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Táto relácia nepodporuje šifrovanie, a preto ju nemožno overiť.",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Pre čo najlepšie zabezpečenie a ochranu súkromia sa odporúča používať klientov Matrix, ktorí podporujú šifrovanie.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Pri používaní tejto relácie sa nebudete môcť zúčastňovať v miestnostiach, v ktorých je zapnuté šifrovanie.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Táto relácia nepodporuje šifrovanie, a preto ju nemožno overiť.",
"%(senderName)s ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "%(senderName)s ukončil/a <a>hlasové vysielanie</a>",
"You ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "Ukončili ste <a>hlasové vysielanie</a>",
"Defaults to room member list.": "Predvolené nastavenie je zoznam členov miestnosti.",
@ -3746,5 +3744,6 @@
"unknown": "neznáme",
"Red": "Červená",
"Grey": "Sivá",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Určite chcete zastaviť vysielanie naživo? Tým sa vysielanie ukončí a v miestnosti bude k dispozícii celý záznam."
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Určite chcete zastaviť vysielanie naživo? Tým sa vysielanie ukončí a v miestnosti bude k dispozícii celý záznam.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Zdá sa, že vaša emailová adresa nie je priradená k žiadnemu Matrix ID na tomto domovskom serveri."
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s-it s’iu dha leje të dërgojë njoftime - ju lutemi, riprovoni",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "S’arrihet të aktivizohen njoftimet",
"This email address was not found": "Kjo adresë email s’u gjet",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Adresa juaj email s’duket të jetë e përshoqëruar me një ID Matrix në këtë shërbyes Home.",
"Default": "Parazgjedhje",
"Restricted": "E kufizuar",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
@ -2977,7 +2976,7 @@
"Space home": "Shtëpia e hapësirës",
"%(senderName)s has ended a poll": "%(senderName)s e përfundoi anketimin",
"%(senderName)s has started a poll - %(pollQuestion)s": "%(senderName)s nisi një anketim - %(pollQuestion)s",
"%(senderName)s has shared their location": "%(senderName)s tregoi vendndodhjen e vet",
"%(senderName)s has shared their location": "%(senderName)s dha vendndodhjen e vet",
"You don't have permission to view messages from before you joined.": "S’keni leje të shihni mesazhe nga koha para se të merrnit pjesë.",
"You don't have permission to view messages from before you were invited.": "S’keni leje të shihni mesazhe nga koha para se t’ju ftonin.",
"Internal room ID": "ID e brendshme dhome",
@ -3069,7 +3068,7 @@
"No virtual room for this room": "S’ka dhomë virtuale për këtë dhomë",
"Switches to this room's virtual room, if it has one": "Kalohet te dhoma virtuale e kësaj dhome, në pastë",
"Export Cancelled": "Eksportimi u Anulua",
"What location type do you want to share?": "Ç’llok vendndodhje doni të ndahet me të tjerë?",
"What location type do you want to share?": "Ç’lloj vendndodhjeje doni të jepet?",
"My current location": "Vendndodhja ime e tanishme",
"%(brand)s could not send your location. Please try again later.": "%(brand)s s’dërgoi dot vendndodhjen tuaj. Ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"We couldn't send your location": "S’e dërguam dot vendndodhjen tuaj",
@ -3095,8 +3094,8 @@
"Can't create a thread from an event with an existing relation": "S’mund të krijohet një rrjedhë prej një akti me një marrëdhënie ekzistuese",
"If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. ": "Nëse keni parashtruar një të metë përmes GitHub-i, regjistrat e diagnostikimit na ndihmojnë të kapim problemin. ",
"Toggle Code Block": "Shfaq/Fshih Bllok Kodi",
"You are sharing your live location": "Po tregoni vendndodhjen tuaj drejtpërdrejt",
"%(displayName)s's live location": "Vendndodhje e %(displayName)s drejtpërdrejt",
"You are sharing your live location": "Po jepni vendndodhjen tuaj aty për aty",
"%(displayName)s's live location": "Vendndodhje aty për aty e %(displayName)s",
"Preserve system messages": "Ruaji mesazhet e sistemit",
"Uncheck if you also want to remove system messages on this user (e.g. membership change, profile change…)": "Hiqini shenjën, nëse doni të hiqni mesazhe sistemi në këtë përdorues (p.sh., ndryshime anëtarësimi, ndryshime profili…)",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This will remove them permanently for everyone in the conversation. Do you wish to continue?|other": "Ju ndan një hap nga heqja e %(count)s mesazheve nga %(user)s. Kjo do t’i heqë përgjithnjë për këdo te biseda. Doni të vazhdohet?",
@ -3108,8 +3107,8 @@
"%(value)sm": "%(value)sm",
"%(value)sh": "%(value)sh",
"%(value)sd": "%(value)sd",
"Shared a location: ": "Tregoi një vendndodhje: ",
"Shared their location: ": "Tregoi vendndodhjen e vet: ",
"Shared a location: ": "Dha një vendndodhje: ",
"Shared their location: ": "Dha vendndodhjen e vet: ",
"Busy": "I zënë",
"Insert a trailing colon after user mentions at the start of a message": "Fut dy pika pas përmendjesh përdoruesi, në fillim të një mesazhi",
"Command error: Unable to handle slash command.": "Gabim urdhri: S’arrihet të trajtohet urdhër i dhënë me / .",
@ -3214,12 +3213,12 @@
"Unread email icon": "Ikonë email-esh të palexuar",
"Check your email to continue": "Ju lutemi, që të vazhdohet, kontrolloni email-in tuaj",
"An error occurred whilst sharing your live location, please try again": "Ndodhi një gabim teksa tregohej vendndodhja juaj aty për aty, ju lutemi, riprovoni",
"Live location enabled": "Vendndodhje Live e aktivizuar",
"Live location enabled": "Vendndodhje aty për aty e aktivizuar",
"An error occurred whilst sharing your live location": "Ndodhi një gabim teksa tregohej vendndodhja juaj “live”",
"An error occurred while stopping your live location": "Ndodhi një gabim teksa ndalej dhënia aty për aty e vendndodhjes tuaj",
"Close sidebar": "Mbylle anështyllën",
"No live locations": "Pa vendndodhje “live”",
"Live location error": "Gabim vendndodhjeje “live”",
"No live locations": "Pa vendndodhje aty për aty",
"Live location error": "Gabim vendndodhjeje aty për aty",
"Live location ended": "Vendndodhja “live” përfundoi",
"Updated %(humanizedUpdateTime)s": "Përditësuar më %(humanizedUpdateTime)s",
"Joining the beta will reload %(brand)s.": "Pjesëmarrja në beta do të sjellë ringarkim të %(brand)s.",
@ -3258,7 +3257,7 @@
"Backspace": "Tasti Backspace",
"Minimise": "Minimizoje",
"Un-maximise": "Çmaksimizoje",
"View live location": "Shihni vendndodhje “live”",
"View live location": "Shihni vendndodhje aty për aty",
"Ban from room": "Dëboje nga dhomë",
"Unban from room": "Hiqjani dëbimin nga dhoma",
"Ban from space": "Dëboje prej hapësire",
@ -3312,7 +3311,7 @@
"Resetting your password on this homeserver will cause all of your devices to be signed out. This will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, making encrypted chat history unreadable.": "Ricaktimi i fjalëkalimit tuaj në këtë shërbyes Home do të sjellë daljen prej krejt pajisjeve tuaja. Kjo do të sjellë fshirjen e kyçeve të fshehtëzimit të mesazheve të depozituar në to, duke e bërë kështu të palexueshme historikun e fjalosjes së fshehtëzuar.",
"To create your account, open the link in the email we just sent to %(emailAddress)s.": "Që të krijoni llogarinë tuaj, hapni lidhjen te email-i që sapo dërguam për %(emailAddress)s.",
"Stop and close": "Resht dhe mbylle",
"Loading live location...": "Po ngarkohet vendndodhje “live”…",
"Loading live location...": "Po ngarkohet vendndodhje aty për aty…",
"Live until %(expiryTime)s": "“Live” deri më %(expiryTime)s",
"You cannot search for rooms that are neither a room nor a space": "S’mund të kërkoni për dhoma që s’janë as dhomë, as hapësirë",
"When you sign out, these keys will be deleted from this device, which means you won't be able to read encrypted messages unless you have the keys for them on your other devices, or backed them up to the server.": "Kur dilni nga llogaria, këto kyçe do të fshihen te kjo pajisje, që do të thotë se s’do të jeni në gjendje të lexoni mesazhe të fshehtëzuar, veç në paçi kyçet për ta në pajisjet tuaja të tjera, ose të kopjeruajtur te shërbyesi.",
@ -3325,11 +3324,11 @@
"We'll help you get connected.": "Do t’ju ndihmojmë të lidheni.",
"Who will you chat to the most?": "Me kë do të bisedoni më të shumtën?",
"Choose a locale": "Zgjidhni vendore",
"You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Që të mund të ndani me të tjerë në këtë dhomë vendndodhje, lypset të keni lejet e duhura.",
"You don't have permission to share locations": "S’keni leje të ndani vendndodhje me të tjerë",
"Enable live location sharing": "Aktivizo tregim vendndodhjeje “live”",
"Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Ju lutemi, kini parasysh: kjo është një veçori në zhvillim, që përdor një sendërtim të përkohshëm. Kjo do të thotë se s’do të jeni në gjendje të fshini historikun e vendndodhjeve tuaja dhe përdoruesit e përparuar do të jenë në gjendje të shohin historikun e vendndodhjeve tuaja edhe pasi të keni ndalur dhënien “live” kësaj dhome të vendndodhjes tuaj.",
"Live location sharing": "Tregim “Live” Vendndodhjeje",
"You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Që të mund të jepni në këtë dhomë vendndodhje, lypset të keni lejet e duhura.",
"You don't have permission to share locations": "S’keni leje të jepni vendndodhje",
"Enable live location sharing": "Aktivizo dhënie vendndodhjeje aty për aty",
"Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Ju lutemi, kini parasysh: kjo është një veçori në zhvillim, që përdor një sendërtim të përkohshëm. Kjo do të thotë se s’do të jeni në gjendje të fshini historikun e vendndodhjeve tuaja dhe përdoruesit e përparuar do të jenë në gjendje të shohin historikun e vendndodhjeve tuaja edhe pasi të keni ndalur në këtë dhomë dhënien aty për aty të vendndodhjes tuaj.",
"Live location sharing": "Dhënie vendndodhjeje aty për aty",
"Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Mesazhet në këtë fjalosje do të jenë të fshehtëzuar skaj-më-skaj.",
"To join, please enable video rooms in Labs first": "Për t’u bërë pjesë, ju lutemi, së pari aktivizoni te Labs dhoma me video",
"To view, please enable video rooms in Labs first": "Për të parë, ju lutemi, së pari aktivizoni te Labs dhoma me video",
@ -3620,7 +3619,7 @@
"Low bandwidth mode": "Mënyra gjerësi e ulët bande",
"Under active development.": "Nën zhvillim aktiv.",
"Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Sendërtim i përkohshëm. Vendndodhjet mbeten te historiku i dhomës.",
"Live Location Sharing": "Dhënie Drejtpërsëdrejti e Vendndodhjes",
"Live Location Sharing": "Dhënie Aty Për Aty e Vendndodhjes",
"Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "Nën zhvillim aktiv, s’mund të çaktivizohet.",
"Defaults to room member list.": "Si parazgjedhje, lista e anëtarëve të dhomës.",
"Right panel stays open": "Paneli i djathtë mbetet i hapur",
@ -3637,7 +3636,6 @@
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Ky sesion s’mbulon fshehtëzim, ndaj s’mund të verifikohet.",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Për sigurinë dhe privatësinë më të mirë, rekomandohet të përdoren klientë Matrix që mbulojnë fshehtëzim.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "S’do të jeni në gjendje të merrni pjesë në dhoma ku fshehtëzimi është aktivizuar, kur përdoret ky sesion.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Ky sesion nuk mbulon fshehtëzim, ndaj s’mund të verifikohet.",
"Apply": "Aplikoje",
"Search users in this room…": "Kërkoni për përdorues në këtë dhomë…",
"Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Jepini një ose disa përdoruesve më tepër privilegje në këtë dhomë",
@ -3706,7 +3704,7 @@
"Sender: ": "Dërgues: ",
"Type: ": "Lloj: ",
"ID: ": "ID: ",
"Last event:": "Veprimtaria e fundit",
"Last event:": "Veprimtaria e fundit:",
"No receipt found": "S’u gjet dëftesë",
"Highlight: ": "Theksoje: ",
"Total: ": "Gjithsej: ",
@ -3728,5 +3726,6 @@
"unknown": "e panjohur",
"Red": "E kuqe",
"Grey": "Gri",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "S’arrihet të shfshehtëzohet transmetim zanor"
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "S’arrihet të shfshehtëzohet transmetim zanor",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Jeni i sigurt se doni të ndalet transmetimi juaj i drejtpërdrejtë? Kjo do të përfundojë transmetimin dhe regjistrimi i plotë do të jetë i passhëm te dhoma."
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s-у није дато овлашћење за слање обавештења, пробајте поново касније",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Нисам успео да омогућим обавештења",
"This email address was not found": "Ова мејл адреса није нађена",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Изгледа да ваша е-адреса није повезана са Матрикс ИД на овом домаћем серверу.",
"Default": "Подразумевано",
"Restricted": "Ограничено",
"Moderator": "Модератор",
@ -262,7 +262,6 @@
"Members only (since they joined)": "Endast medlemmar (från när de gick med)",
"This room has no local addresses": "Det här rummet har inga lokala adresser",
"Check for update": "Leta efter uppdatering",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Din e-postadress verkar inte vara kopplad till något Matrix-ID på den här hemservern.",
"Restricted": "Begränsad",
"Unable to create widget.": "Kunde inte skapa widgeten.",
"Ignored user": "Ignorerad användare",
@ -3577,7 +3576,6 @@
"Inactive sessions": "Inaktiva sessioner",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "För bäst säkerhet och sekretess så rekommenderas du använda Matrixklienter som stöder kryptering.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Du kommer inte kunna delta i rum där kryptering är aktiverad när du använder den här sessionen.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Den här sessionen stöder inte kryptering, så den kan inte verifieras.",
"Unverified session": "Overifierad session",
"You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.": "Du bör speciellt försäkra dig om att du känner igen alla dessa sessioner eftersom att de kan representera en oauktoriserad användning av ditt konto.",
"Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but have not been cross-verified.": "Overifierade sessioner är sessioner där du har loggat in med dina uppgifter men som inte har korsverifierats.",
@ -397,7 +397,6 @@
"Afghanistan": "อัฟกานิสถาน",
"United States": "สหรัฐอเมริกา",
"United Kingdom": "สหราชอาณาจักร",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "ที่อยู่อีเมลของคุณไม่ได้เชื่อมโยงกับ Matrix ID บนโฮมเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s กำลังขอการตรวจสอบ",
"Empty room (was %(oldName)s)": "ห้องว่าง (เดิม %(oldName)s)",
"Inviting %(user)s and %(count)s others|one": "เชิญ %(user)s และ 1 คนอื่นๆ",
@ -195,7 +195,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "Bu işlevi kullanmak için <a> Kayıt Olun </a>",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Bunu yapmak için kullanıcıları davet etmeye ihtiyacınız var.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Oturum açmanız gerekiyor.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "E-posta adresiniz bu Ana Sunucu'da ki Matrix ID'si ile ilişkili gözükmüyor.",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Bir çağrıda gözüküyorsunuz , çıkmak istediğinizden emin misiniz ?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Dosya yüklüyorsunuz gibi görünüyor , çıkmak istediğinizden emin misiniz ?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Kullanıcıyı sizinle aynı güç seviyesine yükseltirken , bu değişikliği geri alamazsınız.",
@ -165,7 +165,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s не має дозволу надсилати сповіщення — будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Не вдалося увімкнути сповіщення",
"This email address was not found": "Не знайдено адресу електронної пошти",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Схоже, ваша адреса е-пошти не пов'язана з жодним Matrix ID на цьому домашньому сервері.",
"Restricted": "Обмежено",
"Moderator": "Модератор",
"Failed to invite": "Не вдалося запросити",
@ -3653,7 +3652,6 @@
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Цей сеанс не підтримує шифрування, і його не можна звірити.",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Для найкращої безпеки та приватності радимо користуватися клієнтами Matrix, які підтримують шифрування.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Під час користування цим сеансом ви не зможете брати участь у кімнатах, де ввімкнено шифрування.",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Цей сеанс не підтримує шифрування, тож його не можна звірити.",
"%(senderName)s ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "%(senderName)s завершує <a>голосову трансляцію</a>",
"You ended a <a>voice broadcast</a>": "Ви завершили <a>голосову трансляцію</a>",
"Threaded messages": "Повідомлення в гілках",
@ -3746,5 +3744,6 @@
"unknown": "невідомо",
"Red": "Черврний",
"Grey": "Сірий",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Ви впевнені, що хочете припинити пряму трансляцію? Це призведе до завершення трансляції, а повний запис буде доступний у кімнаті."
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Ви впевнені, що хочете припинити пряму трансляцію? Це призведе до завершення трансляції, а повний запис буде доступний у кімнаті.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "Ваша електронна адреса не пов'язана з Matrix ID на цьому домашньому сервері."
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s vẫn chưa được cấp quyền để gửi thông báo - vui lòng thử lại",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Không thể bật Thông báo",
"This email address was not found": "Địa chỉ email này không tồn tại trong hệ thống",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Có vẻ như địa chỉ email của bạn không được liên kết với bất kỳ ID Matrix nào trên máy chủ này.",
"Register": "Đăng ký",
"Default": "Mặc định",
"Restricted": "Bị hạn chế",
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s èt geen toestemmienge gekreegn ghed vo joun meldiengn te verstuurn - herprobeer ’t e ki",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Kostege meldiengn nie inschoakeln",
"This email address was not found": "Dat e-mailadresse hier es nie gevoundn",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "’t Ziet ernoar uut da jen e-mailadresse ip dezen thuusserver nie an e Matrix-ID es gekoppeld.",
"Register": "Registreern",
"Default": "Standoard",
"Restricted": "Beperkten toegank",
@ -334,7 +334,6 @@
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "移除房间标签 %(tagName)s 失败",
"Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "无法为房间新增标签 %(tagName)s",
"Submit debug logs": "提交调试日志",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "你的电子邮件地址似乎没有同此主服务器上的Matrix ID绑定。",
"Restricted": "受限",
"Stickerpack": "贴纸包",
"You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "你目前未启用任何贴纸包",
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "您必須<a>註冊</a>以使用此功能",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "您需要邀請使用者來做這件事。",
"You need to be logged in.": "您需要登入。",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "您的電子郵件地址似乎未在此主伺服器上與 Matrix ID 關聯。",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "您似乎尚在通話中,您確定您想要結束通話嗎?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "您似乎正在上傳檔案,您確定您想要結束嗎?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "您將無法復原此變更,因為您正在將其他使用者的權限等級提升到與您相同。",
@ -3649,7 +3648,6 @@
"This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "此工作階段不支援加密,因此無法驗證。",
"For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "為獲得最佳安全性與隱私,建議使用支援加密的 Matrix 客戶端。",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "使用此工作階段時,您將無法參與啟用加密的聊天室。",
"This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "此工作階段不支援加密,因此無法驗證。",
"Apply": "套用",
"Search users in this room…": "搜尋此聊天室中的使用者……",
"Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "給這個聊天室中的一個使用者或多個使用者更多的權限",
@ -3745,5 +3743,7 @@
"Notifications debug": "通知除錯",
"unknown": "未知",
"Red": "紅",
"Grey": "灰"
"Grey": "灰",
"Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast? This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "您確定您想要停止您的直播嗎?這將會結束廣播,而完整的紀錄稍後將會在聊天室中提供。",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver.": "您的電子郵件地址似乎並未與此家伺服器上的 Matrix ID 相關連。"
Reference in New Issue