This is one of the most important decisions. Reduce the scroller height from
the classic 32 pixel height to 26, because there is not enough CPU time left to do 32 pixel! We can do this because there is no 8 lines/scroll limit when using the hardscroller.master
@ -99,8 +99,6 @@ alles:
bsr.s waitvbl
move.b #2,$ffff820a.w
bsr.s waitvbl
move.b #0,$ffff820a.w
bsr.s waitvbl
move.b #2,$ffff820a.w
move.b oldres,$ffff8260.w
lea $ffff8201.w,a0
@ -123,6 +121,9 @@ alles:
movem.l (a0),d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a1)
bsr.s waitvbl
move.b #0,$ffff820a.w
@ -159,74 +160,79 @@ screen2:
; Distorted scroller by Gunstick
lea linebuffbegin,a0
moveq #31,d0
moveq #25,d0 ;26 lines are scrolled
move.l #scrolltext,textptr-linebuffbegin(a0)
move.l a0,a1
lea buffer-linebuffbegin(a1),a1
move.l a1,bufptr-linebuffbegin(a0)
move.l a1,bufptrinit-linebuffbegin(a0)
clr.w bufcnt-linebuffbegin(a0)
clr.w shift-linebuffbegin(a0)
lea linebuffend-linebuffbegin(a0),a0
dbf d0,initdist
lea wavetab,a0
move.l a0,wavetabptr
move.l (a0),a0
move.l a0,distwaveptr
move.l #megadistadjusttable,megadistadjust
lea font,a0
lea buffer,a1
moveq #31,d0 ;init all unshiftet linebuffers
moveq #25,d0 ;init all unshiftet linebuffers
move.l (a0),(a1)+
move.l 2(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*2(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*2+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*3(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*3+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*4+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*5(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*5+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*6(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*6+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*7(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*7+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*8(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*8+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*9(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*9+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*10(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*10+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*11(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*11+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*12(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*12+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*13(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*13+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*14(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*14+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*15(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*15+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*16(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*16+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*17(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*17+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*18(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*18+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*19(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*19+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*20(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*20+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*21(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*21+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*22(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*22+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*23(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*23+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*24(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*24+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*25(a0),(a1)+
move.l 26*8*25+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*2(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*2+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*3(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*3+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*4+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*5(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*5+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*6(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*6+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*7(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*7+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*8(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*8+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*9(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*9+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*10(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*10+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*11(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*11+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*12(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*12+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*13(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*13+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*14(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*14+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*15(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*15+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*16(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*16+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*17(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*17+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*18(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*18+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*19(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*19+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*20(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*20+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*21(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*21+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*22(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*22+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*23(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*23+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*24(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*24+4(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*25(a0),(a1)+
move.l 32*8*25+4(a0),(a1)+
addq.l #8,a0
lea linebuffend-linebuffbegin-208(a1),a1
dbf d0,testinitbuff
@ -235,9 +241,6 @@ testinitbuff:
lea screenadr,a3
; move.b lowbyte,3(a3)
add.l #0,(a3) ;overscan begins 26 bytes earlier
bsr waitvbl ;lower border
move.w #4000,d0
@ -245,9 +248,6 @@ firsttopwait:
dbf d0,firsttopwait
;move.b #0,$ffff820a.w
;ULM Hardware Scrolling PART 1
@ -405,6 +405,8 @@ overscanloop:
;***** Do the 8 following distorter entrys ****
;; first copy the wave to the megadistadjusttable
;Registerdefs: take care of the order. Modify also the addx.l !!!!
d_0 equr d0
d_1 equr d1
d_2 equr d2
@ -420,44 +422,56 @@ a_3 equr a3
moveq #7,d_0 ;read 8
move.w (a_0)+,d_1
cmp.w #$8000,d_1
cmp.w #128,d_1
bne.s notnextwavetab
move.l wavetabptr,a_1 ;next wave to be read
bne.s notendwavetab
lea wavetab,a_1 ;reset wavetabptr
move.l (a_1)+,a_0
move.w (a_0)+,d_1
move.l a_1,wavetabptr
move.w d_1,-274-8(a_3) ;before
move.w d_1,(-274-8)*2(a_3) ;before
move.w d_1,(a_3)+ ;behind
dbf d_0,distwaveread
move.l a_0,distwaveptr
; add.w #8*2,a_3
cmp.l #megadistadjusttable+276*4,a_3
bmi.s ok
; lea (-274-8)*2(a_3),a_3
; move.l a_3,megadistadjust
;=-| read the new distortions and shift the buffers
; letters of font must be 256 bytes !!!!!!!!
lea -32(a_3),a_3 ;scroll begins 32 lines before end of screen
lea -12*2(a_3),a_3 ;scroll begins 32 lines before end of screen
lea shift,a_0 ;pointer to the shifts
move.w #26,count ;scroll has 26 lines
move.w #-(26*8),count ;scroll has 26 lines
move.w (a_3)+,d_1
move.w (a_0),d_2 ;read shift
add.w d_1,d_2
blo.s vorwaerts
bmi rueckwaerts
sub.w #16,d_2
bhs.s rueckwaerts
bhs vorwaerts
add.w #16,d_2 ;plenty of time here
move.w d_2,(a_0) ;write back new shift
subq.w #1,count
lea linebuffend-linebuffbegin(a_0),a_0 ;next line
addq.w #8,count
bne.s distcalcloop
bra.s copydistscroll
bra copydistscroll
notnextwavetab: ;time adjust
dcb $4e71,1
bra.s _notnextwavetab
lea 1(a_1),a_1
bra.s _nottextend
;-> advance this line by one word
move.w d_2,(a_0) ;write back new shift
move.l textptr-shift(a_0),a_1
;movep : 5 nops weniger
@ -468,49 +482,72 @@ vorwaerts:
;now we have to write a bit of K and C
movep.w 0(a_1),d_1 ;previous letter : C
movep.w 1(a_1),d_2 ;act letter : K
lea 1(a_1),a_1
tst.b d_1 ;test letter after act : S
bne.s nottextend
lea scrolltext,a_1
move.l a_1,textptr-shift(a_0) ;textptr points to K
clr.b d_1 ;C
clr.b d_2 ;K
lea font,a_1
movem.w (a_1,d_2),d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3 ;K
lea (a_1,d_1),a_1 ;C
;write first buffer
move.l bufptr-shift(a_0),a_2
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_2)
;prepare shifter
lea font+(26*8),a_1
add.w count,a_1
lea (a_1,d_1),a_2 ;C
; lea (a_1),a_2 ;C
movem.l (a_1,d_2),d_1/d_3 ;K
; movem.w 256(a_1),d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3 ;K
move.w d_1,d_2
move.w d_3,d_0
swap d_0
swap d_1
swap d_2
swap d_3
move.w (a_1)+,d_3 ;C
move.w (a_1)+,d_0
move.w (a_1)+,d_1
move.w (a_1)+,d_2
move.l bufptr-shift(a_0),a_1
;prepare shifter
move.w (a_2)+,d_0
move.w (a_2)+,d_1
move.w (a_2)+,d_2
move.w (a_2)+,d_3 ;C
;uff one line of the 2 letters is in d0-d3
;d0 bbbbbbbb|AAAAAAAA
;d1 cccccccc|BBBBBBBB
;d2 dddddddd|CCCCCCCC
;d3 aaaaaaaa|DDDDDDDD
;d0 dddddddd|AAAAAAAA
;d1 aaaaaaaa|BBBBBBBB
;d2 bbbbbbbb|CCCCCCCC
;d3 cccccccc|DDDDDDDD
;write first buffer
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_1)
lea 26*8(a_1),a_1 ;~8
rept 15
swap d_3 ;~4
addx.w d3,d3 ;~4 ;got a bit for A
swap d_3 ;~4
addx.l d0,d0 ;~8 ;a in and b out
addx.l d1,d1 ;~8 ;b in and c out
addx.l d2,d2 ;~8 ;c in and d out
addx.w d3,d3 ;~4 ;d in
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_2) ;~28
lea 26*8(a_2),a_2 ;~8
move #0,ccr
swap d_1 ;~4
addx.w d1,d1 ;~4 ;a out
swap d_1 ;~4
addx.l d0,d0 ;~8 ;a in and d out
addx.l d3,d3 ;~8 ;d in and c out
addx.l d2,d2 ;~8 ;c in and b out
addx.w d1,d1 ;~4 ;b in
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_1) ;~28
lea 26*8(a_1),a_1 ;~8
cmp.w #25,bufcnt-shift(a_0)
bls.s vorbufok
move.w #-1,bufcnt-shift(a_0) ;screenwidth = 26 words
cmp.w #25*4,bufcnt-shift(a_0)
blo.s vorbufok
move.w #0,bufcnt-shift(a_0) ;screenwidth = 26 words
sub.l #25*8,bufptr-shift(a_0)
bra.s indistcalcloop
bra indistcalcloop
addq.w #1,bufcnt-shift(a_0)
bra.s indistcalcloop
addq.w #4,bufcnt-shift(a_0)
add.l #8,bufptr-shift(a_0)
bra indistcalcloop
;-< back this line by one word
@ -518,10 +555,11 @@ rueckbufok:
dcb $4e71,1
bra.s _rueckbufok
add.w #16,d_2
move.w d_2,(a_0) ;write back new shift
subq.w #1,bufcnt-shift(a_0)
subq.w #4,bufcnt-shift(a_0)
bhs.s rueckbufok
move.w #25,bufcnt-shift(a_0) ;screenwidth = 26 words
move.w #25*4,bufcnt-shift(a_0) ;screenwidth = 26 words
add.l #25*8,bufptr-shift(a_0)
move.l textptr-shift(a_0),a_1
@ -539,20 +577,20 @@ _rueckbufok:
clr.b d_1 ;E
clr.b d_2 ;A
lea font,a_1
lea (a_1,d_1),a_2 ;E
movem.w (a_1,d_2),d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3 ;A
lea (a_1,d_1),a_1 ;E
;write first buffer
move.l bufptr-shift(a_0),a_2
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_2)
move.l bufptr-shift(a_0),a_1
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_1)
;prepare shifter
swap d_0
swap d_1
swap d_2
swap d_3
move.w (a_1)+,d_3 ;E
move.w (a_1)+,d_0
move.w (a_1)+,d_1
move.w (a_1)+,d_2
move.w (a_2)+,d_3 ;E
move.w (a_2)+,d_0
move.w (a_2)+,d_1
move.w (a_2)+,d_2
;uff one line of the 2 letters is in d0-d3
; A E
;d0 bbbbbbbb|AAAAAAAA
@ -567,48 +605,48 @@ _rueckbufok:
addx.l d1,d1 ;~8 ;b in and c out
addx.l d2,d2 ;~8 ;c in and d out
addx.w d3,d3 ;~4 ;d in
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_2) ;~28
lea 26*8(a_2),a_2 ;~8
movem.w d_0/d_1/d_2/d_3,(a_1) ;~28
lea 26*8(a_1),a_1 ;~8
bra.s indistcalcloop
bra indistcalcloop
notnextwavetab: ;time adjust
dcb $4e71,1
bra.s _notnextwavetab
;**** Copy all the buffers to the screen ****
move.l screenadr,a6 ;put it there
add.l #6*160,a6 ;for hwscroll
lea buffer,a5
lea buffer,a4
moveq #25,d0 ;scrollhigh:26
not $ffff8240.w
; not $ffff8240.w
move.w bufcnt-buffer(a5),d1
move.w shift-buffer(a4),d1
mulu #208,d1
; lea 208*15(a4),a5
lea (a4,d1),a5
; move.w #0,d1
move.w bufcnt-buffer(a4),d1
lea cpyjsr,a0
move.l (a0,d1),a0
jsr (a0) ;(a5)+ -> (a6)
lea 230(a6),a6
lea linebuffend-linebuffbegin-208(a5),a5
lea linebuffend-linebuffbegin(a4),a4
dbf d0,scrollcpy
not $ffff8240.w
; not $ffff8240.w
lea bufcnt,a5
moveq #25,d0 ;scrollhigh:26
add.w #4,(a5)
cmp.w #4*26,(a5)
bne.s notend
clr.w (a5)
lea linebuffend-linebuffbegin(a5),a5
dbf d0,wordscroll
; lea bufcnt,a5
; moveq #25,d0 ;scrollhigh:26
; add.w #4,(a5)
; cmp.w #4*26,(a5)
; bne.s notend
; clr.w (a5)
; lea linebuffend-linebuffbegin(a5),a5
; dbf d0,wordscroll
; lea font,a0
; move.l screenadr,a1 ;put it there
@ -1241,20 +1279,67 @@ cpy25: ;9,9,9,9,9,5+2
; Distorted scroller by Gunstick
font equ *-32*8
incbin "font.bin"
dc.l 0 ;for some dbf without register
;Panic buffer for scrolltext
dc.l 0 ;pointer in one distwave
dc.l 0 ;pointer to the next wave to be played
dc.l 0 ;pointer to the distorter adjust table
ds.w 1600 ;panic for table
dcb 3,274*2+100 ;adjusttable for the two distorters
ds.w 1600 ;panic for table
dc.l dreieck
dc.l 0 ;end
; !!!!!! negativ = normal scroll direction !!!!!!
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
dc.w 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
dc.w 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
dc.w 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
dc.w 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128
dc.w 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 128
;Panic buffer for scrolltext
dc.b 01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01
dc.b 01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01
dc.b 87,87
dc.b 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
dc.b 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40
dc.b 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60
dc.b 61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80
dc.b 81,82,83,84,85,86,87
dc.b 0
incbin "font.bin"
dc.l 0 ;letter not completly copied into buffer (forward)
Reference in New Issue