
BSender — sends Blinkenlights packets


struct      BSender;
BSender*    b_sender_new                    (void);
gboolean    b_sender_add_recipient          (BSender *sender,
                                             gint src_port,
                                             const gchar *dest_host,
                                             gint dest_port,
                                             GError **error);
gboolean    b_sender_remove_recipient       (BSender *sender,
                                             const gchar *dest_host,
                                             gint dest_port,
                                             GError **error);
GList*      b_sender_list_recipients        (BSender *sender);
gboolean    b_sender_configure              (BSender *sender,
                                             gint width,
                                             gint height,
                                             gint channels,
                                             gint maxval);
gboolean    b_sender_send_frame             (BSender *sender,
                                             const guchar *data);
gboolean    b_sender_send_heartbeat         (BSender *sender);
void        b_sender_set_verbose            (BSender *sender,
                                             gboolean verbose);

Object Hierarchy



The BSender object sends Blinkenlights UDP packets to a number of recipients. Recipients can be added and removed at run-time.


struct BSender

struct BSender;

The BSender struct is considered private.

b_sender_new ()

BSender*    b_sender_new                    (void);

Creates a new BSender object.

Returns : a newly allocated BSender object

b_sender_add_recipient ()

gboolean    b_sender_add_recipient          (BSender *sender,
                                             gint src_port,
                                             const gchar *dest_host,
                                             gint dest_port,
                                             GError **error);

Tries to resolve host and adds it to the sender's list of recipients.

sender : a BSender object
src_port : originating UDP port (-1 to leave unspecified)
dest_host : destination hostname or IP address
dest_port : destination UDP port
error : location to store the error occuring, or NULL to ignore errors
Returns : TRUE if the recipient was successfully added, FALSE otherwise

b_sender_remove_recipient ()

gboolean    b_sender_remove_recipient       (BSender *sender,
                                             const gchar *dest_host,
                                             gint dest_port,
                                             GError **error);

Removes all recipients with matching host and port from the sender's list of recipients.

sender : a BSender object
dest_host : destination hostname or IP address
dest_port : destination UDP port
error : location to store the error occuring, or NULL to ignore errors
Returns : TRUE if at least one matching recipient was found and removed, FALSE otherwise

b_sender_list_recipients ()

GList*      b_sender_list_recipients        (BSender *sender);

Creates a list of strings that describe the senders recipients. You should free the strings as well as the list when it is no longer needed.

sender : a BSender object
Returns : a newly allocated GList of newly allocated strings

b_sender_configure ()

gboolean    b_sender_configure              (BSender *sender,
                                             gint width,
                                             gint height,
                                             gint channels,
                                             gint maxval);

Prepares sender to send Blinkenlights UDP packets with the given parameters.

sender : a BSender object
width : number of pixels per row
height : number of pixels per column
channels : number of channels per pixel
maxval : the maximum value
Returns : TRUE if sender was successfully reconfigured, FALSE otherwise

b_sender_send_frame ()

gboolean    b_sender_send_frame             (BSender *sender,
                                             const guchar *data);

Sends Blinkenlights packets to all recipients registered with sender. The data should match the values of the last call to b_sender_configure() for sender.

sender : a Bsender object
data : the frame data to send
Returns : FALSE in case of a fatal error, TRUE otherwise

b_sender_send_heartbeat ()

gboolean    b_sender_send_heartbeat         (BSender *sender);


b_sender_send_heartbeat is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This function is deprecated and might be removed in the future. If you need the heartbeat functionality, use BProxyClient instead.

sender : a Bsender object
Returns : TRUE always

b_sender_set_verbose ()

void        b_sender_set_verbose            (BSender *sender,
                                             gboolean verbose);

In earlier BLib versions BSender used to print a message to stderr when send() failed. This message is now suppressed by default, but you can get the old behaviour back using this function.

sender : a Bsender object
verbose : whether the sender should do verbose error reporting or not

See Also

BReceiver, BPacket