chg: [decaying-light] Updated slides to fit the current state

mokaddem 2020-09-11 10:24:46 +02:00
parent 731ab6714f
commit 13d981756d
1 changed files with 108 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -10,13 +10,12 @@
\item Present the components used in MISP to expire IOCs
\item Present the current state of Indicators life-cycle management in MISP
\item Present the current state of Indicators life-cycle management in MISP
\section{Expiring IOCs: Why and How?}
\frametitle{Indicators - Problem Statement}
\frametitle{Indicators lifecycle - Problem Statement}
\item {\bf Sharing information} about threats {\bf is crucial}
\item Organisations are sharing more and more
@ -51,51 +50,62 @@
\frametitle{Indicators - Problem Statement}
\frametitle{Indicators lifecycle - Problem Statement}
\item Various users and organisations can share data via MISP, multiple parties can be involved
\item \textbf{Trust}, \textbf{data quality} and \textbf{time-to-live} issues
\item Each user/organisation has \textbf{different use-cases} and interests
\item \textbf{Trust}, \textbf{data quality} and \textbf{relevance} issues
\item Each user/organisation have \textbf{different use-cases} and interests
\item Conflicting interests such as operational security, attribution,... (depends on the user)
\item Conflicting interests: Operational security VS attribution
\item[] $\rightarrow$ Can be partially solved with \textit{Taxonomies}
\item Attributes can be shared in large quantities (more than 7.3 million on \texttt{MISPPRIV})
\item Attributes can be shared in large quantities \small{(more than 12M on \texttt{MISPPRIV} - Sept. 2020)}
\item Partial info about their \textbf{freshness} (\textit{Sightings})
\item Partial info about their \textbf{validity} (last update)
\item Partial info about their \textbf{validity} (\textit{last\_seen})
\item[] $\rightarrow$ Can be partially solved with our \textit{Decaying model}
\item[] $\rightarrow$ Can be partially solved with our \textit{Data model}
MISP's \textit{Decaying model} combines the two
\frametitle{Requirements to enjoy the decaying feature in MISP}
\item Starting from \textbf{MISP 2.4.116}, the decaying feature is available
\item Don't forget to \textbf{update the decay models} and \textbf{enable} the ones you want
\item The decaying feature has no impact on the information in MISP, it's just an \textbf{overlay} to be used in the user-interface and API
\item Decay strongly relies on \textit{Taxonomies} and \textit{Sightings}, don't forget to review their configuration
\item \textbf{Update} decay models and \textbf{enable} some
\item MISP Decaying strongly relies on \textit{Taxonomies} and \textit{Sightings}, don't forget to review their configuration
Note: The decaying feature has no impact on the information stored in MISP, it's just an \textbf{overlay} to be used in the user-interface and API
\frametitle{\textit{Sightings} - Refresher}
\textit{Sightings} add \textbf{temporal context} to indicators.
A user, script or an IDS can extend the information related to indicators by reporting back to MISP that
an indicator has been \texttt{seen}, or that an indicator can be considered as a \texttt{false-positive}
\frametitle{\textit{Sightings} - Refresher (1)}
\textit{Sightings} add a \textbf{temporal context} to indicators.
\item \textit{Sightings} can be used to represent that you saw the IoC
\item \textbf{Usecase:} Continuous feedback loop MISP $\leftrightarrow$ IDS
\frametitle{\textit{Sightings} - Refresher (2)}
\textit{Sightings} add a \textbf{temporal context} to indicators.
\item \textit{Sightings} give more credibility/visibility to indicators
\item This information can be used to {\bf prioritise and decay indicators}
@ -118,14 +128,56 @@
\frametitle{Taxonomies - Refresher (3)}
\item Some taxonomies have \texttt{numerical\_value}
\item Some taxonomies have a \texttt{numerical\_value}
\item Allows concepts to be used in an mathematical expression
\item[$\rightarrow$] Can be used to prioritise \textit{Attributes}
\item[$\rightarrow$] Can be used to prioritise IoCs
\texttt{admirality-scale} taxonomy\footnote{\url{}}
\begin{columns}[T] % align columns
\textbf{Description} & \textbf{Value}\\
Completely reliable & 100\\
Usually reliable & 75\\
Fairly reliable & 50\\
Not usually reliable & 25\\
Unreliable & 0\\
Reliability cannot be judged & 50\\
Deliberatly deceptive & 0\\
\textbf{Description} & \textbf{Value}\\
Confirmed by other sources & 100\\
Probably true & 75\\
Possibly true & 50\\
Doubtful & 25\\
Improbable & 0\\
Truth cannot be judged & 50\\
\frametitle{Taxonomies - Refresher (3)}
\texttt{admirality-scale} taxonomy\footnote{\url{}}
\begin{columns}[T] % align columns
@ -161,21 +213,7 @@
$\rightarrow$ In next version, Users will be able to override these \texttt{numerical\_value}
\frametitle{Scoring Indicators: Our solution}
$$ \texttt{score}(\texttt{\tiny Attribute}) = \texttt{base\_score}(\texttt{\tiny Attribute, Model}) \;\;\bullet\;\; \texttt{decay}(\texttt{\tiny Model, time}) $$
\item \texttt{score} $ \in [0, +\infty $
\item \texttt{base\_score} $ \in [0, 100] $
\item \texttt{decay} is a function defined by model's parameters controlling decay speed
\item \texttt{Attribute} Contains \textit{Attribute}'s values and metadata {\scriptsize (\textit{Taxonomies}, \textit{Galaxies}, ...)}
\item \texttt{Model} Contains the \textit{Model}'s configuration
$\rightarrow$ Users can override tag \texttt{numerical\_value}
@ -184,16 +222,31 @@
\item \texttt{base\_score}(\texttt{\tiny Attribute, Model})
\item Initial score of the \textit{Attribute} only considering the context (i.e. \textit{Tags})
\item Initial score of the \textit{Attribute} only considering the context (\textit{Attribute's type}, \textit{Tags})
\item \texttt{decay}(\texttt{\tiny Model, time})
\item Function composed of the \textbf{lifetime} and \textbf{Decay speed} decreasing the \texttt{base\_score} over time
\item Function composed of the \textbf{lifetime} and \textbf{decay speed}
\item Decreases the \texttt{base\_score} over time
\frametitle{Scoring Indicators: Our solution}
$$ \texttt{score}(\texttt{\tiny Attribute}) = \texttt{base\_score}(\texttt{\tiny Attribute, Model}) \;\;\bullet\;\; \texttt{decay}(\texttt{\tiny Model, time}) $$
\draw[->] (-1, 0) -- (4.5, 0) node[right] {$time$};
\draw[->] (0, -1) -- (0, 4.2) node[left] {$score$};
\node at (-1, 2.6) {\footnotesize base\_score};
\draw[scale=0.5, domain=0:8, smooth, variable=\y, blue] plot ({\y}, {5 * (1 - (\y/8)^(3.5))});
\section{Current implementation in MISP}
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: \texttt{Event/view}}
@ -247,29 +300,30 @@
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: Models definition}
\raisebox{-1.0ex}{\Large $\Rsh$} {\tiny $score = base\_score \cdot \left( 1 - \left( \frac{t}{\tau} \right)^{\frac{1}{\delta}} \right) $}
\textit{Models} are an instanciation of the formula where elements can be defined:
\textit{Models} are an instanciation of the formula with configurable parameters:
\item Parameters: \texttt{lifetime, decay\_rate, threshold}
\item \texttt{base\_score}
\item \texttt{base\_score} computation
\item \texttt{default base\_score}
\item formula
\item associate \textit{Attribute} types
\item formula
\item creator organisation
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: Models Types}
Multiple model types are available
Two types of model are available
\item \textbf{Default Models}: Models created and shared by the community. Available from \texttt{misp-decaying-models} repository\footnote{\url{}}.
\item \textbf{Default Models}: Created and shared by the community. Coming from \texttt{misp-decaying-models} repository\footnote{\url{}}.
\item $\rightarrow$ Not editable
\item[$\rightarrow$] Not editable
\item \textbf{Organisation Models}: Models created by a user belonging to an organisation
\item \textbf{Organisation Models}: Created by a user on MISP
\item These models can be hidden or shared to other organisation
\item $\rightarrow$ Editable
\item Can be hidden or shared to other organisation
\item[$\rightarrow$] Editable
@ -277,13 +331,13 @@
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: Index}
View, update, add, create, delete, enable, export, import
Standard CRUD operations: View, update, add, create, delete, enable, export, import
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: Fine tuning tool}
Create, modify, visualise, perform mapping
Configure models: Create, modify, visualise, perform mapping
@ -295,7 +349,7 @@
\frametitle{Implementation in MISP: simulation tool}
Simulate \textit{Attributes} with different \textit{Models}
Simulate decay on \textit{Attributes} with different \textit{Models}