new: [6.0/a] added

Alexandre Dulaunoy 2018-12-29 21:32:22 +01:00
parent a9ba7db5ea
commit 8e2041c98d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 09E2CD4944E6CBCD
19 changed files with 564 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
% This is included by the other .tex files.
\section{MISP ZeroMQ}
\frametitle{MISP ZeroMQ}
MISP includes a flexible publish-subscribe model to allow real-time integration of the MISP activities:
\item Event publication
\item Attribute creation or removal
\item Sighting
\item User login
$\rightarrow$ Operates at global level in MISP
\frametitle{MISP ZeroMQ}
MISP ZeroMQ functionality can be used for various model of integration or to extend MISP functionalities:
\item Real-time search of indicators into a SIEM\footnote{Security Information \& Event Management}
\item Dashboard activities
\item Logging mechanisms
\item Continuous indexing
\item Custom software or scripting
\section{MISP-Dashboard: An introduction}
\frametitle{MISP-Dashboard - Realtime activities and threat intelligence}
\frametitle{MISP-Dashboard - Features}
\vskip -0.5em
\vskip -0.9em
\item Subscribe to multiple \textbf{ZMQ} MISP instances
\item Provides historical geolocalised information
\item Present an experimental \textbf{Gamification of the platform}
\item Shows when and how MISP is used
\item Provides real time information showing current threats and activity
\section{MISP-Dashboard: Architecture and development}
\frametitle{Setting up the dashboard}
\item Be sure to have a running redis server: e.g.
\item \texttt{redis-server -p 6250}
\item Update your configuration in \texttt{config.cfg}
\item Activate your virtualenv:
\item \texttt{. ./DASHENV/bin/activate}
\item Listen to the MISP feed by starting the zmq\_subscriber:
\item \texttt{./zmq\}
\item Start the dispatcher to process received messages:
\item \texttt{./zmq\}
\item Start the Flask server:
\item \texttt{./}
\item Access the interface at \url{http://localhost:8001/}
\textbf{\large MISP-Dashboard architecture}\\
\vskip -1.7em
\frametitle{Writing your handler}
# Register your handler
dico_action = {
"misp_json": handler_dispatcher,
"misp_json_event": handler_event,
"misp_json_self": handler_keepalive,
"misp_json_attribute": handler_attribute,
"misp_json_object": handler_object,
"misp_json_sighting": YOUR_CUSTOM_SIGHTINGS_HANDLER,
"misp_json_organisation": handler_log,
"misp_json_user": handler_user,
"misp_json_conversation": handler_conversation,
"misp_json_object_reference": handler_log,
# Implement your handler
# e.g. user handler
def handler_user(zmq_name, jsondata):
# json action performed by the user
action = jsondata['action']
# user json data
json_user = jsondata['User']
# organisation json data
json_org = jsondata['Organisation']
# organisation name
org = json_org['name']
# only consider user login
if action == 'login':
timestamp = time.time()
# users_helper is a class to interact with the DB
users_helper.add_user_login(timestamp, org)
\frametitle{Future development}
\item[] \includegraphics[width=20px]{images/icons/joystick.png} \; Optimizing contribution scoring and model to encourage sharing and contributions enrichment
\item[] \includegraphics[width=20px]{images/icons/globe.png} \; Increasing geolocation coverage
\item[] \includegraphics[width=20px]{images/icons/zoom.png} \; Global filtering capabilities
\item[] \quad - Geolocation: Showing wanted attribute or only on specific region
\item[] \quad - Trendings: Showing only specified taxonomies
\item[] \includegraphics[width=20px]{images/icons/MISP.png} \; Tighter integration with MISP
\item[] \quad - Present in MISP by default
\item[] \quad - Authenticated / ACL enabled version
MISP-Dashboard can provides realtime information to support security teams, CSIRTs or SOC showing current threats and activity by providing:
\item Historical geolocalised information
\item Geospatial information from specific regions
\item The most active events, categories, tags, attributes, ...
\vskip 0.5em
It also propose a prototype of gamification of the platform providing incentive to share and contribute to the community

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6.0-misp-dashboard/misp.pdf Normal file

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\title{MISP Dashboard}
\subtitle{Real-time overview of threat intelligence from MISP instances}

a.1-devintro/content.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
% This is included by the other .tex files.
\frametitle{Some things to know in advance...}
\item MISP is based on PHP 5.6+
\item Using the MVC framework CakePHP 2.x
\item What we'll look at now will be a quick glance at the structuring / layout of the code
\frametitle{MVC frameworks in general}
\item separation of business logic and views, interconnected by controllers
\item main advantage is clear separation of the various components
\item lean controllers, fat models (kinda...)
\item domain based code reuse
\item No interaction between Model and Views, ever
\frametitle{Structure of MISP Core app directories}
\item Config: general configuration files
\item Console: command line tools
\item Controller: Code dealing with requests/responses, generating data for views based on interactions with the models
\item Lib: Generic reusable code / libraries
\item Model: Business logic, data gathering and modification
\item Plugin: Alternative location for plugin specific codes, ordered into controller, model, view files
\item View: UI views, populated by the controller
\frametitle{Controllers - scope}
\item Each public function in a controller is exposed as an API action
\item request routing (admin routing)
\item multi-use functions (POST/GET)
\item request/response objects
\item contains the action code, telling the application what data fetching/modifying calls to make, preparing the resulting data for the resulting view
\item grouped into controller files based on model actions
\item Accessed via UI, API, AJAX calls directly by users
\item For code reuse: behaviours
\item Each controller bound to a model
\frametitle{Controllers - functionalities of controllers}
\item pagination functionality
\item logging functionality
\item Controllers actions can access functionality / variables of Models
\item Controllers cannot access code of other controller actions (kind of...)
\item Access to the authenticated user's data
\item beforeFilter(), afterFilter() methods
\item Inherited code in AppController
\frametitle{Controllers - components}
\item Components = reusable code for Controllers
\item Authentication components
\item RestResponse component
\item ACL component
\item Cidr component
\item IOCImport component (should be moved)
\frametitle{Controllers - additional functionalities}
\item code handling API requests
\item auth/session management
\item ACL management
\item API management
\item Security component
\item important: quertString/PyMISP versions, MISP version handler
\item future improvements to the export mechanisms
\frametitle{Models - scope}
\item Controls anything that has to do with:
\item finding subsets of data
\item altering existing data
\item inherited model: AppModel
\item reusable code for models: Behaviours
\item regex, trim
\frametitle{Models - hooking system}
\item Versatile hooking system
\item manipulate the data at certain stages of execution
\item code can be located in 3 places: Model hook, AppModel hook, behaviour
\frametitle{Model - hooking pipeline (add/edit)}
\item Hooks / model pipeline for data creation / edits
\item beforeValidate() (lowercase all hashes)
\item validate() (check hash format)
\item afterValidate() (we never use it \item could be interesting if we ever validated without saving)
\item beforeSave() (purge existing correlations for an attribute)
\item afterSave() (create new correlations for an attribute / zmq)
\frametitle{Models - hooking pipeline (delete/read)}
\item Hooks for deletions
\item beforeDelete() (purge correlations for an attribute)
\item afterDelete() (zmq)
\item Hooks for retrieving data
\item beforeFind() (modify the find parameters before execution, we don't use it)
\item afterFind() (json decode json fields)
\frametitle{Models - misc}
\item code to handle version upgrades contained in AppModel
\item generic cleanup/data migration tools
\item centralised redis/pubsub handlers
\item (Show example of adding an attribute with trace)
\frametitle{Views - scope and structure}
\item templates for views
\item layouts
\item reusable template code: elements
\item attribute list, rows (if reused)
\item reusable code: helpers
\item commandhelper (for discussion boards), highlighter for searches, tag colour helper
\item views per controller
\frametitle{Views - Types of views and helpers}
\item ajax views vs normal views
\item data views vs normal views vs serialisation in the controller
\item sanitisation h()
\item creating forms
\item sanitisation
\item CSRF
\item algorithm for checking if a user has access to an attribute
\item creator vs owner organisation
\item distribution levels and inheritance (events -> objects -> attributes)
\item shorthand inherit level
\item sharing groups (org list, instance list)
\item correlation distribution
\item algorithms for safe data fetching (fetchEvents(), fetchAttributes(),...)
\frametitle{Testing your code}
\item funtional testing
\item impact scope
\item view code changes: only impacts request type based views
\item controller code changes: Should only affect given action
\item model code changes: can have impact on entire application
\item lib changes: can have affect on the entire application
\item Don't forget: queryACL, change querystring

a.1-devintro/logo-circl.pdf Executable file

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a.1-devintro/misp.pdf Normal file

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a.1-devintro/misplogo.pdf Executable file

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a.1-devintro/slide.tex Normal file
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\definecolor{main}{RGB}{47, 161, 219}
\definecolor{textcolor}{RGB}{128, 128, 128}
\definecolor{background}{RGB}{240, 247, 255}
\title{MISP core development crash course}
\subtitle{How I learned to stop worrying and love the PHP}

a.1-devintro/x-isac-logo.png Executable file

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
# #
slidedecks=("0-misp-introduction-to-information-sharing" "1-misp-usage" "1.2-misp-integration" "1.1-misp-viper-integration" "1.2.1-misp-integration-mail2misp" "2-misp-administration" "3-misp-taxonomy-tagging" "3.1-misp-modules" "3.2-misp-galaxy" "3.3-misp-object-template" "6.0-misp-dashboard" "a.0-contributing") slidedecks=("0-misp-introduction-to-information-sharing" "1-misp-usage" "1.2-misp-integration" "1.1-misp-viper-integration" "1.2.1-misp-integration-mail2misp" "2-misp-administration" "3-misp-taxonomy-tagging" "3.1-misp-modules" "3.2-misp-galaxy" "3.3-misp-object-template" "6.0-misp-dashboard" "a.0-contributing" "a.1-devintro")
mkdir output mkdir output
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